Persian Iranian History Resources and Literature
Bible and Persian Proverbs -
کتاب مقدّس
و مثل های پارسی
Christ & Christianity in Persian Poetry
Christian denominations and Heresies
Christianity in Ancient Persia - Part 1
- مسيحيت در ايران
باستان - بخش يكم
Chronology of Persian History
Churches of Iran - A Pictorial Survey of Iran's Church Buidlings/Architecture
Cyrus Charter of Human Rights, 539 B.C.
Dr. Saeed Khan Kordestani
Farsi - Persian Language
- Shahnameh or The Epic of Persian Kings
The Achaemenian Ganjnameh [Treasure Inventory]
History of Ecbatana
- Iran's Ancient Capital City (Modern Hamadan)
History of Mashhad
- Iran's Holy City
History of NoRuz
- Persian New Year
- Year 1383 (2563)
History of Persian Stamps
- Qajar Dynasty, Pahlavi Dynasty and Islamic republic of Iran
History of Persian Coins & Currency
History of The Christians In Iran
Iran In The Bible
King Darius ruler of 120 provinces
King Xerxes and Queen Esther of Persia
Nader Shah
Afshar dynasty, 1736-1747 A.D.
Nazarene Christians In Iran
Persia and the Bible
Persian Festivals:
NoRuz (NoRooz),
Persians in the Bible
Persian Kings in the Bible
Prophet Daniel in the Den of Lions
- History, gallery and culture of Persian Prayer Beads (Rosary)
A close study of Persian poetry reveals that Persian poets from Ferdowsi to Nasser Khosrow to Hafiz to Khayyam, have been
familiar with Christianity and have actually mentioned the name of Christ or Jesus or the 'Breath of Christ' which was symbolic of 'life' in their poems.
Modern Persian poets have also utilized Christ and Cross in their poetry.
Here is a sample poetry from Ahmad Alvand - "Crucified Again";
'At God's threshold
Chrubs sing in harmony:
There he comes
A fresh wound in each palm:
A nail wound
And ...
And Mary whispers to herself:
'Crucified again'.