Man is The Choicemaker. He is by nature and nature's God a creature of Choice - and of Criteria Thus, he is oriented to a Freedom whose roots are in the natural order of the universe.
Tehran: Iranian people protest against electoral fraud
6/29/2009 - Monday - Guardian News -
Iran 2009 Election - Faces of Dead and Detained * Lets put a face to each of those hundreds - possibly thousands - killed or arrested.
Since the disputed election on June 12 2009, the iranian authorities have detained hundreds of opposition supporters, journalists and protesters. There have also been a number of deaths.
The interactive table shows the name & picture (if available) of the dead and detained.
Guardian News is asking help from Iranians and journalists who have information on the dead or detained or have picture of those already listed.
** Visit for List of Killed and Detailed Since June 12, 2009.
*** Visit for List of Killed and Imprisoned Iranian Christians since 1978.
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6/29/2009 - Monday - Guardian News and Media -
Iran 2009 Election - Faces of Dead and Detained * Lets put a face to each of those hundreds - possibly thousands - killed or arrested.
Since the disputed election on June 12 2009, the iranian authorities have detained hundreds of opposition supporters, journalists and protesters. There have also been a number of deaths.
The interactive table shows the name & picture (if available) of the dead and detained.
Guardian News is asking help from Iranians and journalists who have information on the dead or detained or have picture of those already listed.
** Visit for List of Killed and Detailed Since June 12, 2009.
*** Visit for List of Killed and Imprisoned Iranian Christians since 1978.
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Books on:
Iran Government Iran Constitution Iran Islamic Revolution Iran Oil Cyrus The Great
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A look at the leadership structure and powers in Iran
Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei: The ultimate decision-maker on all major state and religious matters. He appoints all key positions in the ruling theocracy and controls judiciary and Revolutionary Guards. Supporters believe he is incapable of error and answerable only to God.
Guardian Council: Vets all candidates for parliament, president and other elected posts. Power to veto any legislation. Comprised of six Islamic clerics and six legal scholars hand-picked by Khamenei.
Expediency Council: A 32-member unelected group dominated by conservatives and led by former President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani. Mediates in disputes between Guardian Council and parliament. Advises supreme leader.
Expert Assembly: A group of 87 Islamic clerics. Constitution says it oversees supreme leader, but actual role is unclear.
President: Highest elected leader. Leads most aspects of government, but important decisions need backing of supreme leader. President serves for a four-year term. Two terms maximum.
Prime Minister: The 1989 constitutional changes during Presidnecy of Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, removed the post of Prime Minister.
Parliament: Structured as Western-style legislative branch, but all key measures by 290-seat chamber must have the backing of supreme leader. Main powers in setting budget and other fiscal matters. Law makers have four-year terms.
Iran's Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei: Appointed for life, overrides all other authorities.
It is extremely rare that people publicly criticise ayatollah Khamenei, who is regarded by his supporters as being incapable of error, and only answerable to God.