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Shahnamh - Epic of the Persian Kings by

Hakim Abol-Ghasem Ferdowsi Toosi (940-1020 AD
The World Famous Persian (Iranian) Poet - Ferdowsi

Tomb of Ferdowsi in Toos, Iran, Near Mashhad

The Shahnameh or The Epic of Kings is one of the definite classics of the world. It tells hero tales of ancient Persia. The contents and the poet's style in describing the events takes the readers back to the ancient times and makes he/she sense and feel the events. Ferdowsi worked for thirty years to finish this masterpiece.

An important feature of this work is that during the period that Arabic language was known as the main language of science and literature, Ferdowsi used only Persian in his masterpiece. As Ferdowsi himself says "Persian language is revived by this work".

Scroll down to read the Shahnameh --->
    Feraydun Embraces Manuchehr
  • Descriptions of natural scenery, combat zones, heroes, armies, etc.
  • Interesting exaggerations and innovation in mythical narrative styles.
  • Combination of love stories with the elements of epic.
  • Wise messages and advice found in every story.
  • The harmony between the language and style of speech and the subjects of epics.
  • The eloquence and simplicity of the language.
  • Preservation of many old Persian words.

The great epic poet of Iran came from a wealthy family. He was a true patriot and loved Iran and Iranians. The epic stories which he turned into poetry were sometimes told even before his time. Such stories as those taken from Abu-Mansouri's Shah-Nameh, or others as in Daqiqi's Garshasp Nameh, stories about Rostam and Garshasp family narrated perhaps by "Azad Sarv", and other stories such as "Duel between Bijan and Gorazan", "Story of Alexander", etc. .
Selected samples of his work are accessible in Persian.

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