![]() Iranian Christians International Inc.P.O. Box 25607Colorado Springs, CO 80936, U.S.A. Phone: (719) 596-0010 Fax: (719) 574-1141 www.iranchristians.org Iranian Christians - Who Are They? Online Bookstore ![]() ![]() Iranian Christian News, Reports and Related Web Sites ![]() Translate this page |
![]() "... In the last days ... I shall restore the fortunes of Elam (Iran), declares the Lord." Jeremiah 49:39
Refer to Online store Catalog for up to date listing: A..................................................................... B...................................................................................... A Heart for Eternity (E) - 3331138 The Baha'i Faith: Its History and Teachings (E) - 5550031 A Question That Demands and Answer (E) - 4440076 Bahram William Dehqani-Tafti (E) - 7770008 A Journey From God.s To Christ (E) - 4440086 Balance of Truth (P) - 4440032 Abraham - 1110024 Balance of Truth (E) - 4440033 Adam & Eve (Gen. 1-3) (P) - 1110022 Basic Christianity (P) - 3331131 Allah is He God? (E) - 4440068 Be Happy (P) - 6665543 Allah-O-Akbar (P) The Greater God - 4440085 Being a Muslim.s Wife (E) - 5550023 All Have Sinned (P) - 3331137 Belief in God in the Twentieth Century (P)/Also is What is Christianity - 3330002 All That The Prophets Have Spoken (E) - 3331141 Belief in God in the Twentieth Century (E) - 3330003 Alleviating Misunderstandings (P) - 3330018 Beliefs and Practices of Christians (E) - 3330023 America, Oil and the Islamic Mind (E) - 4440072 The Beloved Physician (P) - 3330007 An Amounting Debt and the Wisdom Of a Sheikh (E) - 3330067 Be Fruitful (P) - 6665536 Anxiety and Peace (P) - 6660061 Be Mature (P) - 6660059 Answers to Tough Questions - 4440074 Betrayed (P) - 3331139 Answering Islam: The Crescent in the Light of the Cross (E) - 5550050 Betrayed (E) - 3331140 Applied New Testament Commentary (P) - 6665540 Beyond the Minarets (E) - 7770041 Are You Sure (P) - 3331142 Bible Dictionary (P) - 6660047 The Art of Evangelism (P) - 5550061 Bible Ethics (P) - 6665541 Ashouri Testimony (P) - 7770012 Bible New Translation (P) - 1110045 The Attributes (life) of the Perfect Person (P) - 3330085 The Bible and Islam-Sharing God's Word With a Muslim (E) - 5550017 Blood Brothers (E) - 7770013 Build Up One Another (P) - 6665532 Building Your Self Image (E) - 6665517 But I Love Him (E) - 6660045
C........................................................................ D....................................................
The Call of the Minaret (E) - 4440057 Daily Christian Living (P) - 6660027 Can I Know God? - 3331129 Daily Strength (P) - 666002 Charcoal (E) - 3330065 Damaged Disciples (E) - 6660063 Christ and Caesar in Christian Missions (E) - 5550025 A Dangerous Situation (P) - 3330015 Christ and Christianity Among Iranians (P) Volume 1 - 5550038 The Darkness Disappears (E) - 3331126 Christ and Christianity Among Iranians (P) Volume 2 - 5550042 Daughters of Islam (E) - 7770049 Christ and Christianity Among Iranians (P) Volume 3 - 5550058 The Day of Jesus the Messiah.s Resurrection (E) - 4440084 Christ and Christianity in Persian Poetry (E/P) - 3331115 The Day of Resurrection (E) - 3330039 Christian Approach to Muslims (E) - 5550021 Debt of Ali Ben Omar (E) - 3330046 Christian Leaders and Leadership (E) - 6660038 Debt of Ali Ben Omar (P) - 3330051 A Christian Hero - Benjamin Badal (P) - 7770047 Unfolding Design of My World (E) - 7770006 Christian Methods (P) - 6665502 Diatesseron (P) - 1110019 Christian Reply to Muslim Objections (E) - 5550011 Did God Appear in the Flesh? (E) - 4440007 Christian Witness Among Muslims (E) - 5550015 Disciple (P) - 6660019 Christianity's Supreme Opportunity (E) - 5550014 Discipleship in Islamic Society (E) - 5550036 Christians are Indebted to Muslims (E) - 5550020 Discerning God.s Will (P) - 6665548 Christians in Chains (E) - 4440061 Divine Suffering (P) - 6660060 A Christians' Response to Islam (E) - 5550005 Do You Know God's Salvation? (E) - 4440040 Christ in Islam and Christianity (E) - 4440053 Dr. Sa'eed of Iran (E) - 3330016 Come (E) - 3330087 Come to Jesus! (P) - 3330075 Commentary on l Corinthians (P) - 6660041 Commentary on the Book of Revelation (P)- 6665547 Commentary on John (P) - 6660030 Commentary on Luke (P) - 6660029 Cost of Love (P) - 3330024 The Cross and the Switchblade (P) - 3331120 The Cross in the Gospel and Qur'an (E) - 4440004 A Crown for Ashes (P) - 6660023 The Crucifixion of Christ: A Fact, Not Fiction (E) - 4440055 Cyrus the Great and Mohammad ibn Abdullah (P) - 4440080
E........................................................................ The Epistle to the Hebrews (P) - 1110060 The Epistles of John Commentary (P) - 6660026 Eternal Psalms (P) - 1110008 Everlasting Peace and Joy (P) - 7770028 Evidence that Demands a Verdict (E) - 4440012
F......................................................................... G.............................................................................
Face the Facts (E) - 4440010 Gems from Tozer (E) - 6660052 The Faithful Remnant (P) - 6660062 Glory of Jesus Christ (D) - 3350001 A Father & His 2 Sons (P) - 7780007 Fallen Nature of Man in Islam and Christianity (E) - 4440036 God Has Chosen (E) - 7770032 Filling of Holy Spirit (D) - 6670001 God is One (E) - 4440030 Fire of Revenge (D) - 7770043 God is One in the Holy Trinity (E) - 4440005 Firm Foundations, Leader & Student 109 (E) - 6665503 God Our Heavenly Father (E) - 4440031 Five Steps of Christian Growth (E) - 6660035 God With Us (P) - 3330025 Follow (E) - 3330089 God.s Answer (P) - 3331133 Follow Jesus! (P) - 3330062 God's Good News for You (P) - 3330008 Forgiveness According to the Torah, Injil and Qur'an (E) - 4440015 God's Good News For You (E) - 3330019 For Muslims-Trinity, Son of God Explained (E) - 4440060 God's Love (P) - 3330093 For the Sake of Truth (E) - 5550040 God is One (E) - 4440083 For This Reason (P) - 6665545 God's Love for Mankind (P) - 3330077 Fountain of Life (P) - 3330040 God's Plan (P) - 3330056 Forgiveness in God.s Kingdom (P) - 6660054 God.s Plan for Mankind (D) - 3350002 Four Important Matters (P) - 3330063 God.s World (E) - 1110032 The Four Spiritual Laws (P) - 3330010 A Goodly Heritage (E) - 6660008 The Four Spiritual Laws (E) - 3330011 The Good and Trustworthy God (P) - 6660067 A Fragrance of Oppression (E) - 5550060 The Good Shepherd (P/E) - 3330021 The Fruit of the Holy Spirit (E) - 6665538 The Great News (New Testament) (E ) - 1110031 From Confusion to Salvation (P) - 3330092 The Gospel of Barnabas (E) - 4440023 From Darkness to God.s Light (P) - 7770034 Gospel of Islam (E) - 5550063 From Darkness to God.s Light (E) - 7770035 Gospel of Jesus the Messiah-According to John (E) - 1110033 The Gospel of John (P) - 1110004 The Gospel of John (E) - 1110034 The Gospel of John (D) - 1150002 Gospel of John Study (P) - 6660010 The Gospel of Luke - 1110005 The Gospel of Matthew - 1110007 The Gospel of Matthew (P) - 1110059 Grace and Sacrifice of God (P) - 3330094 The Great Rock of Islam (P) - 7770015 The Great Rock of Islam (E) - 7770016 The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached (P) - 3331123 Growing Up (E) - 6660037 H................................................................... I...........................................................................
Haik Hovsepian-Mehr (E) - 7770036 I Dared to Call Him Father (E) - 7770014 Haik Hovsepian-Mehr (P) - 7770037 Individual Worship (P) - 3330097 Halley.s Bible Handbook (P) - 6665537 The Infallibility of the Torah and the Gospel (E) - 4440001 Hard Awakening (E) - 7770002 In God.s Underground (P) - 6660064 Hard Awakening (P) - 7770007 In Quest of Truth (E) - 7770020 Help From Above (P) - 3330012 In Search of Assurance (E) - 7770031 Her Name is Woman (P) - 6665534 In Search of Love, Part 1 (P) - 3330036 Hidden Sorrow, Lasting Joy (E) - 6660065 In Search of Love, Part 2 (P) - 3330037 History of American (Presbyterian ) Missions to Iran (E) - 5550022 In the Shadow of the Cross (E) - 7770027 History of Christians in Iran (E) - 5550059 Individual Personal Worship (P) - 3330097 History of Iranian Christians (P) - 5550035 The Holy Book of God (E) - 4440014 Into the Kingdom of Light (P) - 7770001 Holy Spirit (P) - 6665519 The Invitation (D) - 3350003 Holy War in Islam (E) - 4440049 Iran in the Bible (P) - 6665550 How An Alcoholic Singer Became A Pastor - 7770004 Isa in the Taurat, Injil and Qur.an (E) - 4440052 How Can I Know God? (P) - 3330009 Ishmael My Brother (E) - 7770024 How Can I Relate to a Muslim? (E) - 5550028 Islam and Muslims (E) - 4440064 How Can We Know the Truth? (E) - 4440043 Islam: Aspects and Prospects (E) - 4440058 How Do We Pray? (P) - 6660020 Islam- A Religious Profile (E) - 4440082 How Do We Pray? (E) - 6660021 The Islam Debate (E) - 4440022 How I Found Healing and Peace (P) - 7770025 Islamic Invasion (E) - 4440077 How to be Filled with the Holy Spirit (E) - 6660055 Islam Unveiled (E) - 4440067 How to Begin an Evangelistic Bible Study (E) - 6660011 Islam Under the Magnifying Glass (E) - 4440050 How to Handle Adversity (P) - 6665533 Is Jesus the Son of God? (E) - 3330038 How to Know God (P) - 3331116 Is Jesus the Son of God? (E) 7p - 4440065 How To Know God (E) - 3331117 Is the Holy Injil Corrupted? (E) - 4440017 How to Share the Good News With Your Muslim Friend (E) - 5550007 Is Muhammad Foretold in the Bible? (E) - 4440051 How to Share the Gospel With Our Muslim Brothers (E) - 5550053 How to Share Your Christian faith With Muslims (E) - 5550032 How You Can Be Sure You are a Christian - 6660004-1 How You Can Experience God.s Love and Forgiveness - 6660004-2 How You Can Be Filled with the Holy Spirit - 6660004-3 How You Can Walk in the Spirit - 6660004-4 How You Can Be a Fruitful Witness - 6660004-5 How You Can Introduce Others to Christ - 6660004-6 How You Can Help Fulfill the Great Commission - 6660004-7 How You Can Love by Faith - 6660004-8 How You Can Pray With Confidence - 6660004-9 How You Can Experience the Adventure of Giving - 6660004-10 Hunger Satisfied (P/E) - 7770003 Hymns Persian & English With Words and Tunes in Common (P/E) - 6665528 J........................................................................... K....................................................................... Jesus Christ (P) - 1110046 The King and the Prophet (E) - 3330068 Jesus Christ in Islam (P) - 3330026 Know Why You Believe Corresp. Course (P) - 3330059 Jesus in Islam (E) - 4440024 Knowing Christian sects, Cults and False Doctrines (P) - 6665552 Jesus in the Qur.an (E) - 4440066 Knowing God.s Kingdom (P) - 6660053 Jesus, Israel and the Gentiles (E) - 4440029 The Kurdish New Testament (Sorani) - 1120001 Jesus the Son of God (E) - 4440034 Knowing the Gifts of The Holy Spirit (P) - 6665568 Joseph (P) - 1110025 Journey To Understanding (E) - 5550001 L............................................................................ M................................................................... The Leadership Group (E) - 6660003 Making Christ Know to Muslims (E) - 4440059 Leading Bible Discussions (E) - 6660012 The Manifestation of Jesus Christ (P) - 3330057 Learn (E) - 3330090 Man of God (P) - 7770033 Learn from Jesus! (P) - 3330076 Marriage and Family (P) - 6665542 Leather Cover Bible (P) - 1110056 Marx and Satan (E) - 4440018 Lessons in Christian Discipleship (E) - 6660001 Master Plan of Discipleship (E) - 6660051 A Letter that Came From a Far Country (P) - 3330033 The Meaning of Salvation (P) - 3330098 A Letter that Came From a Far Country (E) - 3330034 The Meaning of the Cross (E) - 4440047 The Life of Christ (7 Volumes) (E) - 4440048 Meditations on Life and Death (P) - 3330080 The Life of Henry Martyn (E) - 7770040 Meditations on Life and Death (E) - 3330081 Life of Power (Mark (P/E) - 1110040 Method of Living (James) (P) - 1110030 The Life and Teaching of Jesus the Messiah (P) - 3330005 Miracles of Jesus (P) - 1110039 Life Giving God (P) - 3330049 Mirror of the Heart (P) - 3330054 Life and Teaching of Jesus the Messiah (E) - 3331110 More Than a Carpenter (P) - 3331130 The Life of Christ (E) - 4440048 More Than a Carpenter (E) - 3331134 Life of Muslim Women (E) - 5550037 More to be Desired than Gold (E) - 5550057 The Life of Rev. Mawlawi (E) - 7770018 Music of Chimes (P) - 3330084 Life Story of Joni Erickson (P) - 6660069 The Muslim Christ (E) - 4440025 Life Story of Rev Mehdi Dibaj - 7770050 The Muslim Doctrine of God (E) - 4440037 Life's Journey (P) - 6660017 My Big Father (E) - 7770009 The Light of the World (E) - 4440039 My Little Bible (P) - 1110048 Listen (E) - 3330088 My Persian Pilgrimage (E) - 7770021 Listen to Jesus ! (P) - 3330060 My Testimony (D) - 7770005 The Living Christ (E) - 6660068 My Testimony (D/E) - 7770045 Logic of Faith (E) - 4440019 Logic of Faith (E) (In Newspaper Form) - 4440075 The Lord is My Shepherd (P) - 6660022 Love (P) - 3331118
N ........................................................................ O...................................................................
New Creation (P) 6p. - 3330027 Objections to Christianity (P) - 6665554 New Creation (P) 126p. - 6660025 The Occult in Islam (E) - 4440063 New Life (P) 4p. - 3330061 On Call (E) - 7770042 New Life (P) Elam - 6660024 On the Way to Church (P) - 3331122 New Life (P) - 1110052 One God One Way Test (P) - 3330050-1 New Life in Christ (P) - 6665524 One to One (E) - 5550044 New Life in Christ (E) - 6665525 The Only Hope of Mankind (P) - 3330099 New Life (Tract) (E) - 3331128 The Only Way of Salvation (P) - 3330028 New Testament (P) - 1110003 Only Way of Salvation (P) - 3330096 New Testament (P) - 1110061 Operation World (E) - 6660018 New Testament (P/E) - 1110058 The Outstanding Assyrian Clergy in the Last Two Centuries (P) - 7770048 New Testament (Pu) - 1110053 Overcoming Some Misunderstandings (P) - 3330045 New Testament with Psalms (P) - 1110050 New Testament (P) Old Translation - 1110012 New Testament (P) Old Translation Hardcover - 1110015 Noah.s Flood - 1110023
Papa Panov (P) - 7780001 Passionate Believing (E) - 4440073 Path of Life (P) - 6665508 Path to Salvation (P) - 3331119 Path to Salvation (D) - 3350004 The Peacemaker (E) - 6660057 The Pearls of Wisdom (P) - 6665551 Peace With God (E) - 3331127 Persia and the Bible (E) - 6660056 Persian Bible (96 Ed) - 1110047 The Persian Bible (P) Vinyl Cover - 1110000 The Persian Bible (P) Hard Cover - 1110001 Persians in the Bible (E) - 6660034 Persian Bible Concordance (P) - 6660009 Persian Church Manual for Pastors (P) - 6665530 Persian Discipleship Bible Study (P) - 6665521 The Persian Hymnal (P) Words Only - 6660006 Persian Hymnal (P) - 6665531 Persian Hymnal #2 Words - 6665522 Persian Hymnal #2 Words and Music - 6665523 The Persian Hymnal (E/P) Music Only - 6660007 Persian New Testament (Pocket) (P) - 1110035 The Person of Christ in the Gospel and the Qur'an (E) - 4440002 The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit (P) - 6665518 Phonetic Persian Hymnal (P/E) - 6660049 Pilgrims Progress (P) - 6660048 Planting Churches in Muslim Cities (E) - 5550056 Poetry About Jesus (P) - 3330014 The Position of Jesus Christ (P) - 3330048 Power of Prayer (P) - 6665539 A Prayer for Muslims (E) - 5550026 Preaching the Bible (P) - 6665546 Preparing Missionaries for Intercultural Communication (E) - 5550043 Principles of Bible Interpretation and Application (P) - 6665501 The Problem of Pain (E) - 6665520 The Promise (P) - 3331143 The Prophets and the Word (E) - 3331100 The Prophets and the Word (P) - 3331101 The Prophet Series (E) - 1110041 Proverbs of Solomon (P) - 1110026 The Psalms (P) - 1110057 The Psalms Modern Persian - 1110036
Q..................................................................... R..............................................................................
The Queen and The Mirror (E) - 3330073 Reaching Muslims Today (E) - 5550003 Questions & Answers (P) - 3331113 Reaching Muslims for Christ (E) - 5550046 Quicksand (E) - 3330071 A Re-evaluation of the Koran - 4440081 The Qur.an and the Bible in the Light of History and Science (E) - 5550041 Repentance and Forgiveness of God (P) - 3330095 The Qur'an and the Son of God (E) - 4440009 Resurrection of Christ (P) - 1110029 Revelation (P) - 4440027 The Right of Non-Muslims in an Islamic State (E) - 4440070
S...................................................................... T..............................................................................
Sadu Sunder Singh (E) - 7770019 Tales of Persia (E) - 5550002 Safely Home (E) - 6660066 Teach Me Your Way (E) - 4440046 Salvation or Religion (P) - 3331141 Teaching & Miracles of Christ (P) - 1110028 The Satnami Story (E) - 7770039 Ten Basic Steps Toward Maturity (P) - 6660013 Savior of the World (P) - 3330055 Ten Basic Steps Toward Maturity (E) - 6660014 Search for Messiah (P) - 6665556 Test Everything (E) - 4440045 Search for Truth (P) - 4440011 Testimony of an Iranian Christian (P) - 7770010 Secret of the Seventh Gate (E) - 7780002 Testimony of an Iranian Christian (E) - 7770011 Seeing Paradise Through the Eye of a Needle (P) - 3330078 The Textural History of the Qur'an and the Bible (E) - 4440056 Seeing Paradise Through the Eye of a Needle (E) - 3330079 Themes for the Diligent (E) - 4440044 Selected Proverbs (P) - 1110017 Thirty Pieces of Silver (P) - 3330082 Selection of Psalms (D) - 1150003 This is the Way (P) - 3331136 Sermon on the mount (Pu) - 1110054 Three Radio Plays (P) - 6665529 Sit, Walk, Stand (P) - 6665535 Thriving in Another Culture: A book for Cross-Cultural Missions (E)- 5550062 Sharing the Good News with Muslims (E) - 5550039 Tolerance in Islam (E) - 4440069 Sharing Your Faith With A Muslim (E) - 5550018 The Torn Veil (E) - 7770017 Selection of Psalms (D) - 1150003 Tortured for Christ (E) - 7770046 Sin and Atonement (E) - 4440008 Touch the World Through Prayer (E) - 6660043 Shi.ism and Mahdism (P) - 4440079 Touching - Soul of Islam (E) - 5550045 The Sources of Islam (E) - 4440038 To Whom Does Heaven Belong? (P) - 3330035 Spiritual Journey (P) - 3330044 Traitor (Persian Translation of Betrayed) (P) - 7770050 Spiritual Revolution (P) - 3330031 Transferable Concepts (E) - 6660004 Spiritual Revolution (E) - 3330032 Transferable Concepts (P) - 6660015 Story of Christ (P) - 7780005 Trinity and Unity (E) - 4440054 Storyteller.s Bible Study for Internationals (E) - 3331132 Trust (P) - 3330074 The Story of Zia Nodat (E) - 7770026 Trust (E) - 3330091 Strategies For Sharing the Gospel With Muslim.s in the U.S. (E) - 555001 The Truth of the Word (P) - 3330043 Summary of Christian Doctrine (P) - 6665549 Twenty Three Years (E) - 4440021 Sweet First Fruits (E) - 7770038 Twenty Three Years (P) - 4440028
U .......................................................................... V............................................................................
Ultimate Questions (E) - 3331124 Validity of the Bible (P) - 4440020 Understanding Some Muslim Misunderstandings (E) - 5550016 The Very Worried Sparrow (P) - 7780003 Understanding the Divine Plan (P) - 6660036 The Victory of the Truth (E) - 4440041 Understanding the Muslim Mindset - 5550024 Unfolding Design of My World (E) - 7770006 The Uniqueness of Christ (P) - 3330041 The Uniqueness of Christ (E) - 3330042 The Unity of God (P) - 3330029
W................................................................................................................................................................ Way of Evangelism (P) - 5550033 Way of Happiness (P) - 3331114 Way of Life - 1110027 The Way of the Cross (P) - 6660031 The Way of the Cross (E) - 6660032 What Do You Think About Christ? (E) - 4440042 What Every Muslim Should Know About the Old and New Testament (E) - 3331135 What is the Baha.i World Faith? (P) - 5550054 What is the Baha'i World Faith? (E) - 5550029 What is Christianity? (Azeri) - 3330083 What is Christianity? (P)/ Also is Beliefs and Practices - 3330022 What is Christianity? Corresp. Course (P) - 3330047 What is the Truth? (P) - 6660040 What is the Truth? (E) - 6660039 What Does Jesus Say (P) - 6665506 What Must I Do to be Saved? (E) - 4440003 Where to Go with this Burden? (P) - 3331111 Who is Allah in Islam (E) - 4440026 Why Am I A Christian (P) - 3331112 Why I Became A Christian (E) - 7770045A Why the Cross of Jesus the Messiah? (E) - 4440062 Why is it Difficult For a Muslim to Become a Christian? (E) - 5550019 Why Read the Bible? (P) - 6660005 Why Share Our Faith With Muslims? (E) - 5550027 Women in Islam (E) - 5550049 Wonderful (P) - 3330017 The Word of God (P) - 3330030 The World at Your Doorstep (E) - 5550047 The World's Greatest Person (P) - 3330053 When Angry (P) - 6665565 When Christians Sin (P) - 6665566 What to Do with My Worry (P) - 6665567 Y..........................................................................................................
You and your Refugee Neighbor (E) - 5550048 Your Muslim Guest (E) - 5550006