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Worldwide Directory of Iranian Christian Churches in Europe

Directory of Iranian Christian Chuches in Europe  UK England - كليساى ايرانيان در انگلستان

Directory of Iranian Christian Chuches in United Kingdom EnglandDoncaster Iranian Christian Fellowship - كليساى ايرانيان دانكستر انگلستان

Hexthorpe Methodist Church
Hexthorpe, Urban Road, Doncaster DN4 0EP (Directions, Detailed map)

Worship Service: Sundays 13:00 PM
Bible Study: Wednesdays at 12:00
Bible Study, Worship, fellowship: Fridays at 12:00
Prayer Meetings: Fridays at 14:00

Pastor: Rev. John Hatley
pastor Assistant: Gorgin Daniel

Doncaster Iranian Christian Fellowship Phone Number 078 723 34 534 Doncaster Iranian Christian Fellowship

Directory of Iranian Christian Chuches in United Kingdom England Glasgow Iranian Church

Worship Service: Sundays 2:00 - 5:00 PM
Prayer Meetings: Saturdays

1439 Pollokshaws Road
Glasgow G41 3RQ, Scotland, UK

Contact Tel: Glasgow Iranian Church Phone Number 078 301 76 457

Directory of Iranian Christian Chuches in London EnglandIranian Christian Fellowship Chiswick  Iranian Christian Fellowship of  Chiswick
is fully compliant with FarsiNet's Biblically-based Persian/Iranian/Farsi Church listing requirements Iranian Christian Fellowship of London Listing in FarsiNet Worldwide Directory of Iranian Churches is Updated

158 Sutton Court Road
Chiswick, London W4 3HR

Senior Pastor: Rev. Dr. Mehrdad Fatehi

First Service (Persian): Sundays at 10:30 AM
Church Members Service (Persian): Sundays at 12:00 Noon
Armenian-English Service: Sundays at 5:00 PM
Iranian Church of London Chiswick Phone Number 0208 9954966

Directory of Iranian Christian Chuches in North London EnglandIranian Christian Fellowship North London  Iranian Christian Fellowship of  North London is fully compliant with FarsiNet's Biblically-based Persian/Iranian/Farsi Church listing requirements Iranian Christian Fellowship of London Listing in FarsiNet Worldwide Directory of Iranian Churches is Updated

St. Paul's Church, 50 Long Lane
Finchley, London N3 2PU

Senior Pastor: Rev. Dr. Mehrdad Fatehi

Worship Service (Persian): Sundays at 2:00 PM
Iranian Christian Fellowship of North London Phone Number 0208 9954966

Directory of Iranian Christian Chuches in East Sussex United Kingdom EnglandMehr Church  Iranian Christian Mehr Church of Brighton East Sussez UK is fully compliant with Biblically-based FarsiNet
Persian/Iranian/Farsi Church listing requirements New Address and Worship time for the Iranian Christian Mehr Church in Brighton UK England

Worship service: Sundays at 10:30 am
Prayer Matting: Fridays at 7:00pm

Mehr Church Statement of Faith

Address: Holand Road Baptist Church
71 Holand Road
Brighton, Hove BN3 1JN UK

Mehr Church of East Sussex UK Phone Number 01273734570

Directory of Iranian Christian Chuches in United Kingdom England Newcastle Iranian Fellowship

City Church,The Castlegate,
Melbourne Street,
Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 2JQ

Contact Tel: Newcastle Iranian Fellowship Phone Number 019 123 32 288

Directory of Iranian Christian Chuches in United Kingdom EnglandPersian Church of Light, Birmingham New Iranian Christian Church of Light in Birmingham England for Iranians and Farsi Speaking People

کلیسـای فارسی زبان نــور در بیرمینگهام
جلسات پرستش: هر یکشنبه 4:30 بعد از ظهر
کشیش رضا ستوده

Address: Edgwood court Monument Road Birmingham B16 8UU
Worship Service: Sunday at 4:30 PM

Persian Church of Light in Birmingham, UK Phone Number +44 121 6054110 , Persian Church of Noor in Birmingham UK , Webaite:

Directory of Iranian Christian Chuches in United Kingdom EnglandPersian Fellowship of Nottingham

Cornerstone Evangelical Church
Bluecoat Wollaton Park
Nottingham, UK

We meet every Sunday at 10:30am

Persian Fellowship of Nottingham Phone Number 0115-9431858 Persian Fellowship of Nottingham Web;

Directory of Iranian Christian Chuches in United Kingdom England Sunderland Iranian Fellowship

Hebron Church
North Bridge St.
Sunderland, Tyne & Wear. UK

Meetings: Sundays 10:00 AM (mixed), Wednesday 7:00 PM (Iranian)

Sunderland Iranian fellowship Email


Directory of Iranian Christian Churches and Farsi Fellowships in EnglandWorld Harvest Bible Church

We have a large congregation of Persians.
We also have a service in Farsi every Sunday at 12:00 PM and Thursdays at 6:00 PM.

Glenn House,Houston Industrial Estate
Montford St
Salford Quays, Manchester
M50 3AL

Church Contact: Iranian Fellowship at the World Harvest Bible Church 0161 736 9422 ...

How to raise and Discipline your Child according to the WOrd of God, Biblical Wisdom on Fatherhood and Motherhood, A Persian Christian Book by Tat Stewart of Talim Ministries for Iranian Christians
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