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Worldwide Directory of Iranian Christian Churches in Europe

Directory of Iranian Christian Chuches in Germany  Germany

Alpha & Omega Iran - (Persischsprechende Christengemeinde) - كليساى آلفا و اومگا ايرانيان در هامبرگ آلمان

Gluckstrasse 7
22081 Hamburg

Gottesdienst: Sonntag 15:00 Uhr

Telephone number for Iranian Church of Germany - Frankfurt (+49) -40-329 084 25 Fax number for Iranian Church of Germany - Frankfurt (+49) -40-229-57-58
Email of Iranian Church of Germany - Frankfurt - Website:

Christus Pro Orient e.V (CPO)

Persische Christengemeinde Frankfort
Ludwig Str. 29
60327 Frankfurt, Germany
Worship service: Sundays at 4:00 PM (in Persian (Farsi))
Prayer Meeting: Thursdays at 6:00 PM
Telephone number for Iranian Church of Germany - Frankfurt (+49) 069-954-15639 Fax number for Iranian Church of Germany - Frankfurt (+49) 069-954-16904 Email of Iranian Church of Germany - Frankfurt

Christus Pro Orient e.V (CPO)

Persische Christengemeinde Koln
larenbachstr. 180
50931 Koln/Germany
Worship service: 2 & 4th Saturdays at 4:00 PM (in Persian (Farsi))
Prayer Meeting: Fridays at 6:00 PM
Telephone number for Iranian Church of Koln Germany (+49) 02271-66387

Iranian Christians Fellowship Aachen (ICF)

Persische Gemeinde Aachen
Roemonder Str. 4 Am Pontor
52072 Aachen, Germany
Worship service: Sundays at 16:00 PM Farsi Christian Service in Aachen Germany
Prayer Meeting: Wednsdays at 16:00 PM
Telephone number for Iranian Christian Fellowship in Germany 0049-241-1829180, 0049-221-2977550 Fax number for Iranian Christian Fellowship in Germany 0049-221-4921936
Email of Iranian Christian Fellowship in Germany

Iranian Christians Church of Germany Updated Church email and website for Iranisn Christian Church of Germany in Giessen Germany Pastored by Pastor Bayat

(persisch-Christliche Gemeinde)

World Wide Work among Iranian & Afghans with music concert
A missionary initiative For church services in German (and in Farsi) and Bible contact us

Postal Address:
P.O. Box 100 316
35333 Giessen, Germany

Church Address:
Evangelische Wicherngemeinde
Lincoln Strasse / Trieb 2
35398 Giessen / Germany

If you want to know about our work or you have a prayer request
Please contact us with an email or call us or send a fax

Telephone number for Iranian Church of Germany (49) 641-67496 Fax number for Iranian Church of Germany (49) 641-9718322 Email of Iranian Church of Germany
Website =>

Iranian Presbyterian Fellowship in Europe ( IPF )

IPF has been serving Iranians in Germany since 1991

IPF has weekly service in the following German cities;

  1. Marburg - Every Sunday at 4:00 PM
  2. Hamm - Once a Month
  3. Aachen - Once a Month
  4. Berlin - Every Saturday at 5:00 PM. Every Wednesday Bible study at 5:00 PM.

We have also Social services for Iranian and other Farsi speaking people

Church Address:
Richard str. 97
12055 Neukolln, Berlin Email of Iranian Church of Germany
Telephone number for Iranian Church of Germany +49 30 46456990 Fax number for Iranian Church of Germany +49 30 46456991
For info on Social services and Fellowships contact; Telephone number for Iranian Church of Germany +49 30 68081823 Fax number for Iranian Church of Germany +49 30 46456874

Iranische Christengemeinde Essen

adelkamp str.101
45147 essen
son:16:00 gottesdienst
don:15:30 frauen treffen
don:17:00 bibel stunde
Fax number for Iranian Church of Germany in Essen 0049-201-6165846 Email of Iranian Church of Germany in Essen
1. Iranische Christengemeinde Wiesbaden e.V.
2. Iranische Christengemeinde Heidelberg & Manheim
3. Iranische Christengemeinde Bochum
4. Iranische Christengemeinde Düorf
5. Iranische Christengemeinde Dortmund
6. Iranische Christengemeinde Bad Kreuznach

Pastor Aramais Gharakhanian
Tel.: +49-6431-9771108 - Contact hours 10:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Mobil: +49-170-6074874
Address: ICW
Postfach 420203
65103 Wiesbaden Germany

Persischsprechende Christen Wiesbaden
( PersianSpeech Christians Wiesbaden)  PCW

Willi-Juppe Str. 13  ,    65199 Wiesbaden

Worship Service (Gottesdienst):    Every  Sunday at 4.00 - 6.00 P.M.

Prayer Meetings ( Gebet Stunde) : Every Wednesday at 6.00 - 8.00 P.M.
Telephone number for Persian Language Christians in Wiesbaden Germany (+ 49) 0611- 9599708   Fax number for Iranian Church of Germany - Frankfurt(+49) 0611 172 4249  Email of Persian Language Christians in Wiesbaden Germany

Persian Christian Fellowship Nuernberg - Germany

Persische Christen Gemeinde in Nuerberg/Munchen
Post: DupSiD
Postfach 700 402
81304 München - Deutschland

Worship Service: Saturdays 5:00-7:30 PM
Telephone number for Iranian Church of Germany +49 (0) 175-620 90 00

Persian Fellowship of Stuttgart

Persische Gemeinde Stuttgart
Diesel Strasse 36
Gospel Forum (BGG)
Worship Service: Every Sunday 5.00 PM
Telephone number for Iranian Church of Germany Fax number for Iranian Church of Germany (0049) 07031- 469 341 Email of Iranian Church of Stuttgart, Germany

Christliches Zentrum Mainz (Persisch-Internationale Gemeinde)

Weber Strasse 8
55130 Mainz Germany

Gottesdienst : Sonntags um 10.00 Uhr
Gebetstunde: Donnerstags um 17.00 Uhr

Telephone number for Iranian Church of Germany in Mainz Fax number for Iranian Church of Germany in Mainz Internet Telephone: 03221 - 1238100 email for Iranian Church of Germany in Mainz

The Light and Hope Iranian Church

Postfach, Bad Kreuznach, Germany

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 The Eternal Christ and Saviour of the World Jesus Persian Poetry, farsi Poetry by Vaziri on the Eternal Christ mankind Hope and Gods Love and Grace on Earth

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