Geranbaha - an extensive and valuable collection of Iranian Christian Resources and Websites including Worship songs, Worship Videos, and Farsi Bible Studies by Hovsepian Ministry at FarsiNet
Cyrus Charter of Rights of the Nations announced 2500+ years ago and still holds the standard of Human Rights many nations fail

Christmas Mobarak Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2018 Christmas Mobarak
عيد كريسمس - نور جهان تولد يافت
Christmas is The Gift from God to you - Don't leave God's Gift Unopened !!
میلاد منجی عالم عیسی مسیح و سال جدید میلادی ۲۰۱۸ را به شما تبریک می‌گوییم
دعا و آرزوی ما برای شما برکات روز افزون آسمانی می‌باشد

Our Prayers and best wishes for you and your loved ones for a blessed and merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2018 blessed with God's daily prsence, Good Health, Peace, Love, Joy, Plenty of Opportunities to serve in His Kingdom and in return to be blessed with His Awesome Love and Grace. - FarsiNet Team
Tavalod Yaaft Noor'e Jahan - The Ligh of the World is Born - تولد يافت نور جهان - Persian Music from Hallelujah 3

From FarsiNet Team - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2018 to All Iranians, Persians and Farsi Speaking People of Iran, Afghanistan and Tajikistan

Birth of Jesus foretold by Prophet Isaiah 700 years before Jesus Birth of Jesus is announced by the Angel to Mary Birth of Jesus foretold by Prophet Micah over 7000 years before Jesus A Child is born to the Virgin and they will call Him Immanuel
 - God With us
They will call Him Immanuel - which means,"God With us."
Church of nativity in Bethlehem, Palestine, Birthplace of Jesus Prayer of Blessing for a Merry Christmas and happy new Year by farsiNet Team Persian Poetry about the Miraculous Birth of Jesus the World Saviour
Fullness of the Time - Zamane Moayyan - Christmas message from Church of Dallas
What Child is This? - In Cheh Kudakist? - Christmas message from Church of San Diego
Prophecies About Jesus - Pishguieha Darbare Eisa Masih - Christmas message from Church of Dallas

A Palestinian Christian Girl lights candles at the Church of the Nativity in the
West Bank town of Bethlehem

Merry Christmas Greetings and Blessing Wishes from FarsiNet Team

Merry Christmas to all Iranians and especially Ir
anian Christians in Iran, Europe, Asia and US - Milade Masih Mobarak - happy New

شما را مژده اى نيكوست
كه امشب نور مى تابد
كه امشب آن مسيح آيد
فروغ زندگى در اوست
نجات مردمان با اوست
نماد عشق و ايمان و وفاداريست
مسيح امشب تولد يافت

| Home | Jesus Birth Foretold 1 | Jesus Birth Foretold 2 | Jesus Birth Foretold 3 | Jesus Birth Foretold 4 | Who Is Jesus? | Bethlehem (Jesus Birth Place) | Church of Nativity (History) | Church of Nativity (Pictures) | Christmas - Birth of a Spiritual King | Merry Christmas | Christmas Prayer | Wisemen | Easter | Holy Spirit ... | Persian Poetry ( Messiah Has Come, Liberated Love, Holy Spirit, Eisa King & Saviour ) ... Tavalod Yaaft - Mesiah Is Born! Farsi Christian Worship Music, Iranian Gospel Music

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Do Iranian Christians Believe in One God? What is Trinity? What is Taslis? A Book by Society of Persian Christian Studies
AIDS - What YOU Need To Know about AIDS
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