Farsi Christian Hymnals & Poetry - سرودهاى مسيحى فارسى
Masters of Persian Music: Mohammad Reza Shajarian, Lotfi, Hossein Alizadeh, Kayhan Kalhor, Homayoun Shajarian

Love of Christ - a Liberating Love

Persian Poetry by Gherajeh Da'aghi about Jesus Christ, a Loving Savior
... O How Fortunate those who recognize and accept the Liberating Love of the Prince of Peace, Savior of the World, Jesus Christ.

Jesus is the Ture and Liberating Love of God What a World It Would Be if Jesus is its Guide and Master

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Persian Christian Poetry ... | Christ - Liberating Love | Farsi Hymns | Holy Spirit | Mesiah Has Come | Miracle of Cross | The Word | Love | A Christian Wedding | Isa King & Saviour | Freedom!! ... آزادی

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