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Where is My Vote?? Millions of Iranians are questioning the accuracy of Iran 2009 Presidential Election

اخبار ايران - Iran News - FarsiNews @ FarsiNet - اخبار فارسی

Week 4 of "Where is My Vote?" Protests in Iran

7/09/2009 - Tuesday - Tehran - Videos:
ویدیو: تجمع های اعتراض آمیز امروز در تهران
Keshavarz Tehran - Protesters target their slogans towards leader's son
AmirAbad Tehran - Iranians protest against election results - "Death To Dicator" Iranians protesting in Tehran and chanting "Death To YOU!"
Keshavarz Tehran - Iranian women taken on an active role
Enghelab St. Tehran - Iranians protest against election results

7/09/2009 - Tuesday - Tehran - تصاویر ارسالی از اعتراض‌های 18 تیر در تهران
Pictures of thousands protesting in Iran on the 10th anniversary of Iranian Students Uprising in July of 1999. در دهمین سالروز حمله نیروهای امنیتی به کوی دانشگاه تهران (18 تیر 1378)، معترضان به نتیجه انتخابات، با وجود حضور گسترده نیروهای امنیتی در خیابان های تهران، به خیابان ها رفتند و با این نیروها درگیر شدند.

7/09/2009 - Tuesday - Tehran - Iran protests flare on anniversary of 1999 riots

7/09/2009 - Tuesday - Tehran - تجمع‌های اعتراضی در تهران در 18 تیر
در دهمین سالگرد حمله نیروهای امنیتی به کوی دانشگاه تهران و کشته شدن حداقل یک نفر در جریان این حمله، معترضین به نتایج دهمین دوره انتخابات ریاست جمهوری ایران هم در نقاط مختلف شهر تهران اقدام به اعتراض نمودند که به درگیری با نیروهای امنیتی مستقر در سطح شهر، و پرتاب گاز اشک آور و شلیک تیر هوایی از سوی این نیروها منجر شد.

7/09/2009 - Tuesday - Tehran - Protesters in Iran met with tear gas, batons
Protests by Iranians, such as this one on June 15, have been defended by the reformist figures.Iranian pro-government Basij militia members dispersed crowds of protesters in Tehran Thursday -- sometimes with force -- according to a journalist on the scene. The demonstration is taking place on the 10th anniversary of a student uprising that, at the time, posed the biggest threat to the Islamic regime since its inception in 1979. The protesters are using the anniversary to resume demonstrations against the outcome of the June 12 presidential election. An estimated 2,000 to 3,000 people crowded the streets and headed toward Tehran University, the site of the 1999 student uprising. Several protesters were hit on the arms and backs by the Basij, the journalist reported. The militia tried to persuade one man, whose face was bleeding, to get into an ambulance, but he refused.

7/09/2009 - Tuesday - Tehran - Iran protests: 'They have covered up the deaths'
have been working in a public hospital in Tehran over the last few weeks. The authorities are covering up the number of dead protesters and their causes of death. The official statistic is 20 dead – that's wrong. In our hospital alone there were 38 riot deaths in the first week. Most died from gunshot wounds. A colleague told me that in his hospital there were a further 36 gunshot casualties and 10 deaths. Four public hospitals admitted wounded protesters during the riots, but it is hard to know the total figures of dead. Other hospitals were prevented from helping. Basiji militiamen attacked doormen in one hospital for letting in wounded protesters. In the hospitals that were allowed to function, the basijis replaced the hospital admissions staff and took the IDs of wounded patients. Medical staff are under huge pressure to cover up the injuries they treated; I know one doctor who killed themself.

7/09/2009 - Tuesday - Tehran - فراخوان جمع‌آوری مشخصات بازداشت‌شدگان
جامعه دفاع از حقوق بشر در ایران، از خانواده‌های بازداشت‌شدگان ناآرامی‌های اخیر دعوت کرده‌است، مشخصات این افراد را برای ارائه شکایت به نهادهای سازمان ملل، اعلام کنند. بنا به بیانیه‌ای که به امضای عبدالکریم لاهیجی، رئیس جامعه دفاع از حقوق بشر در ایران رسیده‌است، آمار واقعی بازداشت‌شدگان وقایع اخیر بیش از تعداد اعلام شده از سوی مقامات رسمی ایران است. این نهاد حقوق بشری می‌گوید که تعداد جان‌باختگان هم بیشتر از تعداد ۲۰ کشته‌ای‌ است که مقامات انتظامی و اطلاعاتی ایران تایید کرده‌اند. جامعه دفاع از حقوق بشر در ایران و فدراسیون بین‌المللی جامعه‌های حقوق بشر با ارائه‌ شکایت‌نامه‌ای به «گروه تحقیق در مورد بازداشت‌های خودسرانه» و «گروه تحقیق درباره گمشدگان قهری»، مشخصات ۱۷۲ نفر از بازداشت‌شدگان را به این دو نهاد وابسته به سازمان ملل ارسال کرده‌است.

7/09/2009 - Tuesday - Tehran - Iran police fire tear-gas as 1000s mark 1999 unrest
Iran president declares new era for country Iranian police fired tear-gas on Thursday as thousands of demonstrators defied government warnings and staged a march to commemorate the anniversary of bloody student unrest in 1999, witnesses said. Protesters chanted "Death to the dictator" as they gathered in the streets around Tehran University, the epicentre of the violence 10 years ago. Police deployed reinforcements after a first volley of tear-gas failed to disperse the demonstrators, who continued to grow in number, the witnesses said. Police then fired a second volley.

7/09/2009 - Tuesday - Tehran - شلیک تیرهوایی از سوی نیروهای امنیتی در تهران
با وجود تلاش نیروهای امنیتی برای ممانعت از برگزاری تجمعی به مناسبت دهمین سالگرد حوادث 18 تیر، معترضان به نتیجه انتخابات ریاست جمهوری در اطراف میدان انقلاب تهران تجمع هایی برگزار کرده اند و اخباری درباره شلیک گاز اشک آور به سمت آنها در اطراف دانشگاه تهران منتشر شده است. یک شاهد عینی از تجمع گسترده معترضان در غرب میدان انقلاب تهران و در کوچه های خیابان جمالزاده و آزادی و تلاش آن ها برای حرکت به سمت میدان انقلاب خبر داده است. اما به گفته این منبع هجوم افراد معترض به سمت میدان انقلاب با پرتاب گاز اشک آور از سوی نیروهای امنیتی مواجه شده و آنها پس از تجمع دوباره به کوچه های اطراف رانده می شوند. چندین نفر از معترضان توسط نیروهای انتظامی دستگیر شده اند.

7/09/2009 - Tuesday - Tehran - Hundreds protest in Iran, defying crackdown vow
Hundreds of young men and women chanted "death to the dictator," confronting police wielding batons and firing tear gas in the capital Thursday as opposition activists sought to revive street protests despite authorities' vows to "smash" any new marches. For days, supporters of opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi have been calling for new protests in Tehran and other cities on Thursday, their first significant attempt to get back on the streets since security forces crushed massive demonstrations nearly two weeks ago in Iran's postelection turmoil. Tehran governor Morteza Tamaddon warned that any new march Thursday would meet the same fate

6/29/2009 - Monday - Guardian News and Media - Iran 2009 Election - Faces of Dead and Detained
* Lets put a face to each of those hundreds - possibly thousands - killed or arrested since the Iranian election. Since the disputed election on June 12 2009, the iranian authorities have detained hundreds of opposition supporters, journalists and protesters. There have also been a number of deaths. The interactive table shows the name & picture (if available) of the dead and detained. Guardian News is asking help from Iranians and journalists who have information on the dead or detained or have picture of those already listed.
** Visit for List of Killed and Detailed Since June 12, 2009.
*** Visit for List of Killed and Imprisoned Iranian Christians since 1979.
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Where is my Neda? Where is My Voice? Where is Neda Agha Soltan? Why did basiji Militia shot Neda in Chest on June 21, 2009? Iranian People Protest against electoral fraud - June 2009, Neda Voice of Millions of Iranians Protesting against the Regim and rigged Elections of President Ahmadinejad

  • More News from Iran - 2009 Presidential Election Protests - Week 4:

    7/08/2009 - Tuesday - Tehran - Iran 'arrests prominent human rights lawyer'
    Iran 'arrests prominent human rights lawyer'
    Iran has arrested a founding member of Nobel laureate Shirin Ebadi's rights group amid a crackdown on critics following President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's disputed re-election, a colleague told AFP on Thursday. "Today Mohammad Ali Dadkhah was arrested with a number of other lawyers at his office," said fellow lawyer Mohammad Seifzadeh, who is also a founding member of Ebadi's Human Rights Defenders Centre. The group is an outspoken critic of the human rights situation in Iran and has faced mounting pressure since December 2008 after its office was shut down in a police raid. Seifzadeh said Dadkhah, a prominent human rights lawyer, had been discussing on Wednesday a new code introduced by the judiciary on the workings of Iran's bar association but which has yet to come into force. "The new code damages lawyers' independence and it is against the law," Seifzadeh said.
    7/08/2009 - Tuesday - Tehran - دادگاه عالی اروپا تحریم علیه بانک ملی ايران را تایید کرد
    دادگاه عالی اروپا تصميم سال گذشته اتحاديه اروپا مبنی بر انسداد دارايی‌های بانک ملی ايران در لندن را مورد تأييد قرار داد. به حکم این دادگاه، از ادامه فعاليت بانک ملی ايران، که در مالکيت دولت جمهوری اسلامی است، به منظور حفظ امنيت و صلح بين‌المللی ممانعت به عمل خواهد آمد، چرا که دولت ايران در امر تکثير سلاح‌های هسته‌ای که نقض قوانين بين‌المللی است، مشارکت دارد. اين دادگاه تقاضای بانک ملی ايران برای ابطال حکم اتحاديه اروپا را نپذيرفت. بانک ملی ایران در لايحه اعتراضی خود آورده بود که اقدام اتحاديه اروپا نه قانونی است و نه با واقعيت تناسب دارد. اکنون بانک ملی ايران فرصت دارد تا لايحه اعتراضی خود را به ديوان عدالت اروپا تسليم کند.
    7/07/2009 - Tuesday - Tehran - Iran 'security state' lambasted
    Iranian opposition leaders have criticised what they describe as the "security state" imposed in the country after the controversial June elections. They also called for the release of people detained during mass protests that followed the vote. It conveyed their harsh criticism of "attacks against innocent people, dormitories, and houses... and some shocking brutalities carried out by plainclothes forces supported by security forces".
    7/07/2009 - Tuesday - Norway - نروژ خواستار آزادی معترضان در ایران شد
    نروژ روز سه شنبه کاردار ایران در اسلو را احضار کرده است تا ضمن ابراز نگرانی نسبت به وضعیت حقوق بشر در ایران خواستار آزادی تظاهرکنندگان زندانی در این کشور شود. یوناس گار استور، وزیر خارجه نروژ، در بیانیه ای که خبرگزاری فرانسه منعکس کرده است گفت: "مقام ها در ایران به حقوق اساسی انسان ها احترام نمی گذارند." وی افزود: "نروژ علیه بازداشت ها با انگیزه سیاسی اعتراض دارد و به خصوص به این واقعیت واکنش نشان می دهد که کارمندان سفارت بریتانیا در تهران زندانی شده اند." دولت ایران می گوید در واکنش به اعتراضات گسترده به نتیجه انتخابات بیش از هزار نفر را دستگیر کرده است. البته به عقیده برخی گروه های حقوق بشر آمار بازداشتی ها می تواند بسیار بیش از این باشد.
    7/07/2009 - Tuesday - Tehran - آمار عسگر اولادی از مخالفان
    حبیب الله عسگر اولادی، عضو شورای مرکزی جمعیت موتلفه گفت حرف های بیش از سیزده میلیونی باید شنیده شود که به نامزدهای مخالف محمود احمدی نژاد رای داده اند. آقای عسکر اولادی از نامزد پیروز انتخابات ریاست جمهوری و هواداران او خواسته است تا توجه داشته باشند که کسانی که نامزد های مخالف آقای احمدی نژاد رای داده اند ، افراد درون نظام هستند و باید حرف آن ها شنیده شود. بنا به گزارش ایسنا دبیر کل جبهه پیروان خط امام و رهبری که از تشکل های حامی احمدی نژاد است، گفته " تحولات اخیر نشان داد که قشر قابل توجهی از جامعه ، به ویژه نوجوانان و جوانان به رقیب نامزد پیروز علاقه دارند و اگر ما متعصبانه با نسل جوانمان برخورد کنیم به زیان نظام است."
    7/07/2009 - Tuesday - Tehran - Iran vote dispute moves to seminary - Celerics Divided
    The focus of the Iran crisis has shifted from the street to the seminary. Clerics are having to choose whether to align themselves with the conservatives or the reformists - or maintain an awkward silence. More than three weeks after the elections of 12 June, a troika of senior reformists form the core of the opposition to an outcome they regard as fraudulent. A few senior clerical figures - including Ayatollahs Montazeri and Sanei - have aligned themselves with the reformist camp. On Saturday a group of reformist clerics in the holy city of Qom issued a strong statement questioning the legitimacy of the election.
    Rafsanjani's role Of all those who find themselves caught uncomfortably in the middle, the most important is former President Hashemi Rafsanjani. He had backed the campaign of the main reformist candidate, Mir Hossein Mousavi, in an effort to deny Mr Ahmadinejad a second term. He was furious when, during the campaign, the president publicly alleged that he and his family were corrupt.
    7/07/2009 - Tuesday - Paris - France - >سارکوزی: اتهامات ایران علیه زن فرانسوی 'خیالبافی محض' است
    نیکلا سارکوزی رئیس جمهوری فرانسه روز سه شنبه اتهام جاسوسی علیه یک دانشگاهی فرانسوی در ایران را "خیالبافی محض" خوانده و خواستار آزادی او شده است. به گفته مقام های فرانسوی کلوتیلده ریس، از مدرسان دانشگاه اصفهان، روز چهارشنبه هفته قبل در فرودگاه تهران و درحالی که قصد بازگشت به فرانسه را داشت دستگیر شد. به گزارش خبرگزاری فرانسه آقای سارکوزی در کاخ الیزه گفت که ریس باید "خیلی خیلی زود" آزاد شود و با ناخرسندی از "شیوه" عملکرد ایران صحبت کرد. آقای سارکوزی در یک کنفرانس مشترک خبری با رئیس جمهوری برزیل که در پاریس به سر می برد گفت: "بگذارید به ساده ترین و بی ابهام ترین شکل ممکن بگویم: ما آزادی هموطن خود را می خواهیم."
    7/07/2009 - Tuesday - Tehran - مقام ارشد سپاه پاسداران: انقلاب اسلامی حداقل ۲۰ سال بیمه شد
    یدالله جوانی، رئیس دفتر سیاسی سپاه پاسداران انقلاب اسلامی گفته است که "با افشای چهره نفاق جدید، انقلاب اسلامی از خطر بزرگی به سلامت عبور کرد و باید گفت حداقل ۲۰ سال انقلاب اسلامی بیمه شد." اشاره آقای جوانی به طور تلویحی به سرکوب اعتراض های مردمی به نتایج دهمین دوره انتخابات ریاست جمهوری ایران است که در آن محمود احمدی نژاد به عنوان پیروز انتخابات معرفی شد. او گفته است: آنچه در انتخابات دهمین دوره ریاست جمهوری رخ نمایاند و نظام اسلامی و مردم مسلمان و انقلابی ایران را چند روزی به زحمت انداخت، نتیجه کاری فشرده و چندین ساله دو جریان بیرونی و داخلی برای تغییر نظام دینی با محوریت ولایت فقیه در ایران بود.

    7/06/2009 - Monday - Tehran - Mousavi Promises To Continue Protests
    Opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi, appearing in public for the first time in nearly three weeks, vowed Monday that protests against the disputed reelection of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad "will not end" and predicted that the new government would encounter problems because it lacks legitimacy. "Though it might seem that the protests have become quieter, they will not end," Mousavi said, according to a local journalist who was present. "This protest will continue." He forecast unspecified problems in Ahmadinejad's second term.

    7/05/2009 - Sunday - Iran - Sunday, July 5, 2009 Senior Iranian clerics reject re-election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
    Deepening splits among Iran's clergy came to the surface today , with a senior clerical group calling Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's re-election "illegitimate". The Assembly of Scholars and Researchers at Qom seminary, the centre of Shia learning in Iran, rejected the official results and called for the release of political prisoners. "Other candidates' complaints and strong evidence of vote-rigging were ignored … peaceful protests by Iranians were violently oppressed …… dozens of Iranians were killed and hundreds were illegally arrested," a statement on its website said. "The outcome is invalid."
    General Ismail Ahmadi-Moghaddam, the chief of police, said two-thirds of the arrested demonstrators had been released, some on bail. He said about 1,000 were arrested, but human rights groups say up to 2,000 dissidents are being held. "How should the Islamic Republic treat such groups? They would be a dangerous opposition if they were to win, and set the streets on fire if they lose," the conservative newspaper Keyhan said in an editorial. آ
    7/05/2009 - Sunday - Qom - Tehran - Sunday Iran Cleric defy election ruling
    The pro-reform group's statement pits it against the top legislative body, which last week formally endorsed the re-election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.آ On Saturday, former President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani said that post-election events had caused bitterness. The pro-reform clerics group said in a statement that the top legislative body, the Guardian Council, no longer had the right "to judge in this case." In a statement to the press, the Assembly of Qom Seminary Scholars and Researchers said some members of the Guardian Council had "lost their impartial image in the eyes of the public." آ
    7/05/2009 - Sunday - Tehran - London - Iran 'to free UK embassy worker'
    The eighth of nine British embassy employees detained by Iranian authorities is to be released later, the UK foreign secretary has said.Tehran has repeatedly accused foreign powers, especially Britain and the US, of stoking unrest after the election - something they deny. The embassy workers, who are all Iranian, were arrested last weekend amid accusations they had been involved in the demonstrations.
    7/05/2009 - Sunday - Tehran - Moussavi said to be planning new party after Iran vote
    Iranian opposition leader Mir Hossein Moussavi plans to form a new political party aimed at reining in the power of the Islamic Republic's leadership, a leading reformist newspaper reported Sunday. Moussavi told supporters the party will be focused on upholding "the remaining principles of the constitution," according to Etemad-e Melli, a newspaper aligned with fellow opposition candidate Mehdi Karrubi. He is expected to file papers with Iran's Interior Ministry to establish the party before hard-line incumbent Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is sworn in for a new term, the newspaper reported. The announcement comes after weeks of protests over Iran's disputed presidential election and an attempted clampdown by Iran's clerical leadership.

    More News/Videos/Images on Iran's 2009 Election Protests/Arrests/Deaths/Torture/...
  • Month #2 "Where is My Vote" Protests in Iran - July 13 - August 13, 2009
  • Month #1
       - Week #4 "Where is My Vote" Protests in Iran - July 4 - July 10, 2009
       - Week #3 "Where is My Vote" Protests in Iran - June 27 - July 3, 2009
       - Week #2 "Where is My Vote" Protests in Iran - June 20 - June 26, 2009
       - Week #1 "Where is My Vote" Protests in Iran - June 13 - June 19, 2009

    Green Movement of Iranians Protesting the alleged Fraud in the 2009 Presidential Election - Where is Our Votes March bu Supporters of Mr. Mousavi - Millions of Iranians asking their Government - what happened to my vote?
    Where is My Neda? Where is Neda Agha Soltan? Why did Basij shot Neda in Chest? Green Movement of Iranians Protesting the alleged Fraud in the 2009 Presidential Election - Where is Our Votes March bu Supporters of Mr. Mousavi - Millions of Iranians asking their Government - what happened to my vote?

    6/29/2009 - Monday - Guardian News and Media - Iran 2009 Election - Faces of Dead and Detained
    * Lets put a face to each of those hundreds - possibly thousands - killed or arrested. Since the disputed election on June 12 2009, the iranian authorities have detained hundreds of opposition supporters, journalists and protesters. There have also been a number of deaths. The interactive table shows the name & picture (if available) of the dead and detained. Guardian News is asking help from Iranians and journalists who have information on the dead or detained or have picture of those already listed.
    ** Visit for List of Killed and Detailed Since June 12, 2009.
    *** Visit for List of Killed and Imprisoned Iranian Christians since 1978.

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    Iran Government
    Iran Constitution
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    Cyrus The Great

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    A look at the leadership structure and powers in Iran

    Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei: The ultimate decision-maker on all major state and religious matters. He appoints all key positions in the ruling theocracy and controls judiciary and Revolutionary Guards. Supporters believe he is incapable of error and answerable only to God.

    Guardian Council: Vets all candidates for parliament, president and other elected posts. Power to veto any legislation. Comprised of six Islamic clerics and six legal scholars hand-picked by Khamenei.

    Expediency Council: A 32-member unelected group dominated by conservatives and led by former President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani. Mediates in disputes between Guardian Council and parliament. Advises supreme leader.

    Expert Assembly: A group of 87 Islamic clerics. Constitution says it oversees supreme leader, but actual role is unclear.

    President: Highest elected leader. Leads most aspects of government, but important decisions need backing of supreme leader. President serves for a four-year term. Two terms maximum.

    Prime Minister: The 1989 constitutional changes during Presidnecy of Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, removed the post of Prime Minister.

    Parliament: Structured as Western-style legislative branch, but all key measures by 290-seat chamber must have the backing of supreme leader. Main powers in setting budget and other fiscal matters. Law makers have four-year terms.

    Iran's Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

    Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
    Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei: Appointed for life, overrides all other authorities. It is extremely rare that people publicly criticise ayatollah Khamenei, who is regarded by his supporters as being incapable of error, and only answerable to God.
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