Farsi Christian Literature - Free Farsi Book PDF
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Free Farsi Injil Ministry - انجيل فارسی رايگان برای شما و دوستان ايرانی
Farsi (Persian ) Injil (New testament) for Personal use or to share with a Friend/Family

The "Free Farsi Injil" ministry started in 1996 right after the official launch of FarsiNet.com website. Our prayer and goal has been to provide Free Injil (New Testament) to any Iranian, Afghan, Tajik, Turk, Uzbek, ... any Farsi speaking person interested in reading the story of Jesus - or anyone who is willing to share a Farsi Injil with a friend or family member.

Since start of this ministry in 1996, several thousand Injils have been distributed throughout the World and we continue to pray for more opportunities to share the Love and Grace of God (The Good News of Injil) with our fellow Iranians and Farsi speaking Muslim brothers and sisters.

How Can I Get Involved With This Ministry?

  • If you read/speak Farsi (Persian) and do not have an Injil, send us your name and address to receive one - free_bible@farsinet.com
        If you prefer, you may read/print the online version at farsinet.com/injil
  • If you have not seen the Jesus Video, we highly recommend you order The Middle Easter Version of Jesus film. This DVD offers "JESUS" film in 16 languages, including: Arabic, Begali, English, Farsi, French, Hausa, Indonesian, Kurdish, Turkish, Urdu, ... If you can not obtain one, send us an email and we will send you a DVD free_bible@farsinet.com
  • Pray for people involved with this ministry
  • Pray that Injils sent out gets to the hands of people requesting it and that they would read and come to know Jesus
  • If you have received a Farsi Injil, share with us what it has done for you and those who have read it
  • If you live in the Middle East, South America, Asia, Africa or Australia and would like to help with the distribution of Free Farsi Injil contact free_bible@farsinet.com
        We thank God for the faithful volunteers He has provided for this ministry in Central US, Westcoast US, Canada, UK and Denmark
  • If you are praying and looking for a project for your church Youth, Missions or out reach ministries, consider partnering with us in this ministry. If you are involved with a Prison Ministry and have access to Farsi Speaking inmates, we would be glad to provide you Free Injil and Christian reading material.

  • To whom it may concern,

    I am currently meeting with 3 Iranian friends and studying through the Bible with them. I would really appreciate being able to share a Bible with them in their own language, but cannot find a means of attaining one. Is there any way that you all would send an Farsi Injil for my friends? I know that reading the words of God in their own language would be a sigh of relief for them, especially as they continue on this journey of learning more about this man Jesus. I pray that as we continue to meet they would not only find a good teacher, but a Savior. Thank you so much.

    Below is my home address:

    . . . . .
    Austin, TX 78757

    Best regards,
    Suzanne H.


    I do not need one free Farsi Injil (New Testament) but am interested in buying a case. Can you share with me where you get them from or can you sell a case to me?

    I can get an whole Farsi bibles but it seems that there is interest in my area in only the New Testament.

    Thanks, Charley E.
    Union City, California, USA

    Your best bet is the Iranian Christians International (ICI) in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
    We order all our Farsi New testaments from ICI. There are 64 in each box.

    Contact ICI at;

    www.farsinet.com/ici or www.iranchristians.org
    P.O. Box 25607, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80936 USA
    Phone: (719) 596-0010 Fax: (719) 574-1141
    E-Mail: info@iranchristians.org

    Dear Persian Injil,

    I am traveling to Tajikistan in July on a mission for Farmer-to-Farmer (USAID sponsored program) and would like to take a copy of the Persian Bible with me to give to someone that I will meet after my arrival. I don.t know who I will give it to at this time, but trust that the Lord will lead me to the right person that is looking for a Persian Bible. Thank you!

    Very Best Regards, Tim B.

    Stillwater, OK 74075

    Dear Tim,
    We sent you couple of Farsi Injils (New testament), a Jesus DVD, couple of Farsi Gospel of John (pocket size), as well as couple books and a Farsi Christian Worship CD. We pray that all would reach the hands of those the Lord has already prepared their hearts and we praise the Lord for this oportunity to partner with you and what the Lord is leading you to.

    In Jesus' name, FarsiNet Team

    Hello, I am going with a missions team to Athens, Greece to work with refugees from Afghanistan, Kurdistan, Iran, etc...
    We are trying our best to prepare and have been promised 3 translators for the 3 rooms we will be using but we are expecting around 100 children.
    Please tell us how we can get our hands on the Jesus DVD's in Farsi, English-Farsi Gospel Tracts and English-Farsi Bibles.

    Thank you. Stephanie

    I would like to request a copy of the Farsi New Testament on behalf of an Iranian who is in a U.S. prison. Please send this to:

    Dr. J. S.
    ... Arch St.
    Boston, MA 02110

    Thank you for your kind consideration.
    Shalom, salaam, peace and all Good!
    Dr. J. S.

    I just led an Iranian man to our Lord Jesus. He has a brother living with him and wants to tell all of his friends about his new life in Christ. I would love to give them all Bibles, show them the Jesus film and teach them about Jesus. I took the man to church after we prayed and introduced him to the pastors. He is overjoyed!! I cannot afford alot but need to know how much it would cost to buy at least 5. If you could donate any that would really help! Rev. Bobbi

    Rev. B. T.
    Riverdale, MD 20738

    Dear Rev. B. T., We praise the Lord for the opportunity He has provided you to lead this man to Christ and we would be delighted to partner with you in this Kingdom work. 5 Injils (New Testaments) and Jesus DVD is on its way. God Bless, FarsiNet Team

    I am an English speaking person, but I live in a very highly concentrated Farsi area. My neighbor has 3 Persian families who speak Farsi who come to her house that would greatly benefit from a Farsi Bible. She requested me to seek them out for her. I also am in contact when shopping with many Muslim families who speak Farsi. What would you charge me for 3 Bibles? I am also interested to know what you would charge me for Farsi Testaments (or Gospel of John's, etc....) to pass out as we go door to door or out in the market place.

    Thank you!

    Mrs. K. B.
    Arlington, TX 76013


    my name is amir and i am new christian. i was wondering if i can get a copy of your Farsi bible.

    my address: ...... Tallahassee, FL, 32304
    cell phone: ........


    Hello. My name is C. B. and my husband is from Afghanistan. I am also learning Farsi, and we do not have a copy of the Injil. I would love for him to be able to read it in his own language. (although I have my own in english.)

    my address is
    ......, Idaho 83201

    Thank you!

    Hello, My name is Suna living in Florida. USA.

    I have a friend who is persian, and few days ago, I explained about Jesus. She seems understand about Jesus, but still not sure about him. So I would like to give her a bible for more understanding about Jesus.

    If you do not mind, please send me a farsi bible and any other brochures if you have some.

    My address is
    Gainesville, FL, 32608

    I look forward to getting it as soon as possible.

    Thank you. Suna.


    Can you send a Farsi Bible.

    This is for my Persian friend, V., who is Bahai but is open to study the Biblical Christ

    J. S.
    Jacksonville, FL

    Let me know how much per copy because I may want more in the near future.


    Please send me one copy of Persian Injil for a gift to one of my Iranian professors at ..... School of Medicine. He is culturally Muslim and has a daughter who became a Christian. I am not sure if he is estranged from her because of her conversion, but he speaks of her with a sadness in his voice. I have wondered throughout this year if she has ever had the opportunity to share the Gospel with her dad. Perhaps he has not heard, and I would like to give him a copy of an Injil in his native language. If you could also pray for him. his name is Dr. .... My home address is as follows:

    K. T.
    ...... GA 30064

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    I am a Persian girl and currently studying in Australia. I am interested in receiving your free Persian (Farsi) Bible and any other resources (Jesus DVDs) that you may have available.

    Thank you so much for your help. My address is: ......., Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

    Thanks again for your help and God Bless your ministry. Sincerely, P.S


    can you please send me a free copy of Farsi (Persian) New Testament? It is not for myself. It is for my dentist who is from Iran. I am a Christian and have had several opportunities to witness to her and would love to present her a New Testament in her own language. I don't have a lot of money or I would buy one.

    Please send to: ..... Houston, TX 77025 and I will distribute to her as soon as possible. Thank you! -S.

    Shalom friends!

    I work with Jews for Jesus headquarters in San Francisco, and we recently met a young girl who speaks Farsi and is very open to the gospel. She asked if we could provide her with a New Testament in farsi. Would you be willing to send that to on her behalf at the address below?

    Jews for Jesus
    60 Haight Street
    San Francisco, CA 94102


    Dear Sir,

    I am an American attending classes in India. I have several Iranian classmates and would greatly appreciate if you could send me 2 or 3 Farsi New Testaments.

    My address is Travis.....,
    .... Haryana 122002, India

    Thank you so much; but if the shipping charges are too much--could you then please inform me on where I could get some Farsi New Testaments in India?

    May God Bless you as you strive to declare His glory among Farsi speaking peoples!

    Der Sir/Madam,

    I am a contractor currently serving in Afghanistan as a Farsi/Dari interpreter. I am interested in receiving your free Persian Bible and any other resources that you may have available. I am not allowed to prostheletize; however, I would like to be able to have your resources as a possible witnessing tool for any of the local people I meet who express an interest in the Bible and Jesus. Thank you for all your help. My address is ...

    Thanks again for your help and God Bless your ministry.
    Sincerely, S. K.

    Hello S.,
    A Box of Farsi Injils, Jesus DVDs, Farsi books, Farsi Praise CDs + our prayers are on their way.
    God Bless, FarsiNet
    Hello S.,
    I pray and hope you are blessed with His Grace and Love in Good Health and safety.
    I also pray that the pkg arrived and that He has/will provide the opportunities to share.
    Let me know if anything else is needed. God Bless, FarsiNet

    I work with a ministry who ships 20 tons of Christian literature overseas every week. We are called Love Packages (www.lovepackages.org).
    I am writing to ask for Farsi New Testaments that you would be willing to donate for our organization to ship to those who could use and desperately need these. We can use as many as you can give us, even by the case. Thank you.

    220 Union St.
    Butler, IL 62015

    Hello Jason,
    We would love to partner with Love Packages ministry. We sent you two boxes of Persian (Farsi) Injil (New Testament). These Injils would be suitable for people of Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan and many Farsi Speaking imigrants in Asia and Europe. May the Lord bless the "Love Packages" ministry richly. FarsiNet Team

    We have a Persian man attending our rural Methodist church. He is married to an American. I have downloaded some material from Farsinet and shared with him. Today his son accepted Christ. I want the Persian man to have a Farsi NT. I tried to buy one via International Bible Society but couldn't find just the NT.

    Please send one of your free NT (Injil) in Persian to:
    B. L. F.
    Pembroke, GA 31321

    My telephone number is ***-***-**** if you have any questions. I'll look forward to hearing from you, soon.

    Thanks, Blair

    Hello B.,
    Thanks for sharing How our Lord is drawing Iranians to Himself and we thank God for blessing your church with the Joy of being a part of His Kingdom work. Our God is an Awesome God!!

    We will send you couple of Injils (Farsi new testaments) and Jesus DVD and tracts to share with his father. God Bless and we praise the Lord for His Love and Grace, FarsiNet Team

    An Iranian couple (friends of ours) recently received Christ and both are ready to grow in their faith. She is from a Shi’a background and he, from what I can tell, comes from a less religious background. I am having difficulty finding an Iranian (Persian / Farsi) Bible. Previously I had ordered one, but it seems it was in an older style Farsi and, therefore, not something easily (read, enjoyably) read. Any help you could provide would be surely appreciated. And, of course, any kind of follow-up materials would be sincerely appreciated as well.

    Delray Beach, FL 33444 - USA

    A package of couple of Injils, some Christian books, Jesus DVD and Farsi Christian Worship Music CDs and Tracts + our prayers and gratitude for God's Kindgom work in your midst is on its way. In Jesus Love, FarsiNet Team


    We are a christian couple in Finland, We have worked as a wolunteers in a Red Cross's refugee center. There are 160 people, mostly of Iraq and ´Somalia and Iran, that center has been opened in the spring 2009. We have bought them Bibles etc, with our own money and we have also get support from our christian friends.

    We have bought farsi Bibles, from Finland ( Avainmedia) but they are expensive there ( more than 15 euros). So we ask, if we could have Farsi New Testaments from you? Now Iranians and Afghans have taken all christian material, which we have given.

    S. & P. - Korkeakoski - Finland

    Dear S. & P.,
    Hello and thank you for sharing the news of God's work in Finland with us.
    We would be proud and blessed to partner with you to share God's Love with Muslims in Finland. We would like to set up a Persian (Farsi) Christian Library in the refugee center if possible. We will send you a box of Farsi Injils, Christian books, Jesus DVDs, Farsi Worship music CDs, Worship Hymnal manuals, tracts and more. We will also send you more farsi Injils from our London office to share with our Iranian brothers and sisters. May our Lord bless you with much more of His Kingdom work for reaching out to His Children. In Jesus, FarsiNet Team

    A lady in hospital visits only speaks Farsi. My friends don't have a computer, so I am writing for them. They would like to witness to this lady. If you have something of the Bible to help them, this would be wonderful. They are solid soul winners....diligent in the Lord's work. Thank you. Mrs. Joyce
    Mrs. Joyce. - 2 Injils (New testament), a Jesus DVD, A farsi Praise Music CD and some tracks and books are on their way. God Bless, FarsiNet

    Hi There,

    I hope everything is going well for you. I am interested in exploring the Christianity, and was so happy to find your guys website. I am wondering if you would be kind enough to send me Farsi Bible, "Engil", and the DVD regarding Jesus Christ.

    God Bless, B. H.

    Hello. I have a friend who has tried to read the Bible in English but isn't getting very far. He has agreed to read it if I can get him one in Farsi. I am also interested in the Jesus film. How can I order these?

    Thank you, Rachelle

    Send us your address and we would be glad to send you a Farsi Injil (New Testament),a Jesus DVD and some Farsi Tracts. God Bless, FarsiNet Team

    Some time ago you sent me some Injils from your London office. They were gratefully received and distributed immediately to our study group which is made up mainly of Iranians. This work is growing rapidly and we now need more, if at all possible - as many as 20 would be amazing! If you have any other Farsi teaching books, CDs etc. they would be gratefully received as well. (I was sent several copies of the Jesus DVD and still have some of those left).

    I work as a volunteer with the Iranian community for my local church; details of which I can share with you at a later time, if necessary. My own resources are very limited as I only work in a paid job for a few hours a week. However, if I can afford it in the future, I would hope to donate some money to your organisation as I really believe in what you are doing.
    Thank you and God bless you. H. from Europe

    Hello H.,
    Good to hear from you and praise the Lord for what He is doing among Iranians in your area and we thank God for the opportunities He is providing you (and FarsiNet) to be a part of His Kingdom work.

    I am sending you a box of Farsi Christian books, tracts, worship CDs and documentary DVDs. Our London Office will send you more Injils and Jesus DVDs.

    Due to the cost of shipping and cost of the material - I am sending you one copy of each book/CD/DVD. Here is what has worked well for other mission orgs and Churches that minister to Iranians.

    1. Set up a library of Farsi Christian Books, Music CDs, DVDs, ...
    2. Give each seeker a copy of Farsi Injil and a copy of Farsi Christian tracts (all Farsi tracts can be copied for distribution)
    3. Encourage them to come to Church/Bible Study to borrow books, CDs, DVDs from the Library and return after a week or so and have a follow-up discussion, group book summary review, etc. as needed and as lead
    4. Once you have a working Library process in place, provide FarsiNet a short report, we will send more books, CDs, DVS and also share your story with Iranian Christian Publishers and encourage them to send more books & resources for your Library
    We have had rather successful similar Libraries in Afghanistan, Cyprus, Greece, New Zealand, UK, Ukraine, ...

    Please pray about it and let me know what you think but Do as the Lord Leads you - since he is doing a great job of using you and leading you. God Bless, FarsiNet

    Hi FarsiNet,
    Thank you so much for the box of books and cds. I'm SO excited about this! I can't wait to set up the library next week!
    I was given a donation to buy some more books so I've ordered a few more from Elam Ministries.
    I'll keep you informed as to how things are going and if you or any of the church over there ever come over to this part of the world you can be sure of a real Irish welcome and hospitality from my husband and myself as well as the rest of the group here.
    God bless you all and thank you again! - H.

    I would like to request for the Free Farsi (Persian) Injil. The purpose of this is to educate myself and my associates. My name and address is as follows: Usman ... - ..., Maharashtra, India.
    If more information is needed please let me know. Looking forward to receive the Injil.
    With kind regards, Usman

    I am an american christian woman married to a muslim man. He is not open to the gospel at this time but I am trying to reach his family for christ. They do not speak english. I need to know who to contact about getting christian tracts, bibles and any other material in farsi. Please email me back and let me know who to get in touch with to order these items. Thank you so much for your time.
    Sincerely; L.
    Send us your address and we would be glad to send you Farsi Injil (New testament), Farsi Tracts, Farsi Christian Books and Farsi Jesus Film DVD. God Bless, FarsiNet
    Thank you so much for getting back to me. My address is ..... Do I need to send money? Please send as many tracts as you can. Maybe 20 or so. I am trying to reach his whole family and friends. Please let me know what I can do to thank you. Thank you for allowing God to use you to spread his word.
    Sincerely; L.
    We sent you a farsi Injil (New Testament), 1 Jesus Movie DVD in Farsi/Arabic/Turkish/... plus some tracts. You can make as many copies of the tracts as you like. No need to send any money. Just remember FarsiNet ministries in your prayers and make sure before anything you also pray for your husband and his family. Pray that the Lord would soften their hearts and open their ears/eyes and hearts so they may hear the Gospel and understand it and come to know Jesus. In Jesus, FarsiNet
    Thank you for everything. I have been praying that god would open up their spiritual eyes and soften their hearts to accept his Truth. I pray almost every day. Would you care to remember them in your prayers also? They are pretty attached to the Muslim faith, but I know the holy spirit can get to them and God can do a miracle. I know you probably have a lot of people to pray for but if you could fit them in I would appreciate it their names are ..... This is my husbands immediate family. He has friends that I am praying for also. Thank you so much for your time.
    Sincerely; L.

    I have been surrounded by many ( 2 families already just after a little of time there are more I am sure) Farsi speaking people and am in need of Farsi tracks and Farsi bibles. Anything that can assist me in sharing with them the love and freedom of Jesus Christ would be great. My address is--
    J. T.
    ..., MD 21075

    Thank you for filling up what is lacking in my ministry, may the Lord Jesus add it to your account.

    I have received what I asked for and abundantly more and am most excited. Thank you for your gift. I will give a testimony after God gives me and my Iranian friends one. Jesus is the LORD!

    I have a neighbor who is Persian and I'm trying to find a church she can attend in San Antonio TX and would also like to give her a Farsi Bible. Please let me know what I need to do to get a Bible for her and any suggestions on Persian speaking Christian Churches in San Antonio. - Thanks, - Jamie A.
    Hi Jamie, Send us your address and we'll send you a Farsi Injil to share. The closest Iranian Church/Fellowship is in Austin. Contact Pastor Iraj of Iranian Church of Dallas for additional info on any ongoing fellowship in San Antonio. - God Bless, FarsiNet

    I would like a Farsi New Testament for my neighbor. She and her family will be returning to Iran soon, so I would need to have one sent to me promptly in order to present it to her. I am quite happy to pay you for it, if you send me a bill. My address is ... Japan.
    Thank you, H.
    Not sure if anyone got back to you with this request? Did you receive a Farsi Injil already? If no, and your neighbors are still there - let me know and I'll send a Farsi Injil & Jesus DVD promptly. If they have already left and you have their address in Iran, we can send it to them directly as well.
    God Bless and sorry for delay, FarsiNet
    Dear FarsiNet,
    I didn't receive a Farsi New Testament, and I don't have their Iranian address, so just cancel please. I had good opportunity to share with her. Hopefully the planted seed will bring good fruit.
    Thank you, H.
    Yesterday, as I was getting ready to go to post office to send out several Injil/DVS pkgs, I felt I should go ahead and send you an Injil and a Pal Jesus DVD anyway - as if God is planning another appointment for you soon. So, I did. I am sure God will provide the opportunity for you to share with another Farsi Speaking person again - soon. God Bless, FarsiNet

    I teach an ESL class at my church. I have one student who speaks Farsi. I would like to give her a copy of the New Testiment in her language. - Ann H. - Georgia
    Ann, 2 Farsi Injil (New Testament), 2 Farsi Gospel of John, 1 Jesus Film DVD and some tracts to share with your current and future students are on the way. God Bless, FarsiNet

    Hi there. I'm a Persian Jew interested in reading the New Testament. Do you guys happen to know where I can find the Bible recorded on tape or CD in Persian? Thanks! - Sahar
    Sahar Salaam,
    You can listen online and/or order the complete set of Audio Scripture Tapes/CDs or Injil Gooya (Talking Bible) from Audio Scriptures
    God Bless va Khoda Negahdar, FarsiNet

    Dear friend,
    May I request a Farsi Injil for an Iranian friend? Even better would be two copies of Farsi/English Scripture. My wife hopes to begin a Bible study with our friend, and neither of us speaks Farsi.
    Asking the Master to bless you, Jim K. - Jackson, TN 38305 U.S.A.
    Dear Jim,
    Two Side-by-Side farsi-English Persian Injils (New Testament)are on theiur way. We also sent you a copy of Jesus Film DVD as well as some tracts and a Persian book on Christian Denominations and Heresies.

    I am Mohammad H. T., a Muslim, and I need a bible (new and old testaments) in Persian. Is it possible to send me one? If it is, please tell me when I can have it on my mail.
    Thank you - M.H.T
    Mohammad Salaam,
    If you like to down load, print or read the online version of Bible in Persian then visit www.farsinet.com/bible.
    If you would like a printed (hardcopy) version of Bible in Persian or a searchable softcopy on CD then please send us your address and we woul dbe glad to send you one or both as well as a Free DVD of Jesus' life in many languages including Persian (Farsi).
    God Bless, FarsiNet

    Dear Brother/Sister

    At our Methodist Church we have up to 8 Iranian people (Farsi speakers) attending worship and they are becoming a valued part of our fellowship. They have come seeking asylum from the harsh regime in Iran and friends from many churches here support them. Their wellbeing is important to us, and they have requested Bibles.
    I would like everyone to have a parallel Farsi/English New Testament, but failing that a Farsi New Testament. A full Bible in Farsi would be a treasure to be explored as we get to grips with Bible study through interpreters.
    There are 5 (five) people in immediate need.
    My credentials to order on their behalf are that I am the Church Council Secretary and help to manage our Open Doors Project for Asylum Seekers and Refugees.
    Blessings, Stephen R.

    We praise the Lord for what He is doing among our Iranian brothers and sisters and calling them to Himself with His Grace and Love.
    We also thank Him for the opportunities He provides FarsiNet to partner in His Awesome work among Iranians and Muslims. You will receive some Farsi Injils from our office in London. We will also send you a pkg of Farsi/English Injil (New testament), Books, Tracts, Worship CDs from our office in US soon.
    God Bless, FarsiNet
    Dear Brothers and Sisters
    U.S. Parcel of Bibles, teaching books and CDs in Farsi and DVD.

    These have been received...many thanks. I am now looking for resources in Kurdish (Sorani) and having difficulty getting a full Kurdish Bible, Old and New Testaments.
    Our newly baptised Iranian friends are going out and giving Johns gospel to passers-by who are farsi speakers, and are also in our city as asylum seekers. About 80 Iranians by estimate are in Hull. Some have attached to churches or been baptised on confession of faith. Others are already Christians fleeing the regime in Iran. All contacts with you and other bible sources will be useful. The worship CDs are great. DVD in PAL system of USA will not play on our DVD machines in UK. - Stephen R.

    Blessings in the name of our Lord Jesus,
    My parents are Jewish and live in Israel. I would like to send my father and my mother each (they are divorced) a Persian Bible in modern Farsi.
    I am looking for a full Bible that has both old and new testaments. I would like to know how I can get such a Bible in modern Farsi.
    I was searching online and I could not find a full Bible in modern Farsi but only old Farsi translations. Is there any modern Farsi translations? Can you help me please?
    God bless you and thank you for your help. - Elana P.
    Elana Shalom, not sure if anyone has responded to your question or not.
    You can order the Modern Persian Bible from the following:

    Iranian Christians International - ICI = www.farsinet.com/ici
    Bible New Translation (P) - Catalog# 1110045 $10.00 - A paraphrased translation. Published by International Bible Society 1996. 1247p.
    The Bible (P) Standard - NEW - Catalog# 1110043 - $12.00 - Revised Today's Persian Version translation of the Persian Bible. Hardback.
    The Bible (P) Deluxe - NEW - Catalog# 1110044 - $17.00 Revised Today's Persian Version translation of the Persian Bible. Gilt edges/round corners. Hardback.

    The above are also available from Faith and Hope Library - www.farsinet.com/faith_hope.
    The newest translation - New Millenium translation is also available from ICI or Faith and Hope Library.
    God Bless, FarsiNet

    Dear Brother/Sister in Christ
    It is lovely and encouraging to see how Lord working through you, saving souls and changing lives.
    My name is Amir, I am working in London, reaching out to Muslims specially to Farsi speakings from Iran and Afghanistan. As we have book table and giving out Bibles and Christian literature for free, we need lots of Bibles, booklets, tracts, Jesus DVD... .
    As our Church budget is limited to buy this materials, I am wondering if you would like to help us by providing Bibles, Jesus DVDs and Christian literature in Farsi, Dari, Pashton, Turki and Arabic. I will be very appreciate if you reply and see how we can work together for His glory and Kingdom.
    May God bless you - Your brother in Christ - Amir - London
    Amir Salaam,
    I will send you some Jesus DVDs (Pal format), some Dari Injil, Tracts, Farsi Books and Farsi Worship CDs. You will also receive some Farsi Injil from our London office as well.
    God Bless you and your ministry, FarsiNet

    Dear brethren in the Lord.
    I am the pastor of a Greek Christian church here in Warren Ohio (Greek Apostolic Church of Pentecost). Our mother church is in Greece; we just had some visitors from Athens Greece and they tell us they minister to a lot of immigrants and refugees from Asia that speak the Farsi language. These people are very poor, no food and no housing. Most of them sleep out in the streets and have not eaten for days. Our church feeds them by the hundreds, provides blankets, sleeping bags, clothes, and ministers to them the word of God. They need New Testaments in Farsi, they can not spend a lot of money, they would rather spend the money to help the people. Can you supply them with New Testaments? If needed our church can help you and pay for the shipping of the New Testaments to Greece. These people in Athens are receiving the word of God, and they do come to Bible studies that the church organizes.
    God Bless you, - Emmanuel A.
    Hello, Yes, we would be glad to send you some Farsi Injil (New Testament), Farsi Jesus DVD in Pal Format, Farsi Christian Worship CDs, Farsi Christian Tracts & Books.
    Please send us your address and we would be glad to send you the above so you may ship to Greece.
    May the Lord continue to provide you and your Church opportunities to minister to, care for and Love Muslims in General and Iranians in particular, God's Grace, Love & Peace, FarsiNet

    I would love a copy of the Persian New Testament. I am the director of English classes at our church. We serve over 200 students from 36 different countries. We have many students from Iran who speak Farsi. I have Arabic New Testaments that I can give them, but many speak only Farsi. Thank you for a copy. - Sincerely, Lisa S. **** Antioch, TN 37013
    Lisa, I am glad to hear about the great ministry God has blessed your Church with. I'll send you half a dozen Farsi Injil (New Testament), several Jesus Film DVDs which include Farsi/Dari/Arabic/Trkish/... languages, as well as a number of Farsi Christian Books and tracts + several Farsi Christian Worship CDs. God Bless and let us know how we may help your ministry in the future. FarsiNet

    I would like to use this new testament to witness to my boss here at work. I haven't been able to find it anywhere in this language. She received a Jehovah's Witness Bible and when I saw that she was glad to get it, I just knew that I needed to try and get her the Truth.
    Would you please send it to me at - Vivian P. - **** - New York, NY 10036
    I thank you so much for your help. May God bless you. - Vivian.
    Vivian, today we sent you a Farsi Injil (New testament), a Farsi Jesus Story DVD and a Farsi Book on "Christian Denominations and Cults" which explains the belief and origin of Mormons, Jehovah's Witnes, ... - Don't forget to pray for your boss as well - your prayers are more important than any thing you can do for her orgive her. God Bless, FarsiNet

    My name is SSG G. B. in the US Army. I'm currently stationed in *** where there are many Persian Farsi speakers. I am currently running a bible study, but I have no bibles in Persian Farsi (native language). Any help that your organization could aid in my ministry here would be awesome. - G. B.
    Dear SSG Bair Salaam,
    Good to hear from you and learn how the Lord is providing you opportunities to be a part of His Awesome Kingdom work.

    We would be glad to send you Farsi Injil (New Testaments), Farsi Jesus DVD (Pal Format) and some Farsi Christian Worship Music CDs, Books, Tracts.
    You do not need to send any money. It would be a privilege to partner with your ministry.
    May God bless you with a larger role in His Kingdom work among afghan people in 2008 and beyond. God Bless va Khoda Hafiz, FarsiNet

    Dear Farsinet Salaam,
    Thank you again for your support. When I think about giving away the first new testament in Farsi I get so excited. I have built friendships with many *** and know that they will consider it an incredible gift for me to have searched out and given them a new testament in there own language. And I believe that it will sow seed that will reap eternal fruit.
    As of today I am still awaiting the things you sent. I just want to make sure that the adress you had was correct. Thank you for your kindness and support. G. B.

    Bismillah Hirrahman Nirrahim
    Salamun Alaikum
    I'm a Muslim, living in Iran I need a Bible in Persian (New testament & old testament if possible) for my personal sudies obout Christianity. I found your site throw google search. is it possible for you to send me a bible, if possible please reply me at this address.
    May Allah guide us all to the right path
    Dar Panahe Haq bashid - waiting for reply
    thank you - Syed M.
    Salaam, Yes, we will send you a Farsi Bible (old Testament + New Testament) soon. In Jesus, FarsiNet

    Dear Sirs
    I would be very grateful for a copy of the New Testament in Farsi for an Iranian friend called Reza who has been in the UK for a year. His English is obviously very limited and although he is a Muslim, he seemed quite keen to have his own copy of the Bible.
    If you could send it to me, I will make sure he receives it. He has no address anyway but is sleeping on the streets of Croydon.
    Thank you very much. May God bless your ministry. I would be happy to send a #5 postal order donation towards your ministry if you let me have your address.
    Thank you very much. - Yours in Christ - Carolyn A.
    Hello Carolyn,
    We will send you a Farsi Injil (from our London office) and some Farsi books, tracts, Music CD from our US office.
    No need to send any money. We are grateful that God has put Reza on your path and in your heart. Keep him in your prayers and we will lift him up in our prayers as well.
    God Bless, FarsiNet

    I would like to solicit a copy of Persian injil for my study and gift to my Iranian friend because I know a little of Farsi and I want to know about the Iranian Christian Faith. I wait your answer. - Elias P., Buenos Aires, Argentina

    I have an Iranian friend who would like to read the Bible in her own language (Farsi). I saw your offer and would greatly appreciate a copy being sent to me so I might pass it on to her. - Thank you. - Please send to: Karen R., Auburn, Georgia

    Hi. I recived injil. Thank you. Would you please sent to me other version ( if possible). Adress: Iran, Shiraz

    Hello, I am an American Christian woman married to a muslim man. He is not open to the gospel at this time but I am trying to reach his family for christ. They do not speak english. I need to know who to contact about getting christian tracts, bibles and any other material in farsi. Please email me back and let me know who to get in touch with to order these items. Thank you so much for your time. - Sincerely, Lori
    Lori, Send us your address and we would be glad to send you Farsi Injil (New testament), Farsi Tracts, Farsi Christian Books and Farsi Jesus Film DVD. - God Bles, FarsiNet
    Thank you so much for getting back to me. My address is ...Florida, USA. Do I need to send money? Please send as many tracts as you can. Maybe 20 or so. I am trying to reach his whole family and friends. Please let me know what I can do to thank you. Thank you for allowing God to use you to spread his word. Sincerely; Lori
    Lori, We sent you two Farsi Injil (New Testament), 1 Jesus Movie DVD in Farsi/Arabic/Turkish/... ,some Farsi Christian tracts and two Farsi Christian books. You can make as many copies of the tracts as you like. No need to send any money. Just remember FarsiNet ministries in your prayers and make sure before anything you also pray for your husband and his family. Pray that the Lord would soften their hearts and pen their ears/eyes and hearts so they may hear the Gospel and understand it and come to know Jesus. - In Jesus, FarsiNet

    I would like two Farsi New Testaments to give to my 2 Iranian friends, please. Rockville, VA. - Thanks for your ministry! - Tasha


    Siloam Family Health Center is a health care clinic for people who are not able to afford traditional health care. We share Bibles with as many people as we can, but have limited resources. Could we request some Farsi Bibles to be donated to share with our patients?

    Blessings, Deborah S.
    Siloam Family Health Center - Nashville, TN 37204

    Siloam's mission is to share the love of Christ by serving those in need through health care.

    Hello Beroah,
    We are glad and privileged to help any way we can.
    Several Farsi Injils (New Testaments), An Arabic Injil and a Dari Injil are on their way - as well as some Farsi Tracts and 3 Farsi Worship CDs. May the Lord Bless and Increase the Siloam family Health Center's territory in His Kingdom, Amen. FarsiNet Team
    We received the Bibles and literature. Thanks so much for your help! - Blessings, Deborah

    Dear brothers,
    I live in Korostyshev, Zhitomir region. I'm a member of a local baptist church. And an iranian guy works here as a dentist in his private clinic. I would like to give him Injin in Farsi, but I have no idea where to get it. So I found on the Web your site. Could you please send me a copy of Injil. I can pay if needed.

    Address: Ukraine, # Korostyshev, Bolshevitskaya Str #, app. #, Alexei A.

    Hello Alex, we will send you a farsi Injil and some Farsi Christian books and tracts to share with your dentist friend. God Bless, FarsiNet
    Thanks a lot, brother.
    I hate going to dentist. But for this purpose I'll have to :) - Just to give Injil. Pray this guy to accept the gift. - Alex

    I have tried several addreses on the internet and still can not get a testament in Farsi . I have an Iranian next door who wants to know who Jesus is and wants a Farsi testament. I have been reading my bible to him and trying to teach him about Jesus. He said he could understan it better if he could read it in Farsi then study together about it. NO ONE has been able to help me.

    Please could you help me . I believe with all my heart in God the Father and His Son Jesus and If we could get him a Farsi bible or it would be better to have a Farsi testament to start with, it would be easier to teach him if he could read it in Farsi.

    I can not talk in Farsi. I have the Holy bible and testament in English. I would so much appreciate it if you could send me one to give to him. If there is a cost let me know how much, I do not have much money but I will pay for it. God Bless you. - Goldie P. ... Oregon City Or. 97045
    I am praying you will send one soon, Goldie

    Ms. Goldie - A Farsi Injil (New Testament) and some farsi tracts are on their way. Keep praying for your Iranian friend and keep sharing the Gospels with him. God Bless, FarsiNet
    Thank you so very much, we appreciate what you do for so many. - God Bless, Goldie
    My love, & prayers always and forever

    Folks at Farsinet,
    I am a missionary in Norway and was able to obtain a Farsi Bible for an Iranian couple who live near us. Recently, though, the woman's family had to move to Sweden due to unrest in Iran. Her father saw the Bible lying on the coffee table, picked it up and began reading it. He expressed how much he would like to have a Bible in his own language (Farsi).

    Therefore, would you please send him a Farsi Bible? If there is a cost, please let me know. The easiest way is to send it to him is through his daughter whose address I have. Her address is:

    M. B.
    Solbergbekken ##
    1337 Sandvika - Norway

    Sincerely, - Kirk B.

    Hello Kirk,
    A farsi Injil+pslams, some Farsi Christian books and Tracts are on their way to M., also couple Farsi Injils are on their way to your address for future opportunities. - God Bless, FarsiNet Folks

    Hello dear farsinet,
    I have neigbourghs who are from Iran. Can I get get 3 copies of free Farsi bibles for them? You pay also mailing. For me absolutely free as I understand according your advertising.

    T Juha K.
    Tyynylaavankuja # D ##
    00980 Helsinki

    To Whom It May Concern::
    I teach a ladies Bible study. There is a dear Muslim lady (whose language is Farsi) who attends our Bible Study.

    I had asked once before for a free Farsi New Testament which I gave to her. She has accepted the Lord, but has a need for 5 Farsi New Testaments to give to some members of her family and asked if I could get them for her.

    Can you please advise how best I could get these and let me know any amount that would be due so I could give them to her. - Thank you so much.... - Beryl - Bristow, Virginia

    Thanks for sharing the good news of how the Lord is working in your Bible study and how He has captured our sister's heart.
    I will send you 6 Farsi Injils, some Farsi Christian books, tracts and a couple of Farsi worship CDs.
    May the Lord continue to Bless your ministry and do His awesome work among those who do not know Him yet.
    May He also Bless you and your family with a deeper knowledge of His Grace and a closer and more personal experience of His Love. In Jesus, Free Farsi Injil Ministry
    Hi FarsiNet:

    Received the Farsi New Testaments along with the tracks, books and CD's. I will be seeing my Muslim friend this week and will give these to her for her family. - I will be in touch. God bless you.

    Dear madam/sir
    I have read the Farsi bible and I have enjoyed it very much, beautiful translation.
    I would love to receive one free copy of it, and appreciate your kindness.
    My address is: ... 63517 Rodenbach, Germany - Regards, Manouchehr A.

    I would like to offer the Farsi New Testament/Bible to a young Iranian schoolboy who lives near me.
    Mrs. Mary M. A. - ... Glasgow Scotland UK - Many thanks, Mary


    AGNES WATER 4677 QLD Australia

    Dear Dr. Y.,
    We can send you some Farsi Bibles & Injils, Farsi Tracts and Worship Music CDs for your own personal use and to share with Iranians God sends your way.
    Majority of Iranian Pastors recommend giving Injil to seekers and new beleivers otherwise it could be a long and confusing experience reading thru the Old testament to get to the Gospels.
    In any case, we will be sendng you couple of NIV Full Farsi Bible, 1 Old Translation Farsi Bible, several Injil Sharif, some Worship CDs, Books and tracts.
    May God continue to bless you with the opportunities to be a part of His Work among our Iranian brothers and sisters. - In Jesus, FarsiNet

    may GOD bless you my dear brothren and sisters in jesus ! meybe please send holy bible for us in iran !about 10 !
    .... ..... ...... ..... ..... Gilan, Iran ....
    Dear brother in Christ M. - we have sent you Farsi Injils and books from different locations in US and Europe - with prayers that they would all get to you. We will continue to send more Injils and books. Let us know if any of them get to you. God Bless, FarsiNet

    Dear FarsiNet,
    Once more we have fulfilled all the requests for Injils that we have received, so please send some more to us as you can. We have 18 more Injils left.

    The goal of the program was to introduce our children to various missionaries and missions projects, so they don't just learn our missionaries, but also learn that they are and can be a vital partner in missions. I'd have to say that this project has had a huge impact on the children, probably more so than any of the projects we have participated in to date.

    I have the privilege of taking the Injils to each classroom every Sunday so that the children can pray over each one (one of your suggestions that has proven to be a tremendous blessing to us!), and to see how the children have taken this project on as their own has been so exciting. I just wish you and all the parents could come and hear them pray so earnestly each week for the safe arrival of each Injil, that each recipient would understand the gospel, and that those who are ordering one for a friend would have the boldness to share the Injil and the gospel.

    We will have some money left from our collections after we have mailed the last Injil. I have to check with my committee, but I think we would like to donate the remainder to your organization towards postage for mailing more Injils or toward a box of Injils to get someone else started in filling orders.

    May the Lord bless you richly for your work for the Kingdom! - Linda @ Meadowbrooke Baptist Church

    Hi my bro how R U?
    I now live in CZECH REPUBLIC. Can you send me some farsi bibles, worship songs, preaching tapes and books. There are a lot of iranians here and I like to share with them as I did with iranians in greece.
    Did you get the Injil & CDs and Books. It was sent several weeks ago. If not please let me know. - God Bless, Amir
    bro how r u?i wish u r ok,im so thanksful i got the stauff also i sent u email that i received it,so maybe it was problem from network,,anyway im so thanksful for everything and may god bless u and be with u and bless ur ministry ur brother in christ hussein bye

    man ye ketab moghaddas mikham, ke ba farsi ghabele fahm neveshte bashe
    tehran, khavaran ave, .... - hazine ham mohem nist - ba tashakor - Majid

    Hello, my name is Natalie. I have a friend from Iran and she would like to have the Bible in Farsi languege. Could you please sand me one Bible to share the Gospel with her. Maybe you have some more litterature in Farsi for her. She is Muslim who would like to know more about our Savior Jesus Christ.
    Please sand the Bible to:
    Natalie ... - .... York Mills Rd., - Toronto, ON
    Thank you

    My 10 year old daughter is teaching herself Persian/Farsi. Amazing, but true.

    She really wants a Persian/Farsi Bible, preferably one that comes with English alongside it. Do you have anything like that? Whatever you have (new or old testament, with or without English) we would appreciate if you could send us one.

    I think we have a budding missionary on our hands. Thank you for your help. - Carlos

    Hello Carlos,
    Good to hear how God calls His people to be a part of His kingdom at different ages and in different ways. I'll remember Natasha in my prayers.

    She should get a Farsi Injil (New testament) from a youth group at a Church in Cheynne Wyoming - several months ago, God put on their hearts to pray for and send Farsi Injils out to Iranians and those asking for it - as a part of their mission learning. They have been helping with FarsiNet's Free Injil Ministry since.

    In addition, we will send Natasha a care package anyone with a burden to understand and reach out the Muslims (Iranians) should have. Dear brother, keep lifting her up in your prayers and keep encouraging her in her listening to God and following God's call with enthusiasm and joy.

    God Bless, FarsiNet Free Farsi Injil Ministry Members

    hi please send me the new testment i will give it to a friend of mine he is really(as we all) need the bible.

    i would like to thank god for your service and thank you very much you do not know how much i was glad when i find your email. god blass you all. my address is
    .... cane ridge road
    antioch,tn 37013.

    Please can you let me know whether you will be able to send me a copy of the New Testament in Farsi for me to give to my Iranian friend, who is making many enquiries about the Christian faith. If so, how long will it take? Please use the address below.
    Thank you, Louise Y.
    ... Alperton, Wembley Middx UK

    I hope you are fine. I am a Muslim and like to have your Bible (old and new testaments). Please send them to my address whcih is:
    S. H. M.
    Dandenong South

    Also you can send any other book you have in Persian or Dari.

    Thank you. With Brotherly Regards - S. H. M.

    Please send me a Persian bible for my Persian friend who has MS and would like to get to know Jesus.
    My shipping address is: ... Carlsbad, CA 92018
    Thank you so very much, DV

    There is a friend of mine with whom I know a persian bible would bless her family's life greatly. Thank you very much! God's word works wonders in us all, and looking to share it with whom I can.
    Many thanks for your offer,
    Jon C.
    Chicago IL, 60656

    please send me a bible to share with my persian friends who are looking for more to their lives.
    Sue G.
    San Ramon, CA 94583

    I supervise all Religious and Volunteer programs in the Los Angeles County Jails. The Los Angeles County Sheriff.s Department operates eight jail facilities which house approximately 20,000 men and women, including many who speak and read languages other than English. These men and women in our custody need religious books, but the Sheriff.s Department does not have any budget for religious materials. We are entirely dependant on donations for the materials which we provide at no charge to our inmates.

    I have just received a request for a Farsi language Bible, and I have none to give. If possible, we would like to take advantage of your generosity, and ask if you can donate a number of copies of the Persian Injil, or full Farsi language Bibles, for free distribution to our inmates and others who request a Farsi copy of the Holy Scripture.

    Your consideration and support is deeply appreciated. If you have any questions, please contact me. Thank you, R. Z., Sergeant
    Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department

    Dear Srgeant R.Z., We have sent you several Farsi Injils (New testament), couple of Dari Gospel of John (for Afghan & pakistani readers) and an Arabic Injil - as well as some Farsi Books and couple of Farsi worship CDs.

    We are glad we can help with this great service. Please let us know if we may provide additional material. - Regards, FarsiNet

    Injil - Good News - Gospel of Jesus Christ
    " زيرا که محض فيض نجات يافته ايد، بوسيله ايمان و اين از شما نيست بلکه بخشش خداست، و نه از اعمال تا هيچ کس فخر نکند."
    For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves,
    it is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one can boast. - Ephesians 2:8-9
    Reload the page for more "Good News"
    Could not open : No such file or directory
    Could not open : No such file or directory

    و ما را مامور فرمود که به قوم موعظه و شهادت دهيم بدين که خدا او را مقرر فرمود تا داور زندگان و مردگان باشد و جميع انبيا بر او شهادت می دهند که هر که به وی ايمان آورد، به اسم او آمرزش گناهان را خواهد يافت - اعمال رسولان فصل 10 آيات 42-43
    He commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that he is the one whom God appointed as judge of the living and the dead. All the prophets testify about him that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name." - Acts 10:42-43

    Injil, Good News for Iranians, Words of Jesus Christ for Salvation of Iranians
    How to be truely Happy and enjoy the Blessings of God in This World, Read What Jesus Says about God's Love for Iranians and God's Plan of Salvation for Persians
    Story of Jesus Christ in Persian According to the Gospel of Matthew
    Story of Jesus Christ in Persian According to the Gospel of Mark
    Story of Jesus Christ in Persian According to the Gospel of Luke
    Story of Jesus Christ in Persian According to the Gospel of John
    [ Injil - Farsi Bible | Gospel of Matthew | Gospel of Mark | Gospel of Luke | Gospel of John

    Please send your questions and suggestions to webmaster@farsinet.com (061807 108929 )
    Spiritual Reflections ... Pastor Iraj Hemati - Iranian Church of Dallas
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