Week 3 of "Where is My Vote?" Protests in Iran
7/03/2009 - Friday - Iran -
ظرف دو روز ۱۲ تن در ایران اعدام شدند
رسانه های ایران می گویند طی دو روز گذشته ۱۲ تن به اتهام قتل و قاچاق مواد مخدر اعدام شده اند.
عفو بین الملل می گوید ایران از نظر تعداد اعدام ها پس از چین در ردیف دوم در جهان قرار دارد و سال پیش دست کم ۳۴۶ تن را اعدام کرد.
6/29/2009 - Monday - Guardian News and Media -
Iran 2009 Election - Faces of Dead and Detained
* Lets put a face to each of those hundreds - possibly thousands - killed or arrested since the Iranian election.
Since the disputed election on June 12 2009, the iranian authorities have detained hundreds of opposition supporters, journalists and protesters. There have also been a number of deaths.
The interactive table shows the name & picture (if available) of the dead and detained.
Guardian News is asking help from Iranians and journalists who have information on the dead or detained or have picture of those already listed.
** Visit IranHumanRights.org for List of Killed and Detailed Since June 12, 2009.
*** Visit IranianChurch.org for List of Killed and Imprisoned Iranian Christians since 1979.
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More News from Iran - 2009 Presidential Election Protests - Week3:
7/02/2009 - Thursday - Tehran -
Iran 'lifts block on SMS texting'
Reports from Iran say that SMS text messaging services have been unblocked for the first time since disputed presidential elections.
However, Iranian news agencies say there are still technical problems.
Text messaging and social networks were widely used by protesters in mass rallies following the election.
Defeated opposition candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi this week called on the government to end its interference in phone networks and the internet.
7/02/2009 - Thursday - Tehran -
ايران بين دو استراتژی تاکيد بر مداخله خارجی و اجتناب ازانزوای بين المللی گير افتاده است
نيويورک تايمز زير عنوان "اروپا خارج ساختن نمايندگان اش را ازايران بررسی ميکند" می نويسد ايران همزمان با تبادل نظرهای مقامات اروپائی در اين باره که آيا سفيران هر بيست و هفت کشور عضو اتحاديه اروپا بر سر اختلاف راجع به بازداشت کارکنان ايرانی سفارت بريتانيا در تهران از ايران فراخوانده شوند يا نه با خطرمنزوی شدن ديپلماتيک از سوی اين اتحاديه روبروست.
نيويورک تايمز می نويسد ديپلمات های اتحاديه اروپا روزچهارشنبه گفتند تصميمی رسمی برای صدوردستور فراخوانی نمايندگانشان اتخاذ نکرده اند اما چنين تصميمی يکی از گزينه ها در جريان تلاش های اتحاديه اروپا درمقام بزرگترين طرف بازرگانی با ايران برای رفع اختلاف به گونه ای است که سفارتخانه های ديگر درتهران از مواجه شدن با عملی مشابه حفظ شوند.
7/02/2009 - Thursday - Tehran -
Washington Times reporter 'to be released' by Iran
A Washington Times reporter detained for more than a week by Iranian authorities is to be released within hours, according to a Greek politician.
Iason Athanasiadis-Fowden, a journalist with joint British and Greek nationality also known as Jason Fowden, was arrested as he was attempting to leave the country last Tuesday, 23 June.
Earlier this week press freedom campaigning body Reporters Without Borders claimed that in total about 40 journalists in Iran had been arrested since internal unrest flared over last month's disputed presidential election.
The US magazine Newsweek issued a statement today rejecting a report on Press TV on Wednesday that its correspondent, Maziar Bahari, detained since 21 June, had admitted "false and biased" reporting on the post-election protests.
7/02/2009 - Thursday - Tehran -
سازمان نظارت بر حقوق بشر خواستار آزادی سعيد حجاريان شد
7/02/2009 - Thursday - London -
Iran still holding two UK embassy staff
The Iranian authorities are still holding two British embassy employees, who were detained in the wake of election protests, British sources said today.
The sources said two other Iranian members of the embassy staff had been released yesterday, not three as Iran's state-run Press TV channel had reported.
7/01/2009 - Wednesday - Tehran -
Mousavi says new Ahmadinejad government 'illegitimate'
Mir Hossein Mousavi declared today that he considered the new government "illegitimate", two weeks after he was defeated by the incumbent, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, in Iran's disputed presidential election.
In a statement posted on his website the moderate leader also called for the release of detained "children of the revolution" – a reference to the scores of reformist figures arrested since the 12 June poll.
The language seemed deliberately chosen to suggest that the regime was betraying the principles of 1979.
7/01/2009 - Wednesday - Tehran -
Iran reformists show fresh defiance against regime
In fresh displays of defiance, Iran's opposition leader told supporters Wednesday "it's not yet too late" to push for their rights, and he joined a reformist ex-president in condemning the regime for a post-election crackdown both said was tantamount to a coup. Embattled opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi said he considered Iran's cleric-led government illegitimate, and he demanded that it release all political prisoners and institute electoral reforms and press freedoms. Former President Mohammad Khatami, meanwhile, lashed out at what he termed "a poisonous security situation" in the wake of violent street protests.
7/01/2009 - Wednesday - Washington D.C. -
Iranian claims Neda's death staged 'shocking' : White House
The White House on Wednesday dismissed as "misinformation" a reported Iranian police claim that the death of Neda Agha-Soltan, who emerged as an emblem of the political uprising, was staged.
"I think that is the ongoing campaign of misinformation about what's going on," White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said when asked about the claim.
"I think the notion that the death of an innocent woman would be staged is -- even with them, it's shocking."
7/01/2009 - Wednesday - Tehran -
Arrested, beaten and raped: an Iran protester's tale
He came to my shop around 10.30am. You could tell straight away that he had just been released. His face was bruised all over. His teeth were broken and he could hardly open his eyes.
He was not even into politics. He was just an ordinary 18-year-old in the last year of school. Before the election he came to me and asked how he should vote. He looks up to me. His father is an Ahmadinejad supporter.
7/01/2009 - Wednesday - Tehran -
Iran releases three more British embassy employees
Iran has released three employees of the British embassy in Tehran who were detained in the wake of street protests against official presidential election results, state-run Iranian television reported today.
The reported releases come just ahead of a meeting of senior European diplomats in Stockholm tomorrow. The political directors of EU member foreign ministries were due to discuss coordinated measures against Iran for what David Miliband has called "harassment and intimidation" of local embassy staff.
7/01/2009 - Wednesday - Tehran -
Etemade Melli Newspaper is not published - «جلوگيری از انتشار روزنامه اعتماد ملی»
6/30/2009 - Tuesday - Tehran -
Clerics pose little threat to Khamenei
There are persistent reports about a plan being hatched by Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani to oust Ayatollah Khamenei as the supreme leader of Iran. These reports state that Rafsanjani is lobbying the clergy in Qom, with the hope that they would back this plan. Legally speaking, such a move is possible. The assembly of experts, which comprises 86 senior clergy, can technically do this if enough votes are collected. Although Rafsanjani would be looking to use the legal powers of the assembly of experts to replace Khamenei as the supreme leader, many of his supporters would see this as nothing short of a new revolution.
In the short to medium term, Khamenei's future does not seem to be in great danger from Rafsanjani and the clergy. What the supreme leader has to look out for are the people demonstrating on the streets. Their continued oppression could lead to strikes and, judging by the 1979 revolution, if these spread to the oil sector the supreme leader could have a serious problem on his hands.
6/30/2009 - Tuesday - Tehran -
Mr. Karoubi: The new Government is not Legitimate - کروبی: دولت را مشروع نمیدانم
Mr. Mehdi Karoubi one of the presidential candidates in Iran's 10th presidential election, annouced that he does not recognize the new government legitimate.
آقای کروبی در بخش دیگری از این نامه با تشریح دلایل خود برای حضور در انتخابات، نوشت که پس از ۲۲ خرداد «با چکمه و باتوم به جان و مال مردم هجوم بردند، صدها نفر سازماندهی شده به خوابگاه دانشجویان حمله کردند و قلب دختر جوان را با گلوله شکافتند و از پشت بام مسجد با یونیفرم مردم را به گلوله بستند و صدها نفر را در خانه و خیابان دستگیر کردند و تا سر حد مرگ کتک زدند.»
6/30/2009 - Tuesday - Iran -
Now we have seen Iran's human face, a military attack is unthinkable
Is that a sign of things to come? Put simply, have the events of the last three weeks in Tehran made the prospect of US-led action against Iran – up to and including the use of military force – more or less likely?
One western diplomat says opinion in the chancelleries of Europe has hardened, even among those once well-disposed towards Tehran: "They have seen the face of this regime – and it's not pretty."
6/30/2009 - Tuesday - Washington D.C. -
Obama urged to punish US firms for aiding internet censorship
Internet activists are urging Barack Obama to pass legislation that would make it illegal for technology companies to collaborate with authoritarian countries that censor the internet.
The issue has taken on added resonance after recent events in Iran, where questions about western complicity have been raised after a post-election crackdown by the government that has included throttling internet access and blocking websites to prevent information from spreading.
6/30/2009 - Tuesday - Tehran -
Funeral for Kianoush Aasa in Kermanshah - هلهلههای سوگواری برای کیانوش
روز سهشنبه، نهم تیرماه مراسم ختم و سوگواری در شهر کرمانشاه برای کیانوش آسا، دانشجوی ۲۷ ساله که در جریان وقایع اخیر کشته شده از سوی خانواده او برگزارشد. در این مراسم هزار نفر از شهروندان کرمانشاه و دوستان دانشجو و استادان او شرکت داشتند.
کیانوش آسا، دانشجوی ترم آخر کارشناسی ارشد رشته پتروشیمی دانشگاه علم و صنعت تهران بود. او در روز ۲۵ خرداد در تظاهرات اعتراض مردم به تقلب در انتخابات شرکت داشت، که با گلولهای به گفته دوستان اواز طرف لباس شخصیها کشته شد.
6/30/2009 - Tuesday - Tehran -
How Iran is filtering out dissent - Internet Censorship
If the Iranian regime hesitated over tactics when protests erupted over the "theft" of the presidential elections by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, it was well prepared on one front: internet censorship is both routine and highly developed in the Islamic Republic, so when the crackdown came it was swift and – fairly – effective.
6/30/2009 - Tuesday - Washington D.C. -
US slaps sanctions on Iran firm
The US has imposed sanctions on an Iranian firm accused of helping North Korea with its nuclear programme.
The US Treasury says Hong Kong Electronics moved millions of dollars to two North Korean companies linked to Pyongyang's nuclear programme.
The action means that bank accounts or any other financial assets found in the US belonging to the Iran-based company will be frozen.
US citizens are also banned from doing business with the firm.
6/29/2009 - Monday - Tehran -
Ahmadinejad calls for Neda Probe
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called for an investigation into the death of a young woman who has become an icon of opposition protests.
He urged Iran's judicial authorities to bring to justice those responsible for the shooting of Neda Agha-Soltan.
She was shot on 20 June, when supporters of defeated election candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi clashed with riot police and Basij militiamen in the capital Tehran.
Some 17 people are thought to have died during the post-election street protests.
6/29/2009 - Monday - Iran -
EU threatens mass pullout of ambassadors from Tehran
European Union members are threatening the collective withdrawal of their ambassadors from Iran to secure the release of the British embassy employees being held by the authorities.
Yesterday, EU foreign ministers warned Iran that any "harassment or intimidation" of embassy staff would be met with a "strong and collective" response. Most of the 27 EU member states have their own ambassadors in Tehran.
6/29/2009 - Monday - Tehran -
10% of votes recount
6/29/2009 - Monday - Tehran -
Iran Frees 5 from UK Embassey
6/29/2009 - Monday - Tehran -
Iran: No downgrade of diplomatic ties with Britain
6/29/2009 - Monday - Tehran -
Over 2000 People have been arrested since Iranian people's protest to the Iran Presidential Election Result
6/28/2009 - Sunday - Tehran -
Video showing arrest of protesters in Tehran on Sunday
6/28/2009 - Sunday - London -
Iran warned by EU after British embassy workers arrested
6/28/2009 - Sunday - Tehran -
Tear Gas and beating for thousands gather in Ghaba Mosque
At least 1,000 opposition supporters are reported to have staged a noisy rally outside a mosque in Tehran on Sunday evening before it was broken up by police and militia.
6/28/2009 - Sunday - Tehran -
Mr. Karoubi - Put the responsibility of Election Result on Supreme Leader
6/28/2009 - Sunday - Tehran -
Protest around Ghaba Mosque in Tehran
6/28/2009 - Sunday - Tehran -
People Assemby around Ghaba Mosque in Tehran
6/28/2009 - Sunday - Tehran -
Arrests follow Ghaba Mosque Gathering
6/27/2009 - Saturday - Tehran -
Iran pledges 'crushing' response to US critiques
6/27/2009 - Saturday - Tehran -
Quiet crackdown drains force from Iran dissidents
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Books on:
Iran Government
Iran Constitution
Iran Islamic Revolution
Iran Oil
Cyrus The Great
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A look at the leadership structure and powers in Iran
Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei: The ultimate decision-maker on all major state and religious matters. He appoints all key positions in the ruling theocracy and controls judiciary and Revolutionary Guards. Supporters believe he is incapable of error and answerable only to God.
Guardian Council: Vets all candidates for parliament, president and other elected posts. Power to veto any legislation. Comprised of six Islamic clerics and six legal scholars hand-picked by Khamenei.
Expediency Council: A 32-member unelected group dominated by conservatives and led by former President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani. Mediates in disputes between Guardian Council and parliament. Advises supreme leader.
Expert Assembly: A group of 87 Islamic clerics. Constitution says it oversees supreme leader, but actual role is unclear.
President: Highest elected leader. Leads most aspects of government, but important decisions need backing of supreme leader. President serves for a four-year term. Two terms maximum.
Prime Minister: The 1989 constitutional changes during Presidnecy of Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, removed the post of Prime Minister.
Parliament: Structured as Western-style legislative branch, but all key measures by 290-seat chamber must have the backing of supreme leader. Main powers in setting budget and other fiscal matters. Law makers have four-year terms.
Iran's Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei |
Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei: Appointed for life, overrides all other authorities.
It is extremely rare that people publicly criticise ayatollah Khamenei, who is regarded by his supporters as being incapable of error, and only answerable to God.
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