How Do Christians Fast? What is Christian Fasting?
روزه در مسيحيت به چه صورتی است؟
Persian Christian Soft Rock & Roll from Nejat Band - A new Generation of Iranian Beleivers Praising Christ with Their Music - Blessing of Love CD, Soft Rock & Roll for Farsi Speaking People of Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Turkey, Tajikistan, Europe, Asia & US

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Directory of Persian Restaurants in Colorado


Persian & Middle-Eastern
سوپرماركتهاى ايرانى

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  • Colorado


    Arash Market - سوپرماركت آرش New Location for Arash Iranian Super Market in Denver Aurora Colorado

    Located East of Denver with easy access from IH225 & Colorado Blvd, providing all your grocery needs, music, tickets to local events and more.
    A large variety of fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as Persian Cheese & Ice Cream.

    2720 South Parker Rd, Aurora CO 80014
    Iranian Supermarket Phone Number in Denver (303)752-9272

    Zaytoon International Market - سوپرماركت زيتون

    International and Iranian market in the Greater Denver area.

    Zaytoon has a wide selection of fresh fruit, vegetables and 100% fresh halal meats and many other ethnically diverse prodcuts. The deli also serves fresh and tasty cooked foods and sandwiches, also 100 % halal/zabihah and resonably priced.

    13736 E. Quincy Ave. Aurora, CO 80015
    On the southeast corner of Parker and Quincy (near I-225 and Parker).
    Zaytoon Iranian Supermarket Phone Number in Denver (303) 209-0126

    Directory of Persian Restaurants in Colorado

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    Days: Year 2572 Countdown - Iranian New Year 1392 ... NowRuz - Persian New
    // end script --> } setTimeout("countdown()",500); cl.days.value=count; count=Math.floor(count/24); cl.hours.value=convt2st(count%24); count=Math.floor(count/60); cl.mins.value=convt2st(count%60); count=Math.floor(count/60); cl.secs.value=convt2st(count%60); } return; cl.secs.value="--"; cl.mins.value="--"; cl.hours.value="--"; {cl.days.value ="----"; if(count<=0) count=Math.floor((eventdate.getTime()-d.getTime())/1000); d=new Date(); {cl=document.noruz_countdown; function countdown() } return s+n.toString(); if(n<10) s+="0" {s="" function convt2st(n)var eventdate = new Date("March 20, 2013 01:14:00 PM EST ");// Wednesday March 20 2013, 07:02:00 AM EST New York Eastern Time// Wednesday Farvardin 1 2572 (1392, 2013) 08:14:00 AM Tehran Local Time
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