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Iranian, Persian Professional and Cultural Organizations (IPCO) - انجمنهاى تخصصى و فرهنگى ايرانيان
Professionnel iraniens et persans et culturels organismes (IPCO)
Iranischer, persischer Fachmann und kulturelle Organisationen (IPCO)

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انجمنهاى تخصصى و فرهنگى ايرانيان
Iranian, Persian Professional and Cultural Organizations

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انجمنهاى دانشجويان ايرانى
Worldwide Directory of Iranian Persian Student Organizations


IRANIAN-PERSIASN CULTURAL FUNDATION"(IPCF) New listing in FarsiNet's Directory of Iranian Students Organizations in Australia

Iranian-Persian Cultural Foundation (IPCF) was registered on 4th October 2000 as a nonprofit* company under the Corporations Law of the Australian Capital Territory **; IRANIAN (PERSIAN) CULTURAL FOUNDATION PTY. LIMITED

IPCF is a nonprofit foundation (founded by Etminan family; Dr Hashem and Mrs Mina Etminan) to Promote Iranian-Persian Culture.

Aim of the Iranian-Persian Cultural Foundation

  • To share the Iranian -Persian culture and language with the people of Australia .
  • In particular it seeks to educate young Iranian Australian in their ethnic heritage, that they may better play their part in Australian Society.
  • The foundation seeks to promote mutual understanding and cultural enrichment.
  • It respects the religious and political beliefs of our multi - cultural & democratic society but does not seek affiliation with any.

Iranian Society of Victoria

Whitehorse Centre. Level 3
Forest Hill Chase Shopping Centre
Canterbury Rd, Forest Hill
Melway 62C2
We are a non profit making, non political, and non religious organisation incorporated in Melbourne Australia. Our efforts, assets, and income are applied to the achievement of the following goals:
  • To promote Persian culture, music, literature and arts;
  • To provide welfare, social services, and support to the Iranian community, in particular, to the disadvantaged migrants, youth, senior citizens, etc;
  • To enhance the employability of the Iranian community;
  • To promote social, recreational and sporting activities; and
  • To liaise with the government and non-government agencies to enhance their understanding of the community needs and to act as a facilitator between these organisations and the Iranian community.

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    Persian Farsi Children Stories - Traditional Children Story in Farsi Teach Persian, Persian Children Story The Golden Chick to Learn Farsi and to Read to Children

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