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Hi, Can you tell me please how to write in Farsi this? Yiannis and Stella together forever. Thank you very much. Stella, Here are some suggestions: Yiannis va Stella Ba Hamdigheh Barayeh Ham'misheh
ايانيس و استلا با همديگه براي هميشه Hello" My Name Is Moises And I Have Two Question :
Sincerely Your Brother In Christ, , , Mr. Moises New York State , USA Answer:
In Jesus Love, Shalom, Amir Hello, I just wanted to leave a comment commending you on your fantastic website. I am an Australian media student and was researching the language of Iran. Many people in the west seem to think Iranians speak Arabic (as did I). Your website has taught me much about the Persian/Farsi languages. I hope many more people will benefit from your website. Thank You, Paul Miles Hello Paul (Salaam Pooles - in Persian/Farsi) Glad you have found the information at FarsiNet useful - one of our major goals is to introduce Iranians, Iran and its history, Culture and Heritage to the World. - Regards, Amir Dear Friend, I live in Oman, can you send me some praise and worship in Farsi? - Peter Hello Peter, Yes, of course. We will send you several of rather popular Persian (Farsi) Praise & Worship CDs (Worship CD from Iranian Church of Dallas, Hallelujah Worship CD, & Ligh In The Darkness CD), as well as some Farsi Injil and tracts. God Bless, Nader Hello, I always thought your site is something else, but today I saw a link from your site for : HOW TO BECOME A MUSLIM I can't believe you let this link in your site, does that mean they paid you ? I hope they did, even though this will confuse people and let satan take the confused souls with him to hell and you will have a part in this, you have to answer to GOD for what you do on earth. Either islam is right or Jesus , they can't be both right, I hope you know that, if not, I encourage you to do a little research, koran denies the death and ressurection of Jesus Christ and as we all know, this is the core of christianity. please reconsider before you lose the chance for ever. A saved soul by Jesus ( I was a drug addict Muslim 8 years ago and Jesus saved me by a miracle and I know thousands of miracles are being done every day ) God bless those who guide people into the light not the darkness with love of GOD in Christ the saviour- H. Y. Dear H. Y. Salaam, Merci for your comments and feedback. Regarding ads on FarsiNet - we do have a lot of control but not 100%. Some of the Ads on FarsiNet are displayed by "Google", "Yahoo" or "Amazon" - these ads have a small comment somewhere that says so, for example "Ad by Google". These ads are automatically placed on a page based on the content of the page and the keywords the Ad was assigned to. Some times, Ads do end up on the wrong page or the content of a page is mis-interpreted. When/if we find ads by a company that is not appropriate for FarsiNet - we can request their Ads not to be placed on FarsiNet anymore. If you had sent me the URL (web address) of the site you mentioned (how to become a Muslim) - I would have check it and add it to our block list so their ad is not displayed on our site any more. Of course, its very clear that FarsiNet is an Iranian Christian Website, although we do have some non-christian content (Noruz, Persian Cat, Persian Carpet, Persian Caviar, Persian Poetry, ZanAmu, Travel 2 Iran,....). Our prayer has been that any content and links in FarsiNet to be a blessing to the visitor to come to know Jesus. There are some organizations and individuals who have tried in many ways to hinder God's work thru Farsinet and our only and best defense is our prayers. Some have attacked FarsiNet server from Iran and other Muslim countries but our prayers in the name of Jesus has saved the website over and over. Others have tried to place pronographic material on FarsiNet by various methods - again our prayers and daily reliance on the Holy Spirit has protected the website and our visitors. So, please keep FarsiNet and all the people who help with this ministry in your prayers and if you see improper Ads on FarsiNet - click on the Ad and get their web address ( for example www.howtobeamuslim.com) and send it to us for immediate action. Thanks, God Bless and In Jesus, FarsiNet WebMaster Hello, Great site, I could spend days surfing your site. We are a new online business providing service to Iranians who live outside of Iran. We would like to advertise on your site. How can we do this? Do you offer banner exchange? Hamid Hosseini Hamid Salaam,
To determine the potential for a banner exchange we check your site popularity (# of links to your site from major search engines like google, yahoo, MSN, AOL, ... + all other links to your site from other sites). If your site popularity is close to FarsiNet's (100,000+), we would offer you the banner exchange. If your site traffic and site popularity is low, we will not be able to offer you our banner exchange program but we offer you the following 3 options:
Hi - I was so surprised to see an Iranian site like yours. I am impressed with your Mission statement and what you stand for. Awesome! I am not a religeous person but I even enjoyed some of your Christin content. - Nasrin of Tokyo Hello. I stumbled across your web page while researching the true origin of Good friday and of Easter. I did not know there were Persian Christians (please forgive my ignorance). FarsiNet web site shows there are a true group of believers who are Persian. Please let me know who you are and your origin. Also do you have any information regarding the term "Good Friday" and the term "Easter." Best regards, Lemuel - Temecula, California Hello Lemuel, As you may know, Iran used to be called Persia up to 1935 - at that time its name was changed to Iran. (http://www.farsinet.com/farsi/). So, Persians are Iranian but not all Iranians are Persian. Each Time Iran was conquered by a new king or a new empire, some of those folks stayed behind and created a pocket of Arab Iranians, Mongol Iranians, Turkish Iranians, Kurdish Iranians, .... Persia played a major role in the Old testament - read Daniel, Esther, ... (http://www.farsinet.com/iraninbible/) In the new testament era - On the day of Pentecost, there were several groups from Iran (perhaps Jews who stayed in Iran after Cyrus freed them from Babylon) mentioned in the Book of Acts 2:5. So, there are several Iranian Christian groups that go back to the day of Pentecost. Some writings suggest that those Persians who were present on the day of Pentecost, accepted Christianity and Jesus as the Messiah and went back to Persia (Iran) and started the Christian movement that grew up to the conquer of Iran by Muslim Army in 7th century. Many of these orthodox Christian groups as well as the Catholic believers were co-existing with their Muslim country folks till Islamic revolution happened in Iran in late 70s. In the past 25 years of Islamic government in Iran, majority of the orthodox Christians (Armenians, Assyrians, Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, ...) as well as a large number of Iranian Catholics and Iranian born again Christians from Islamic, Jewish, Bahai,... backgrounds - all have been forced out of Iran and now live scattered all over the world. In addition to hundreds of thousands of Iranian Armenian, Assyrian, ... thousands of Iranians have embraced Christianity in the past 25 years outside of Iran. To serve the Iranian Christians and to reach out to other Iranians in their communities, 100s of Iranian Christian Churches and Fellowship have taken shape over the last 10 years or so (http://www.farsinet.com/icc/). OK, I hope the above long answer was helpful. As far as the term Good Friday and Easter - they go back to early years of Christianity and do not have anything to do with Persians or Persia - as far as I know. Regards, Amir Dear Farsinet, Greetings from the island of the Philippines in Jesus Name the source of everything.i was able to visit your website and bless so much and encourage. I had felt in my heart the urgency of reaching souls in our island and i believe were living in the last days were people are dying and we can reach them while it is day night will come when no one can work anymore. Thanks for your website its very encouraging.hope you can stand with us or visit our island and be part of What God is doing. Fernando d Impang,jr
From: Michele Jackowsky To: webmaster@farsinet.com Subject: Free Farsi Bible? I read somewhere that I can get a free farsi bible from farsinet. is that true? if yes, how? if the farsi bible, the christian bible or the muslim bible? is there an english & farsi version of farsi bible? Michele, Yes, when we refer to Persian or Farsi Bible we are talking about the Christian holy book (i.e. Bible). Muslim's holy book is called Qur'an. Yes, you can request a free copy of Persian (Farsi) Injil (New Testament) for personal use or to share with an Iranian family or friend. Just send your address to free_bible@farsinet.com. Yes, there is a side-by-side Farsi-English Injil (New testament) that you can order from The Iranian Christians International or Faith & Hope Publishing;
From: Nancy Jenkins To: webmaster@farsinet.com Subject: Travel to Iran Hello. I plan to visit my friend and her new husband and their baby in Tehran. When is the best time to visit? Summer, Winter? Can you recommend a travel agency with branches in Europe? - with thanks, Nancy Hello Nancy, For answer to your questions and other Travel To Iran related questions and list of travel agencies and airlines, hotels, ... visit http://www.farsinet.com/travel2iran/ Any time is a good time to visit your friend in tehran but I suggest Spring or Fall. Air quality is very bad in summer. Some winters, Tehran gets lots of snow. Check with your friends for best time to visit. Enjoy your visit, Nader From: G. from Kashan To: webmaster@farsinet.com Subject: question about cost of living Hello. I plan to stufy in canada for my master of computer. I am programming. Can you tell me how much money i need for 2 years in canada? also thank you for a lot of nice information in farsinet site. - Gilda Gilda salaam, you should ask this question from the university you plan to attend. A large portion of your expense will be your foreign student tution. I would say you need a minimum of $1000/month to cover your tution and other expenses. good luck, Nader From: Mohammad Zamani To: webmaster@farsinet.com Subject: suggestion and comments Hello and congratulations for a well done job with farsinet website. I am surprised that I didn't know about your site till recently. Initially I was very excited having found farsinet but then I started noticing the religeous stuff and that turned me off. I don't think we need any new or different religion. Iranian are in such a bad social and economical shape because of the religeous leaders. I suggest farsinet stick with the cultural and literature content and leave religion for mullahs. Mohammad Z. From: farhad Sepahbody To: webmaster@farsinet.com Subject: Feedback Dear Sir: Farsinet is always a pleasure to visit, it is well conceived, technically superior, highly informative, unbiased and has excellent links. Bravo to You! Best wishes for continued success = Farhad Sepahbody From: O. Bavar To: webmaster@farsinet.com Subject: Very Happy to find you! Salam, I am an Iranian, married to an American and living in Brasil. I was delighted to find such a complete sight (regarding information on Iranian culture, language .....). Through your sight I was able to find dictionaries and children's books that I had been searching for for a long time. I noticed someone asking for a source for Iranian names. I too will have
a second daughter born soon, and am looking for a list of Iranian names.
Can you help me?
Merci for visiting FarsiNet and glad to hear you have found it useful.
There are several sources on Persian Names (for boys & girls) at;
A Collection of Iranian/Persian Names
Iranian/Persian Names - Boys & Girls
Persian Name Books
Khoda Negahdar, Kourosh
very nice site may iob is abaut rugs ciao from pisa italy
Amir's Persian Rugs - Oklahoma, USA
Non sono stato a Pisa ma 2 anni fa ho visitato Venezia.
Ho guidato gių da Graz Austria.
Ho usato www.altavista.com per tradurre da inglese ad italiano.
Spero che abbia fatto un buono lavoro di traduzione.
Avere un giorno grande, Kourosh
Amir's Persian Rugs - Oklahoma, USA
I haven't been to pisa but 2 years ago I visited Venice.
I drove down from Graz Austria.
I used www.altavista.com to translate from English to
Italian. I hope it did a good job of translating.
Have a great day, Kourosh
Do you know where I can find drawings of Haji Firuz? I am doing a
project for my Setaregan Avalien Ghadam program for children and wanted
to get some drawings to make a big picture of it so they will have
something to relate to like Santa Claus. Can you help me out with some
info or direct me to someone who can?
Yours Truly,
Annette Baratifar
You can find 3 samples of Haji Firuz in farsiNet's Norooz Webpage;
I hope these help.
Regards, Nader
Hope it answers your question, Kourosh
It sure does. You have a wonderful web page. My friends & I have been
searching for days & we finally came accross the BEST site.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am searching for persian names(we are going to have a baby soon) and I
came across your webside, but I couldn't found any. I was wondering if you
have any webside that is got persian girl/boy names.
Khoda Negahdar, Kourosh
Can you direct me to a site having an English/Farsi
dictionary or translation? I am looking for the Farsi words
No I am not aware of an online Farsi-English dictionary but maybe I can help.
love (noun and verb forms)
hello - Salam
good-bye - Khoda Hafez
welcome (greeting) - Khosh A'amadid
thank you - Mercy - Tashakkor
peace (noun) - Solh
Khoda Hafez, Nader
my name is faraz monemzadeh and I am a student at san diego state university.
I am full persian but never relly got into the culture, I was just sitting
in my room reading and thought why not go surf the web. And so I came accross
your web page and wanted to condulge you on a very top notch web page.
you have done a good job of keeping it real and realizing the importance of
sharing the persian culture with us young people who are not relly in touch
with our culture.
Thank you!!!!!!
This is an unbelievable website! i am so thrilled to find an organization
like this Online. I have lived in Virginia for most of my life and I feel as
thought there is so much missing from my culture and knowlege of Iran. Thank
you for making it easier for me learn more about our wonderful Country. I
would love to meet the people responsible for this website. It makes me so
proud to be Persian.
Dear Sirs
Dear Sirs
I represent some Australian investors. What avenues are there for
private mining investment in Iran?
Unfortunately I am unable to answer your questions.
Your best bet is "Interest Section of The ISlamic Republic of Iran"
in Washington D.C. or any of other Consulates or Embassies
which you can find a list at;
Or you may contact the Washington D.C. office at;
Best Wishes, Kourosh
your site is nice and everthing, but in the religion section i didn't see
anythink about islam. i mena it is the major religion of all persians.
thanks. peace.
Mercy for visiting FarsiNet and thank you for your feedback.
As I am sure you are aware, there are a dozen or so nicely done and well managed
Islamic WebSites. So, I am sure the religion of the majority of Iranians is well presented
on the net. You can find a comprehensive list of such websites in FarsiNet's
PersianWeb © in Reliogion section;
Over 75% of Webpages hosted at FarsiNet are non-religous. Many of
our pages are the result of someone's research and interest. If, what
FarsiNet has to offer, does not seem interesting to you, Then best of luck
with your journey in the endless CyberSpace, where the technology enables
each one of us, each single individual, to express himself or herself and
cherish the absolute freedom that is a God given right.
We do not have to follow the majority. We do not have to feel ashamed of
our desire to stay free from forced ideologies. We do not have to feel
guilty about following our hearts and our dreams. We do not have to feel guilty of
choosing to represent a minority. We do not have to satisfy everybody.
and we don't. There are a dozen people on FarsiNet WebTeam. I don't speak
for them and they don't agree with all I said above, BUT we all believe
in and understand the market that FarsiNet serves.
Members of the FarsiNet Web Team are Christian, Moslem, Sufi, Buddhist & Bahai. And we don't
have any Bahai, Hindu & Sufi Webpages either. FarsiNet is different and
FarsiNet's market is distinct and well differentiated and I am glad you have noticed it as well.
- Kourosh
My name is Fardin and im from Iran and im living in norway.Ilove to read
iranish and i think its coolto read or learn iranian
By, by
Mercy for visiting FarsiNet and your note.
I am glad to hear you enjoy Farsi and Iranian culture.
Please do come back and visit more of our many Webpages.
Also pass on our URL (www.farsinet.com) to your friends and relatives.
Mercy Va Khoda Negahdar, Kourosh
My name is Amir and I am trying to find a GIF or JPEG file.
I was told by others that you may be able to help.
I am looking for "HOMA", the sign which Iraninan national airline
used before.
I do appriciate if you send me one or tell me where to find it.
Thank you in advance.
You have several choices, all listed below. There are IranAir signs, Homa
logos, as well as an IranAir airplane. homa1t.gif & iranair1t.gif are
transparent gifs which we also use in the travel section of
FarsiNet's PersiaWeb http://www.persianweb.net/travel.html
I do hope this is what you were looking for.
Khoda Negahdar, Kourosh
To: kourosh@farsinet.com
salam kourosh,
Can you tell me how you created the Farsi logo used in FarsiNet's
News page?
I gather it's been created in
a paint program of some sort. I'd love to know which support creation of
Persian characters?
Also, do you know of any resources for creating/displaying farsi characters
in text or on web pages. I've installed a Persian font in win 95 but not
found that it enables me to create Persian characters directly in a
standard word processor, even if I select the text and change it to that
>font--though it does enable me to see the text on the some web sites.
Any help appreciated. Thanks
Dear C. A. Salam,
The FarsiNet News Logo is a hand writing which then was scanned.
I am not aware of any of the persian word processors offering one such
font. Nash're Alef - Persian desk top publishing is probably the closest solution to
a hand writing publishing. You can find additional info about Nash're Alef at
Installing a mere Farsi font is not enough for Farsi desk top publishing.
You either need a dedicated program which provides a dedicated environment or
you need to install Farsi Windows. The regular window does not
inherently support non-latin fonts.
Eventhough I have not used it myself, but I have seen people who use
Microsoft word and other word processors in Farsi Windows operating system
for Farsi word processing.
Don't loose heart though, native support of Farsi HTML is coiming soon to your favorite
browsers and popular web publishing programs such as Microsoft FrontPage will also
provide multi lingual content generation soon.
Good Luck, Regards va Khoda Negahdar, Kourosh
Dorud bar shoma
Faramarz Salam,
Omid Vareem Bezoody betavaneem, email ha ra be chand zaban beferesteem.
Mercy va Khoda Neghahdar, Kourosh
Please consider what I am saying very carefully. It must not be Farsi ;
it must be Parsi. After the Arab invasion it became Farsi because the Arabs
do not have P in their alphabet.
This is not just a simple observation, but it is a matter of national identity.
I stongly suggest that Parsi must be said and written, and not Farsi. We must
be aware of some of the Arab influences.
Thank you. - Xerxes
I have been visiting Iran several times in the last few years,mainly
for my professional activities.- I knew a lot of top managers and
qualified people in various sectors.-They seem to me very well prepared
and very well oriented to western mentality.-
The country is absolutely beautifull mainly in springtime and in fall.-
I recommend readers to make a visit there; probably many western
Countries will appreciate better people and Country.-
Best regards
- Elio Colombo
Ba Salam and tashakkor as kareh shoma dar Farsinet.
Please add more information about and for iranian women.
There are so many iranian female poet, writers, singers, painters, etc.
Mercy, Simin
Dear Simin,
Thank you for visiting FarsiNet. We would be glad to.
If you have any material, just let us know and we'll setup a webpage for you.
If you come across any interesting material on the net, please let us know and
we'll add a link in FarsiNet's
PersianWeb - Women - Resources, Issues, and Internet Web Sites
Regrads, Kourosh
Salam doostan azeez dar farsinet,
I am very happy I found this website. I am very proud of what you people
are doing for Iran and Iranians. Please don't stop.
Please add more poetry and more music.
Mercy va khoda hafiz, Ali
Dear Webmaster,
I visited Farsinet and am impressed by the information that you have
here. I am from
India and have great fascination for Persia. I have had the opportunity
to visit Iran
when I was small.
I am interested in learning Persian ( the motivation comes from being
able to read the untranslated version of Omar Khayyam). There are no
courses offered here in Pittsburgh,
PA in persian, so I would appreciate if you could give me some pointers
on either basic
books which I can use to learn persian. I understand that Omar Khayyam's
were written in 11th century, which probably isn't close to modern
farsi..but I eager
to learn.
Thanks for any help you can provide,
- Sandeep Chand
Hello and thank you for visiting FarsiNet and your note.
I can suggest 2 options;
1) 1/2/3 Grade Persian Reading Text ->
2) PC softwares available for teaching/learning Farsi
I hope this helps.
- Regards, Kourosh
dear editor farsi net: assalam-o-alaikum! thank you so much for posting
int.milad-un-nabi conf.on farsinet News. nfie is very grateful for your
kindness/consideration.may Khoda Wand Taala bless you with inner
peace/happiness/prosperity.keep up the good work. wassalam:ahmed
(Ba salam)
A nice and beautiful web site, . . . but: Please don't degrade our
language by calling it "Farsi" in English.
Thank you for the note.
As the internet technology advances and Farsi browsers become available
we will be providing more and more of Farsi content.
Meanwhile, we will keep adding more Farsi images.
We understand your concern and we agree with you, but considering the
fact that over 90% of current WWW content is in english, FarsiNet content
in FarsiEnglish is the most feasible solution.
We are working with MicroSoft to ensure we can provide bilingual content
with the next generation of Web browsers.
Meanwhile, if you have any ideas/suggestions on how we may improve the
FarsiNet contents and/or utilize new techniques/technologies, please
let us know.
Ba Tashakkor, Koroush
Hello. I have visited Farsinet site several times and I am not finished yet.
Very nice. lots of information. Please keep up the good work.
I use your myhoo page a lot. please keep updating it.
My 2nd favorite is your funnies page (Jafang).
I have one question. It has nothing to do with Farsinet but maybe you can help.
I am in market for a Laptop computer but don't know what to look for.
Where can I find some info. Do you have any suggestions?
A regular farsinet visitor, L.
Hello L., Thanks for visiting FarsiNet site. We are glad you find it interesting and useful.
The following response is provided by Consultants at RimaTech Inc..
The following is the list of common features for LapTops and
their minimum requirements for a mobile/desktop publishing/WebAccess
computer to last for a few years.
When at home, just connect your LapTop to the monitor and keyboard and use it as a
desktop computer. When you are ready to hit the road, just take the laptop and GO.
L., I hope the above info helps.
If you have any other question, please let me know.
Happy New Year, Koroush
I would like some help finding out the translation of my middle name. My
mother is Armenian and I inherited her fathers name. My middle name is
"Vertanes"..... and i am very interested in finding out. Please give me some
ideas on how i can find out. Thank you very much..... I enjoy this site
tremendously...thank you !!! please e-mail me if you have information on this
Roy Vertanes . . .
Hello and thank you for you note.
Unfortunately I am not familiar with "Vertanes" and I was not able to find it
in any of my Persian/English dictionaries.
I am forwarding you note to several friends who might be able to help you.
Sohrab, Rasoul, Venous & Younes - If you have any information on "Vertanes"
please respond to Roy directly and .cc me as well.
Thanks Much - FarsiNet WebMaster
You guys are supposed to be from Iran and to hate
my Israeli guts, you are supposed to swear at me and
tell me I am a pig. come on you guys, bomb me, I want
a little action... this sucks.
Shalom. Hope all is well on your side.
The FarsiNet Team is 50% Iranian and 50% American.
I took a vote and I am sorry to say nobody here hates Israel
or any Israeli. Everybody had something to say about some issues
about Israel Government or its foriegn policies, but nobody, especially
the Iranian Gang has any specific hate towards Israel.
My own opinion is that we are so busy with our jobs and businesses and
family and enjoying life here in beautiful Texas, that we haven't
had time to hate anybody or pick a fight.
I hope this lack of hate for you or Israel does not disappoint you.
As a matter of fact, one of our team members works with several Israeli's at the IBM Haifa
Lab (Yossi, Aron, Yaron, Amir,...). Nader, another team member says when he lived in
San Diego, he had a Jewish roommate. A very cool guy, a mathematician,
very smart and one of the best chess players he had ever had the chance
to play chess with. He also has a Mesianic Jewish Friend in California.
He is a cool Iranian Jewish dude who know believes in Jesus as his
promissed Messiah. His parents have now moved from Iran to Israel.
FarsiNet Hosts a funnies WebPage called Jafang
which means nonsense, rubish. One of the major contributors to this
page is follower of Judism from New York and thru email
we have become good friends.
You know what, I got it. The reason we (The farsi speaking memebers of FarsiNet Team) don't
have any strong feeling towards Israel, is because we have lived outside
of Iran for a while (10+ years). Maybe we have forgotten
some of the Middle Eastern traditional stuff - like hating, fighting,
blood, anger, war, fear, ...
We have been busy learning and experiencing the other side of the same coin (peace, love,
joy, enjoying life and keeping ourselves busy and out of trouble.
Anyway, Thank you for visiting FarsiNet and We hope you come back again. - Koroush
It's like having a peace process with no bombings. That
is what makes it all worth while. You guys are just too
nice. Stop it.
You give me no choise - hugs and kisses to you all.
See ya,
I liked the statement at the bottom of farsinet page. But I don't understand what you
mean by global persian community.
Sima, "The Persian Global Community" refers to over 70 millions of Iranians/Persians
in the world. In reality, as far as Internet access/communication is concerned, it refers
to all Iranians/Persians who have access to the internet and utilize internet for communication
and infotainment and edutainment. As this technology becomes more widespread and accessible
and available in Iran, then all persians will be able to interact and communicate as
a community via internet, regardless of where they live in the world.
Congradulation on a good job with farsinet website. Thank you for taking the time and
collecting all these interesting information. Please don't get too commercialized and
pay more attention to content rather than fancy graphics.
Can you also send me some information on how I can setup a personal page on farsinet.
Thanks and good luck, M. P. (Montereal, Canada)
Salaam. I am 15 years old and I am in high school in florida. I am doing a project for
my history class and I am trying to find good stuff on internet. My dad got me started.
I found farsinet and I like all historical stuff and graphics.
Can I print some for my project? Can I use farsinet for my project?
My dad is going to program my project and put it on the internet. He asked me to ask
you if he could use some of farsinet stuff and also link it.
mercy, Reza
Dear Reza,
Please feel free to link to FarsiNet or any of its webpages in your project webpage.
If you like to use the graphics, copy them to your own computer and then upload to your
ISP account. If you like you can mention in your report where you got the graphics, etc.
Good luck with your report and please let us know if we can be of further help.
To: webmaster@farsinet.com
I am very intrigued (and, happy, I might say) to discover these pages. An
American myself, my roots go deep in Iran, and I am grateful that someone
has created these pages for the public good. It is, however, a shame, that
the English text is somewhat "bumpy." I wished you could have a careful
editting of the texts so that all--images, texts, and contexts--would bring
harmony to your intentions; Good work, and I say, bravo. Gratefully yours,
R. O.
To: SpecialOffer@farsinet.com Pleease send me more information on FarsiNet SpecialOffer program.
With regards;
To:webmaster@farsinet.com (11/12/96)
You have a very nice setup.
wish you good luck. - A. B.
Hello. My name is Vahid. I have developed a Farsi teaching software
that runs on Windows. I have a Web sight that explains what my program is all
Would you please add a link from your page that reads Persian Teaching System
and link it to http://members.gnn.com/vahidr/farsi.htm
I will do the same, add a link, in my sight for your page. If this is
agreeable with you please let me know. Thank you!
Vahid, We checked your site and down loaded and tested the demo and we have to
congradulate you on a Great job. Very nice idea and a good implementation with great potential.
Check FarsiNet Clients & Affiliates Page
for your URL and let me know if you have any problem accessing.
Looking forward to working with you in promoting your services. Koroush
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