Iranian Praise & Worship Music by Sarah at FarsiNet, Farsi Gospel Music by Sarah, Glibert Hovsepian, Rev. Jalil Sepehr, Felix Amirian, Qader Eshpari, Farsi Christian Music by Sarah of the Iranian Church of California
Happy Easter, Happy Resurection Day, Jesus' Empty Tomb is the main Principle of Our Belief as Followers of Jesus Christ, He has Risen, He is Alive and overcame Death so We may Have Ethernal Life, He died for our Sins on the Cross and after 3 days rose from Death, His Empty Tomb is the Sign of Our Hope & Victory

Persian Christian Radio and TV

راديو و تلوزيون مسيحى فارسى

SAT-7 PARS - 20 Hours of daily Farsi TV Broadcast

SAT-7 PARS was launched on December 18, 2006, but the ministry initially began Farsi (Persian) broadcasts September 12, 2002 on SAT-7 ARABIC. SAT-7 PARS is a 24/7 channel which provides a vital platform for Farsi speaking Christians who live in Iran and the wider Persian world (including Afghanistan and Tajikistan). “PARS” is a Farsi word which indicates the Persian culture, and the channel is operated by Persian Christians who feel it is vitally important to support the work and witness of Iranian churches. SAT-7 PARS reaches viewers who seek basic knowledge about Christianity and those who need encouragement in their Christian faith. Each day the channel airs specific blocks of original programming for children, youth, and women, as well as teaching programs for a general audience. Click on the links below to find out more about SAT-7 PARS.

SAT-7 PARS broadcasts from Eutelsat Hot Bird 6 at 13º East, (Frequency 11.462 GHz, Vertical Polarity, 27.5 MSym/sec, FEC ¾).

SAT-7 PARS can be watched 20 hours a day.
Four hours of Turkish programming, provided by the independent Christian ministry TURK-7, also air each day on PARS frequency.

Opportunities at SAT-7 PARS

Audience Relations Manager: SAT-7 PARS

Working for the Executive Director, ensure

  • co-ordination of SAT-7 responses to our audience including contacts made through letter, email, website, chat rooms, SMS, phone and to our counselling centres (operated by partners)
  • co-ordination with producers over audience participation in programs (competitions, request shows and phone in)
  • development of new technologies, social networking, VOIP and other means of interacting with audiences.
Should have fluent Farsi / English with skills in customer service and marketing, and some theological training with a real desire to see people discipled and developed as Christians. Able to work with a team of people based in Cyprus and Europe.

Apply through or contact

SAT-7 PARS - Broadcast Schedule

Contact Iranian Christian TV and Radio Send your questions and comments to
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What is Christian Fasting - Rozeh Masihi Cheest?
Iranian Praise & Worship Music by Sarah at FarsiNet, Farsi Gospel Music by Sarah, Glibert Hovsepian, Rev. Jalil Sepehr, Felix Amirian, Qader Eshpari, Farsi Christian Music by Sarah of the Iranian Church of California
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