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Where is My Vote?? Millions of Iranians are questioning the accuracy of Iran 2009 Presidential Election

اخبار ايران - Iran News - FarsiNews @ FarsiNet - اخبار فارسی

Month #2 of "Where is My Vote?" Protests & Political Turmoil in Iran

8/13/2009 - Thursday - Tehran - انصاری: گزارش تجاوز به بازداشتی‌ها برای مقامات ارسال شده است
مجيد انصاری، معاون سابق رييس جمهوری ايران و عضو مجمع روحانيون مبارز، در گفت وگو با خبرگزاری جمهوری اسلامی، ايرنا، درباره درخواست مهدی کروبی از هاشمی رفسنجانی، برای بررسی موضوع «تجاوز به زندانيان» گفته است: «با کمال تاسف اينها صحت دارد و آدم بايد به قول اميرالمومنين آرزوی مرگ کند که در جمهوری اسلامی کار به اينجا برسد که چنين فجايعی رخ دهد... نه يک مورد بلکه متعدد بوده است.» آقای انصاری در ادامه گفت وگوی چالشی خود با خبرگزاری دولتی «ايرنا» گفته است: «شما به عنوان يک شهروند وقتی خبر اين موارد را می‌شنويد نبايد آرام و قرار داشته باشيد. آن هم يکی دو مورد نيست.» اين عضو مجمع روحانيون مبارز تاکيد کرده است: «اصل قضيه قطعی و اثبات شده و گزارش آن برای مقامات رفته است.» آقای انصاری نام اين مقامات را نگفته است، اما به نظر می رسد منظور وی رهبر جمهوری اسلامی ایران باشد.

8/13/2009 - Thursday - Tehran - Iran: 30 Christians Arrested as Protest Crackdowns Continue
Amid a violent crackdown on protestors and a purge of opponents within the Iranian government, more than 30 Christians were arrested in the last two weeks near Tehran and in the northern city of Rasht. Two waves of arrests near Tehran happened within days of each other, and while most of those detained – all converts from Islam – were held just a day for questioning, a total of eight Christians still remain in prison. On July 31 police raided a special Christian meeting 25 kilometers (15 miles) north of Tehran in the village of Amameh in the area of Fashan. A Compass source said about 24 Christians, all converts from Islam, had gathered in a private home. In the afternoon police squads in both plain clothes and uniform raided and arrested everyone present.

8/13/2009 - Thursday - Tehran - Iran inmates 'tortured to death'
Iran's defeated opposition presidential candidate has said that some protesters held after last month's disputed poll were tortured to death in prison. The claim by Mehdi Karroubi comes days after he said a number of prisoners, both male and female, had been raped. Officials deny the rape claims, but admit that abuses have taken place. The BBC's Jon Leyne says the opposition uses the issue to maintain political pressure without directly questioning Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's poll victory. On Thursday, Mr Karroubi alleged that a number of detainees had been tortured to death. "Some young people are beaten to death just for chanting slogans in [post-election] protests," his website said. Mr Karroubi also called for the formation of an independent committee to review his evidence in "a calm atmosphere". On Sunday, the defeated presidential candidate claimed that some opposition protesters were raped in detention. The claim was supported by a number of human rights groups but quickly dismissed as "totally baseless" by the speaker of Iran's parliament, Ali Larijani.
On Tuesday, Iran's authorities said 4,000 people had been detained during the mass protests that broke out in the wake of the 12 June presidential poll, which the opposition says was rigged. The number was much higher than previous figures, although the authorities said 3,700 of them had been released within a few days of arrest. Opposition leaders say 69 protesters died in the post-election violence - more than double the official figure of about 30 fatalities.

8/13/2009 - Thursday - Tehran - ايران کروبی: شاهرودی دستور بررسی احتمال تجاوز به بازداشتی ها را داده است
مهدی کروبی، يکی از نامزدهای معترض انتخابات رياست جمهوری، از دستور رييس قوه قضاييه برای رسيدگی به احتمال تجاوز به دستگير شدگان اخیر در بازداشتگاه ها خبر داده است. آقای کروبی دو هفته پيش در نامه ای به اکبر هاشمی رفسنجانی، رييس مجلس خبرگان، خواستار بررسی مسئله تجاوز به «دختران و پسرانی» بازداشتی شده بود. متن اين نامه در هفته جاری منتشر شد و واکنش های بسياری را در پی داشت. علی لاريجانی، رييس مجلس، روز چهارشنبه در واکنش به اين نامه گفته بود: بررسی های دقيق انجام شده توسط کميته ويژه مجلس از بازداشت شدگان در کهريزک و اوين هيچ گونه موردی که مبنی بر آزار و تجاوز جنسی باشد مشاهده نشده است.
««متاسفم از اين که مردمی را که به بهانه اعتراض به يک انتخابات بازداشت کرده اند چنين مورد شکنجه قرار داده اند به طوری که من شنيده ام که افراد را در کهريزيک لخت می کردند و چهار دست و پا می نشاندند و سوار بر انها می شدند و به انها می گفتند که صدای حيوانات را در بياوريد اخر اين مايه تاسف جمهوری اسلامی است و يا اينکه برخی را دستگر کرده و انها را لخت کرده اند و روی هم خوابانده اند و آب بر روی انها ريخته اند»

6/29/2009 - Monday - Guardian News and Media - Iran 2009 Election - Faces of Dead and Detained
* Lets put a face to each of those hundreds - possibly thousands - killed or arrested since the Iranian election. Since the disputed election on June 12 2009, the iranian authorities have detained hundreds of opposition supporters, journalists and protesters. There have also been a number of deaths. The interactive table shows the name & picture (if available) of the dead and detained. Guardian News is asking help from Iranians and journalists who have information on the dead or detained or have picture of those already listed.
** Visit IranHumanRights.org for List of Killed and Detailed Since June 12, 2009.
*** Visit IranianChurch.org for List of Killed and Imprisoned Iranian Christians since 1979.
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Where is my Neda? Where is My Voice? Where is Neda Agha Soltan? Why did basiji Militia shot Neda in Chest on June 21, 2009? Iranian People Protest against electoral fraud - June 2009, Neda Voice of Millions of Iranians Protesting against the Regim and rigged Elections of President Ahmadinejad

  • More News from Iran - 2009 Presidential Election Protests - 2nd Month:

    8/11/2009 - Tuesday - Los Angeles - Compass Direct News - IRAN: AUTHORITIES TIGHTEN GRIP ON CHRISTIANS AS UNREST ROILS
    Amid a violent crackdown on protestors and a purge of opponents within the Iranian government, more than 30 Christians were arrested in the last two weeks near Tehran and in the northern city of Rasht. Two waves of arrests near Tehran happened within days of each other, and while most of those detained – all converts from Islam – were held just a day for questioning, a total of eight Christians still remain in prison. On July 31 police raided a special Christian meeting 25 kilometers (15 miles) north of Tehran in the village of Amameh in the area of Fashan. A Compass source said about 24 Christians, all converts from Islam, had gathered in a private home. In the afternoon police squads in both plain clothes and uniform raided and arrested everyone present. “Many people stormed the villa, and in the same day they took everything,” said the source, a Christian Iranian who requested anonymity. All present were taken by private car to their residences, where police took all their passports, documents, cash, CDs, computers and mobile phones, and from there to the police station. “There were many cars so they could take each person with a car to their house from the meeting,” said the source. “Think of how many cars were there to arrest them. And they took all their books, PCs, CDs mobile phones, everything.”

    8/10/2009 - Monday - Tehran - هیات موسوی - کروبی: ۶۹ کشته و ۲۴۵ زندانی، قربانی حوادث اخیر
    هیأت منتخب موسوی ـ کروبی برای حمايت از آسيب‌ديدگان اخير اسامی ۶۹ نفر از معترضين کشته شده و دست‌کم ۲۴۵ معترض بازداشت‌شده را به مجلس شورای اسلامی ارائه کرد. عليرضا بهشتی، نماينده ميرحسين موسوی در هیأت حمايت از آسيب‌‌ديدگان حوادث اخير، روز دوشنبه در جريان ملاقات اين هیأت با کميته ويژه مجلس شورای اسلامی، فهرستی از قربانيان و زندانيان اعتراض‌های اخير را به اعضای اين کميته ارائه داد. آقای بهشتی در گفت‌وگو با راديوفردا شمار قربانيان را ۶۹ نفر و تعداد افرادی که هم‌اکنون در بازداشت به سر می‌برند را طبق اعلام خانواده‌هايشان ۲۴۵ نفر اعلام کرده است.

    8/08/2009 - Saturday - Tehran - EU hits out at Tehran over trial
    European nations have strongly criticised the latest trials in Iran over the unrest that followed the disputed presidential poll. Iranian workers at the French and British embassies and a French national were among dozens of detainees to appear in court in Tehran. The EU presidency said action against any EU national or embassy would be seen as an act against the whole bloc. The UK and France also spoke out against the trial. This is the second group trial of those accused of taking part in the mass protests that erupted after the 12 June election. Last week more than 100 people, including leading reformers, appeared in court in Tehran on charges including conspiracy. 'Spying for foreigners'
    The group that appeared in court in Tehran on Saturday included reformist lawmakers and journalists, all wearing grey prison clothes. They are accused of crimes including rioting, spying and plotting to overthrow the government. Hossein Rassam, the most senior Iranian employee at the British embassy, stands accused of "spying for foreigners".

    8/03/2009 - Monday - Tehran - Iran poll critics shun ceremony
    Senior Iranian political figures appear to have snubbed the formal endorsement of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as president by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. His predecessors as president, Mohammad Khatami and Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, did not attend the ceremony. Also missing were the two opposition candidates defeated in June's election - that was mired in claims of rigging - Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi. Later, riot police reportedly prevented several opposition protests in Tehran. After the 12 June election, thousands of Iranians took to the streets in the largest mass demonstrations since the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

    8/03/2009 - Monday - Tehran - Ahmadinejad gets key endorsement as Iran president
    TEHRAN, Iran – Iran's supreme leader formally endorsed Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for a second term as president Monday in a ceremony that sought to portray unity among the country's leadership but was snubbed by prominent critics of the disputed election. After Ayatollah Ali Khamenei gave his official seal of approval, he allowed Ahmadinejad to kiss his robe on his shoulder — a noticeably more restrained gesture than four years ago when Ahmadinejad kissed the leader's hand and cheeks in a sign of closeness and loyalty. An opposition Web site reported clashes in a northern Tehran square between security forces and protesters. It gave few details however, and could not immediately be independently confirmed.

    8/02/2009 - Sunday - Tehran - Iran opposition says protesters 'tortured'
    TEHRAN (AFP) – Iran's opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi accused the authorities on Sunday of using "medieval torture" to extract confessions from protesters on trial over the wave of post-election unrest. Former president Mohammad Khatami also said Saturday's mass trial of 100 protesters and prominent reformists was against the constitution, putting him at loggerheads with hardliners who openly accused him and Mousavi of "treason." Another 10 people were brought before a revolutionary court on Sunday on charges relating to the massive street protests that erupted after hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's bitterly disputed election victory in June. And as the factional feuding escalated, the powerful hardline wing in Iran took aim at both opposition leaders, accusing them of trying to lead a "velvet revolution" and lodging a judicial complaint against Mousavi.

    8/01/2009 - Saturday - Tehran - Iran puts 100 protesters on trial
    The trial has begun in Iran of 100 people arrested for their alleged involvement in post-election violence. The charges included rioting, vandalism, "acting against national security", and conspiring against the ruling system, state media reported. Those on trial included members of the opposition reform movement, including a former vice-president. Pro-government media reported what they say were confessions by some of the leading reformists. But the leading reformist party Mosharekat described the proceedings as a laughable show trial and said the confessions had been forced.

    7/26/2009 - Sunday - Tehran - مراسم ختم روح الامینی 'برای پرهیز از خشونت' لغو شد
    مراسم ختم محسن روح الامینی از قربانیان خشونت های پس از انتخابات ایران که قرار بود روز یکشنبه در مسجد بلال در کنار مرکز صدا و سیمای ایران برگزار شود لغو شد. این تصمیم پس از آن صورت گرفت که بسیاری از معترضان به نتایج انتخابات خواستار شرکت در مراسم ختم وی شده بودند. به گزارش وبسایت رادیو و تلویزیون ایران عبدالحسین روح الامینی، پدر محسن روح الامینی، در بیانیه ای به نمایندگی از خانواده اش نوشت "برای حفظ امنیت و آرامش مردم و پرهیز از هرگونه خشونت از برگزاری مراسم یادبود" صرف نظر شده است.

    7/26/2009 - Sunday - Tehran - رفسنجانی اظهار امیدواری کرد 'رهبر برای حل مشکلات اقدام کند
    اکبر هاشمی رفسنجانی روز یکشنبه اظهار امیدواری کرده است رهبر جمهوری اسلامی برای عبور از وضعیتی که قبلا آن را "بحرانی" خوانده وارد عمل شود. رئیس مجلس خبرگان و مجمع تشخیص مصلحت نظام که در دیداری با برخی استادان دانشگاه علم و صنعت سخن می گفت، همچنین وجود "جنگ قدرت" در سطوح عالی جمهوری اسلامی را "القا" رسانه های خارجی خواند اما به وجود "نزاع" بر سر انتخابات اخیر اذعان کرد.
    او جای دیگری در مورد عبور از وضعیت کنونی که قبلا آن را یک "بحران" خوانده بود گفت: "امید من به رهبری است که با توجه به افکار و تجربه خودشان برای حل مشکلات جاری اقدام کنند و نظر خود من برای حل کوتاه مدت همان پیشنهاداتی است که در نماز جمعه مطرح کردم. اینجانب بارها از زبان رهبر معظم شنیده ام که فرمودند: اینها که به آسانی مردم را به زندان می برند اگر مثل من و تو طعم زندان را چشیده بودند چنین نمی کردند."

    7/23/2009 - Thursday - Tehran - VP appointment pilloried
    Ayatollah Nasser Makarem Shirazi has said the appointment of Esfandiar Rahim-Mashaii as the first vice president is unacceptable. “Certainly, the appointment of such a person has no legitimacy,” he wrote on his web site. Ayatollah Seyyed Ahmad Khatami of the Presiding Board of the Assembly of Experts stated here on Wednesday that the situation is a test of Ahmadinejad’s commitment to velayat-e faqih (rule of the supreme jurisprudent) which he can pass by swiftly dismissing Rahim-Mashaii. “The firm expectation of those who have voted for Ahmadinejad because of his commitment to velayat is that he (must) show his obedience to the Supreme Leader in practice,” he told the Mehr News Agency. Khatami also pointed out that those who have supported Ahmadinejad in the election are not demanding any privileges but are firm in asking the president to comply with the Leader’s decree.

    7/22/2009 - Wednesday - Tehran - Iran's Ahmadinejad defiantly sticks by VP choice
    President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stuck by his controversial appointment for a key top deputy on Wednesday in an unusual defiance of Iran's supreme leader who reportedly ordered the man's removal. His move deepens the dispute among the country's hard-line leadership. Mashai is a relative by marriage to Ahmadinejad — his daughter is married to the president's son. Mashai angered hard-liners in 2008 when he said Iranians were "friends of all people in the world — even Israelis." He was serving as vice president in charge of tourism and cultural heritage at the time. After days of controversy, Khamenei ruled. "The view of the exalted leader on the removal of Mashai from the post of vice president has been given to Ahmadinejad in writing," the semiofficial Fars news agency reported Wednesday.

    7/22/2009 - Wednesday - Tehran - رهبر جمهوری اسلامی خواهان برکناری معاون انتخابی احمدی نژاد شده است
    رسانه های ایران گزارش می دهند رهبر جمهوری اسلامی از محمود احمدی نژاد رییس جمهوری خواسته است از انتخاب اسفندیار رحیم مشایی به عنوان معاون اول ریاست جمهوری منصرف شود. این انتخاب محافظه کاران را به خشم آورد، و رسانه های خبری نیمه رسمی ایران روز چهارشنبه به نقل از محمد حسن ابوترابی فرد، نایب رییس مجلس شورای اسلامی گفتند آیت الله خامنه ای در نامه ای برای احمدی نژاد از او خواسته است مشایی را برکنار کند.

    7/22/2009 - Wednesday - Tehran - Iran's supreme leader tells Ahmadinejad to sack deputy
    Order to president to reverse controversial appointment shows real power still lies with Khamenei. Iran's hardline president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is under new pressure from conservatives after being ordered to reverse his controversial decision to appoint a senior deputy. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran's supreme leader, has reportedly told him to sack Esfandiar Rahim-Mashai, who made waves last year when he made apparently favourable remarks about Israel – normally the focus of hatred and derision by Ahmadinejad and the Tehran regime in general.

    7/22/2009 - Wednesday - Tehran - اتحاديه اروپا: دولت ايران با مسئله مشروعيت از نظر رای دهندگان رو به رو است
    وزير امور خارجه سوئد، رييس دوره ای اتحاديه اروپا، چهل روز پس از انتخابات رياست جمهوری ایران در موضع گيری تازه ای گفته است: حکومت ايران با مسئله مشروعيت از نظر رای دهندگان مواجه است کارل بيلت، وزير امور خارجه سوئد روز سه شنبه گفت: آنها، رهبران ايران بايد نگران مشروعيت حکومت خود از منظر رای دهندگان باشند. آقای بيلت که در کميته روابط خارجی اتحاديه اروپا صحبت می کرد، افزوده است: بايد منتظر نتيجه رويدادهای ايران بود. پس از آن که وزارت کشور ايران اعلام کرد محمود احمدی نژاد در انتخابات ۲۲ خردادماه به پيروزی رسيده است، تهران و برخی شهرهای ايران شاهد تظاهرات معترضان به انتخابات بوده است. در حالی که مقامات دولتی ايران می گويند ۲۰ نفر در اعتراضات به نتيجه انتخابات کشته شده اند، گروه های طرفدار حقوق بشر می گويند تعداد کشته شدگان بسيار بيشتر از آمار رسمی است.

    7/21/2009 - Tuesday - Tehran - Arrests at new Iranian protests
    Iranian riot police are reported to have arrested a number of pro-reform protesters in Tehran after demonstrations turned violent. Police clashed with hundreds of people marching despite a ban on public gatherings since the disputed election in June, Reuters news agency said. Witnesses said hundreds or even thousands of people took to the streets of Tehran on Tuesday afternoon, although curbs on the international media mean it is difficult to verify reports from Iran independently. Large numbers of riot police were deployed to meet them, and militia men in civilian clothes also mingled with the crowd, the BBC's Jon Leyne reports. In a new form of protest, activists were urged to turn off lights and domestic appliances at 2055 (1625 GMT).

    7/21/2009 - Tuesday - Tehran - در انتظار اعتراضات جدید، نیروهای امنیتی در تهران مستقر شدند
    شاهدان در تهران می گویند نیروهای انتظامی و افراد بسیج روز سه شنبه در انتظار اعتراضات طرفداران اوپوزیسیون در خیابان ها مستقر شدند. انتظار می رفت تظاهرات در میدان آزادی بمناسبت سالگرد اعتراضات به حمایت از محمد مصدق نخست وزیر سابق، که در سال ۱۹۵۳ در کودتایی با پشتیبانی سازمان مرکزی اطلاعات آمریکا برکنار شد، برپا شود. مقامات امنیتی رسانه های خارجی را از تهیه گزارش درباره تظاهرات ممنوع کرده اند و سازمان های خبری بشدت به گزارش های شاهدان متکی هستند. هنوز روشن نیست که آیا اعتراضات صورت گرفت یانه. پیشتر، فرمانده نیروی انتظامی ایران رهبران مخالف را، که خواهان همه پرسی درباره مشروعیت دولت شده اند، به تحریک بی ثباتی متهم کرد و گفت نیروهای او برای حفظ نظم و قانون قاطعانه عمل خواهند کرد. خبرگزاری جمهوری اسلامی روز سه شنبه به نقل از اسماعیل احمدی مقدم گفت کسانی که از قانون اطاعت نمی کنند «دروغگویانی» هستند که می خواهند با گسترش تردید در جمهوری اسلامی تفرقه ایجاد کنند.

    7/21/2009 - Tuesday - Tehran - Grandson of Ayatollah Khomeini 'leaves Iran to avoid presidential inauguration'
    The grandson of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, father of Iran's Islamic revolution, is reported to have left the country to avoid attending Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's presidential inauguration. Hassan Khomeini, a supporter of the defeated reformist candidate, Mir Hossein Mousavi, has travelled to an unnamed "neighbouring country" to escape official pressure to be present at next month's swearing-in ceremony, according to the pro-reformist news website, Salaamnews. His absence would be a blow to the authorities' hopes of using the hallowed Khomeini family name to confer legitimacy on the event in the face of allegations that Ahmadinejad owes his re-election to fraud. Hassan — a member of the pro-reformist Association of Combatant Clerics — is the most well-known and politically active of Khomeini's surviving descendants

    7/21/2009 - Tuesday - Tehran - ضرب و شتم معترضان توسط نیروهای ضد شورش در تهران
    نيروهای ضد شورش همراه با لباس شخصی ها روز سه شنبه با ضرب و شتم صدها معترض به نتايج انتخابات رياست جمهوری در خيابان های مرکزی تهران، تلاش کردند مانع برگزاری تظاهرات آرام آنها شوند. یک شاهد عينی به رادیو فردا گفت: کسانی که که برای تجمع به میدان هفت تیر آمده بودند بیش از چند هزار نفر بودند، ولی نیروهای امنیتی آنها را مورد ضرب و شتم قرار داده اند. این شاهد عینی از حضور چشم گیر نیروهای ضد شورش و لباس شخصی ها در میدان هفت تیر و خیابان های اطراف خبر داده و گفت این نیروهای اجازه نمی دادند که هیچ گونه تجمعی شکل بگیرد و به شدت مردم را مورد ضرب و شتم قرار دادند. بنا بر دیگر گزارش های دریافتی، در محدوده ميدان هفت تير و خيابان کريمخان بين نيروهای ضد شورش و معترضان درگيری هایی رخ داده است. این در حالی است که رويترز، گزارش داده است تظاهرات کنندگان شعار هايی مانند؛ «احمدی نژاد استعفاء، استعفاء» و «مرگ بر ديکتاتور» سر می دادند.

    7/20/2009 - Monday - Tehran - Ali Khamenei warns of 'collapse' after Iran referendum calls
    Iran's supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, warned today that continuing divisions would lead to the collapse of the country's ruling elite, after a former president called for a referendum on the government's legitimacy. The referendum call from Mohammad Khatami appeared to be part of an opposition strategy to keep Khamenei and allied hardliners on the defensive over last month's disputed elections. It coincided with a demand from Mir Hossein Mousavi, the leading opposition candidate in those elections, for the release of opposition supporters detained for protesting against the official results, which gave a landslide victory to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Another former president, Hashemi Rafsanjani, gave a speech at Friday prayers in which he said the Islamic Republic was in crisis and the government had lost the trust of millions of Iranians. Khamenei, whose previously unquestioned authority is now under daily challenge, hit back furiously. "The elite should be watchful, since they have been faced with a big test. Failing the test will cause their collapse," the supreme leader said, in a speech to mark a religious holiday, attended by government officials including Ahmadinejad, who sat on the stage behind him.

    7/20/2009 - Monday - Tehran - Khatami urges referendum on poll
    The former President of Iran, Mohammad Khatami, has called for a referendum on the legitimacy of the government, following June's disputed elections. Mr Khatami, quoted on Iranian websites, said millions of Iranians had lost faith in the electoral process. The Iranian opposition, including Mr Khatami and the defeated presidential candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi, say the election was rigged. Only the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, can organise a referendum.

    7/19/2009 - Sunday - Tehran - Thirty-six army officers arrested in Iran over protest plan
    Officers planned to attend sermon by former president Hashemi Rafsanjani in military uniform. The Iranian army has arrested 36 officers who planned to attend last week's Friday prayer sermon by former president Hashemi Rafsanjani in their military uniforms as an act of political defiance, according to Farsi-language websites. The officers intended the gesture to show solidarity with the demonstrations against last month's presidential election result, which was won by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad but which has been clouded by allegations of mass fraud.

    7/19/2009 - Sunday - UK - Iran's crisis has nuclear fallout
    Many Iranians will now start to see their nation's nuclear programme as a tool of the regime's leadership, not of the people. The controversy surrounding the recent elections in Iran has greatly damaged the legitimacy of Ayatollah Khamenei's administration. Gone are the days when even those opposed to the current regime grudgingly admitted that unlike other pro-US regimes such as Saudi Arabia, in Iran, the public do have some say over who occupies the presidential office. This loss of legitimacy is likely to affect the way many Iranians judge government policies on important issues; an important one being the nuclear programme.

    7/19/2009 - Sunday - Tehran - Iran bails UK embassy employee
    Iran has released on bail the last of the British embassy employees arrested in Tehran in connection with last month's election protests. Hossein Rassam - the embassy's chief political analyst - was one of nine local embassy staff originally held. He was charged with inciting the unrest over President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's re-election and is due to stand trial. Britain has denied Tehran's accusations that embassy staff had been involved in instigating mass demonstrations.

    7/18/2009 - Saturday - Urumeyeh, Iran - کشته شدن چهار مامور پلیس ایران توسط شورشیان در منطقه کردستان ایران
    بنا به گزارش رسانه های ایران چهار مامور پلیس ایرانی در منطقه شمال غرب کشور که تعداد قابل توجهی جمعیت کرد دارد، کشته شده اند. این درگیری روز شنبه در بخش ارومیه در استان آذربایجان غربی، منطقه هم مرز ترکیه و عراق به وقوع پیوست. طی سال های اخیر، نیروهای امنیتی ایران در منطقه غرب مبارزات مرگباری با اعضای خزب زندگی آزاد کردستان ( پژاک ) داشته اند.

    7/18/2009 - Saturday - Tehran - Report: Iran opposition candidate blasts 'clear lies'
    An opposition candidate in Iran's disputed presidential election blasted what he called the "thoughtless and clear lies" of the country's security forces Sunday, while students mounted new demonstrations at a university in Shiraz. Former parliament speaker Mehdi Karrubi, who ran last in the June 12 election, compared government claims that it had not attacked his supporters to the statements that came out of the Iranian monarchy in the days before the 1979 revolution that established the Islamic republic, according to Iran's Aftab news agency.

    7/17/2009 - Friday - Tehran - Police tear-gas Iran protesters during Friday prayer
    TEHRAN, Iran – Tens of thousands of government opponents packed Iran's main Islamic prayer service Friday, chanting "freedom, freedom" and other slogans as their top clerical backer Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani delivered a sermon bluntly criticizing the country's leadership over the crackdown on election protests. Outside, police and pro-government Basiji militiamen fired tear gas and charged thousands of protesters who chanted "death to the dictator" and called on President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to resign. Dozens were arrested, piled in trucks and taken away, witnesses said. Plainclothes Basijis stood in front of a line of riot police and pumped canisters of tear gas, which young protesters with green bandanas over their faces kicked away across the pavement, away from the crowds. Some set a bonfire in the street and waved their hands in the air in victory signs.

    7/17/2009 - Friday - Tehran - Iranians Protest during Friday Prayer in Tehran

    7/17/2009 - Friday - Iran - واکنش ها به سخنان هاشمی رفسنجانی در ایران
    در حالی که چهره ها و احزاب جناح اصلاح طلب ایران از سخنان اکبر هاشمی رفسنجانی در نمازجمعه ۲۶ تیر استقبال کرده اند، رسانه ها و چهره های هوادار دولت از این سخنان انتقاد می کنند. اسماعیل گرامی مقدم، سخنگوی حزب اعتماد ملی که مهدی کروبی دبیرکل آن است، به بی بی سی فارسی گفت که آقای هاشمی رفسنجانی در خطبه های نماز جمعه "در میانه جریانات سیاسی" ایستاد و کوشید کف مطالبات دو طرف را مطرح کند. جبهه مشارکت ایران اسلامی هم با انتشار بیانیه ای از "حضور میلیونی مردم تهران" در نمازجمعه این هفته تشکر کرد و نوشت: "آنچه از زبان خطیب محترم جمعه، آیت الله هاشمی رفسنجانی جاری شد و راهکارهای ایشان می تواند نقطه شروعی باشد که حاکمیت با اجابت از آنها گامی به سوی بازسازی اعتماد از دست رفته بردارد". آقای کرباسچی نوشته است که آقای هاشمی رفسنجانی با سخنانش نشان داده که "مردم در میان مسئولان عالی رتبه نظام تنها نیستند" و در شرایطی که "به نظر می رسد دیگر گوشی از مسئولان، شنیدار پیام مردم نیست"، راهکار حل بحران را ارائه داده است. به نوشته آقای کرباسچی: "هاشمی طرف مردم ایستاد و سعی کرد حلقه واسطه باشد میان آنها و حکومت".

    7/17/2009 - Friday - Tehran - Rafsanjani speech provides another electrifying moment in Iran's history
    Ex-Iranian leader bids to become power-broker, turning regime's showcase prayer hall into opposition crucible. Tehran University's prayer hall has been the stage for high drama since the early days of the Islamic revolution, and Hashemi Rafsanjani'sappearance today was another of many electrifying moments in Iran's recent history. Surrounded by heavy security under the cantilevered roof, the former president spoke out in public for the first time since last month's disputed election, warning that the country was "in crisis." That may be a statement of the blindingly obvious – but it carries force precisely because of Rafsanjani's special place in Iranian politics: he is both hugely influential and deeply unpopular, a bitter rival of the supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and – crucially – one of the surviving giants of the revolutionary era.

    7/17/2009 - Friday - Tehran - Protesters joined the friday prayer (mostly dominated by hard liners) to have security and still be able to express themsleves. the Friday prayer Imam of this week is Rafsanjani, a major rival of the supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei

    7/17/2009 - Friday - Tehran - Rafsanjani condemns Iranian regime's handling of post-election unrest
    olice clash with tens of thousands of protesters as cleric uses Friday prayers to claim people have lost faith with regime. Thousands of Mousavi supporters staged a demonstration after Rafsanjani's Friday sermon. One of Iran's most powerful clerics today attacked the Iranian government for its handling of protests and unrest that followed the disputed presidential election result. But even as Hashemi Rafsanjani made his comments, police were firing teargas and wielding batons to disperse tens of thousands of opposition supporters. In a closely watched speech at Friday prayers, Rafsanjani abandoned his neutral stance since the 12 June poll and rounded on the regime. "Today is a bitter day," he said at Tehran University. "People have lost their faith in the regime and their trust is damaged. It's necessary that we regain people's consent and their trust in the regime." Rafsanjani criticised the arrest and detention of protesters, and attacked the lack of freedom of expression. He expressed sympathy for the families of dead protesters, and ended his remarks by saying: "I hope this sermon will pave a way out of this current situation. A situation that can be considered a crisis."

    7/17/2009 - Friday - Tehran - ايران بريتانيا را به عنوان شيطان بزرگ جايگزين آمريکا ميکند
    سخنرانی رفسنجانی نشان ميدهد ناآرامی هائی که با انتخابات شروع شد ادامه می يابد. لس انجلس تايمز زير عنوان"پشتيبانی رفسنجانی از تحمل پذيری و ديالوگ" می نويسد آيت الله علی اکبر هاشمی رفسنجانی، ميانجيگر سياسی اصلی، و نيروی حامی ميرحسين موسوی رهبر اپوزيسيون، امروز برای نخستين بار طی هشت هفته اخير از تريبون خطبه نماز جمعه خواستار بردباری و ديالوگ شد، و اذعان کرد که نتايج انتخابات مورد اختلاف وضعيت تلخی درکشور بوجود آورده است. لس آنجلس تايمز می نويسد گرچه وی بعضی از مسائل مورد توجه حاميان موسوی را مطرح کرد ، وازرهبران ايران خواست به خواست های مردم گوش کنند، برای حل و فصل بدترين بحران سياسی کشور در چند دهه اخير، جزبحث ومناظره مسالمت آميز، راه حلی قاطع ارائه نداد. لس آنجلس تايمز می نويسد اين سخنرانی نشان ميدهد نا آرامی هائی سياسی که با انتخابات شروع شد ادامه خواهد يافت.

    7/17/2009 - Friday - Tehran - Call for Iran protesters' release
    Former Iranian President Ali Akbar Rafsanjani has called for the release of people jailed after protesting at the result of the recent election. In his first Friday sermon since the vote, he also said large numbers of Iranians still doubted its result. Opposition supporters interrupted the sermon at Tehran University with chants of support for defeated election candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi. Outside police fired tear gas to disperse opposition supporters.

    7/16/2009 - Thursday - Mashhad - دعوت از مردم مشهد برای هو کردن رئیس دولت کودتا در روز پنجشنبه در صحن رضوی
    تعدادی از فعالین سیاسی شهر مشهد از مردم این شهر دعوت کردند با حضور در صحن رضوی حرم امام رضا در روز پنجشنبه این هفته ، محمود احمدی نژاد رئیس دولت کودتا را هو کنند. بنا به اعلام استانداری خراسان رضوی قرار است محمود احمدی نژاد در اولین سفر پس از کودتای ۲۲ خرداد در صحن رضوی شهر مشهد سخنرانی کند. این دعوت عمومی از مردم شهر مشهد میخواهد با حضور در صحن رضوی حرم امام رضا از ساعت ۱۶ (دو ساعت قبل از آغاز سخنرانی احمدی نژاد) ، از زمانی که رئیس دولت کودتا شروع به سخنرانی کرد ، او راهو کرده و «الله اکبر» سر دهند.

    7/16/2009 - Thursday - Mashhad - دعوت از مردم مشهد برای هو کردن رئیس دولت کودتا در روز پنجشنبه در صحن رضوی
    تعدادی از فعالین سیاسی شهر مشهد از مردم این شهر دعوت کردند با حضور در صحن رضوی حرم امام رضا در روز پنجشنبه این هفته ، محمود احمدی نژاد رئیس دولت کودتا را هو کنند. بنا به اعلام استانداری خراسان رضوی قرار است محمود احمدی نژاد در اولین سفر پس از کودتای ۲۲ خرداد در صحن رضوی شهر مشهد سخنرانی کند. این دعوت عمومی از مردم شهر مشهد میخواهد با حضور در صحن رضوی حرم امام رضا از ساعت ۱۶ (دو ساعت قبل از آغاز سخنرانی احمدی نژاد) ، از زمانی که رئیس دولت کودتا شروع به سخنرانی کرد ، او راهو کرده و «الله اکبر» سر دهند.
    متن این دعوت به شرح ذیل است:
    «مردم رشید و مقاوم شهر مشهد: پس از سلام و آرزوی توفیق
    همانطور که اطلاع دارید محمود احمدی نژاد در چهار سال گذشته با سرکوب گسترده فعالان مدنی و سیاسی دوره ای جدید از دیکتاتوری و استبداد را در تاریخ کشور به وجود آورد. به همین دلیل اکثریت خاموش ایرانیان که در انتخابات سال ۸۴ شرکت نکرده بودند ، تصمیم گرفتند این بار در سال ۸۸ با شرکت در انتخابات ریاست جمهوری ، از طریق مسالمت آمیز به حاکمیت استبداد و دیکتاتوری احمدی نژاد پایان دهند.
    اما شاهد بودیم که علی رغم حضور بی سابقه ملت در انتخابات ۲۲ خرداد ، محمود احمدی نژاد با حمایت کانون های قدرت و با پشتیبانی نیروهای نظامی و شبه نظامی و امنیتی دست به کودتا زد و با دزدیدن آرای مردم ، خود را پیروز انتخابات معرفی کرد.
    نیک میدانید که دولت کودتا با سرکوب گسترده مردم ، آتش گشودن بر معترضان مسالمتجو و به شهادت رساندن صدها تن از هم وطنانمان به قدرت رسید .و با بازداشت فعالین سیاسی ، روزنامه نگاران و فعالین مدنی و بازداشت گسترده و چند هزار نفری مردم بی دفاع تثبیت شد.
    لذا از همه مردم غیور شهر مشهد دعوت می‌کنیم با حضور در صحن رضوی حرم امام رضا از ساعت ۱۶ (دو ساعت قبل از آغاز سخنرانی رئیس دولت کودتا) ، احمدی نژاد را هو کرده و اجازه ندهید که کودتا چیان و قاتلان مردم با حضور در جوار امام رضا (ع) حکومت خود را تثبیت کنند. از مردم عزیز می‌خواهیم که برای به حداقل رسیدن هزینه ها نکات زیر را رعایت کنند

    ۱. از آنجا که آغاز سخنرانی ساعت ۱۸ (۶ بعد از ظهر) اعلام شده است توصیه می‌شود که از چند ساعت قبل در صحن رضوی حاضر شوید تا بتوانید در مکان مناسبی استقرار یابید.
    ۲. برای آنکه جلب توجه نکنید از پوشیدن لباس های سبز یا مشکی خود داری کنید.
    ۳. حتما با خانواده در این برنامه حاضر شوید تا کاملا طبیعی جلوه نمایید و مورد ظن واقع نشوید.
    ۴. تا زمان آغاز سخنرانی احمدی نژاد از هرگونه بحث سیاسی یا شعار اکیدا خودداری کنید تا بتوانید در زمان سخنرانی احمدی نژاد کودتاچیان را رسوا کنید.
    ۵. برای آنکه جلب توجه نکنید حتی میتوانید قبل از شروع مراسم ، عکس های احمدی نژاد را که احتمالا در انجا توزیع می‌شود، در دستهایتان نگه دارید.
    ۶. با آغاز سخنان احمدی نژاد ابتدا در بین جمعیت به صورت مخفیانه او را هو کنید و بعد از چند لحظه که هو کردن احمدی نژاد فراگیر شد با صدای بلند تر او را هو کنید.
    ۷. در صورتی که نیروهای امنیتی و لباس شخصی به شما حمله کردند با سر و صدای زیاد از مردم کمک بخواهید تا هم مراسم به هم بخورد و هم بتوانید در شلوغی حرم فرار کنید. بعد از مراسم از حرم خارج نشوید و به داخل رواق ها و اطراف ضریح مطهر امام رضا برای زیارت بروید و چند ساعت بعد به صورت پراکنده و از دری غیر از دری که از آن وارد حرم شده اید از حرم خارج شوید.
    ۸. هو کردن را تا زمانی که مراسم کاملا به هم خورد ادامه دهید. و مرتب ندای «الله اکبر» و در صورت امکان « یا حسین ، میر حسین » سر دهید
    ۹. به خداوند بزرگ توکل کنید و بدانید که این جهاد شما در روز پنجشنبه به عنوان برگ زرینی در تاریخ شهر مشهد ثبت خواهد شد.
    ۱۰. حتما این دعوت نامه را به اطلاع دوستان و آشنایانتان برسانید.

    More News/Videos/Images on Iran's 2009 Election Protests/Arrests/Deaths/Torture/...
  • Month #2 "Where is My Vote" Protests in Iran - July 13 - August 13, 2009
  • Month #1
       - Week #4 "Where is My Vote" Protests in Iran - July 4 - July 10, 2009
       - Week #3 "Where is My Vote" Protests in Iran - June 27 - July 3, 2009
       - Week #2 "Where is My Vote" Protests in Iran - June 20 - June 26, 2009
       - Week #1 "Where is My Vote" Protests in Iran - June 13 - June 19, 2009

    Green Movement of Iranians Protesting the alleged Fraud in the 2009 Presidential Election - Where is Our Votes March bu Supporters of Mr. Mousavi - Millions of Iranians asking their Government - what happened to my vote?
    Where is My Neda? Where is Neda Agha Soltan? Why did Basij shot Neda in Chest? Green Movement of Iranians Protesting the alleged Fraud in the 2009 Presidential Election - Where is Our Votes March bu Supporters of Mr. Mousavi - Millions of Iranians asking their Government - what happened to my vote?

    6/29/2009 - Monday - Guardian News and Media - Iran 2009 Election - Faces of Dead and Detained
    * Lets put a face to each of those hundreds - possibly thousands - killed or arrested. Since the disputed election on June 12 2009, the iranian authorities have detained hundreds of opposition supporters, journalists and protesters. There have also been a number of deaths. The interactive table shows the name & picture (if available) of the dead and detained. Guardian News is asking help from Iranians and journalists who have information on the dead or detained or have picture of those already listed.
    ** Visit IranHumanRights.org for List of Killed and Detailed Since June 12, 2009.
    *** Visit IranianChurch.org for List of Killed and Imprisoned Iranian Christians since 1978.

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    A look at the leadership structure and powers in Iran

    Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei: The ultimate decision-maker on all major state and religious matters. He appoints all key positions in the ruling theocracy and controls judiciary and Revolutionary Guards. Supporters believe he is incapable of error and answerable only to God.

    Guardian Council: Vets all candidates for parliament, president and other elected posts. Power to veto any legislation. Comprised of six Islamic clerics and six legal scholars hand-picked by Khamenei.

    Expediency Council: A 32-member unelected group dominated by conservatives and led by former President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani. Mediates in disputes between Guardian Council and parliament. Advises supreme leader.

    Expert Assembly: A group of 87 Islamic clerics. Constitution says it oversees supreme leader, but actual role is unclear.

    President: Highest elected leader. Leads most aspects of government, but important decisions need backing of supreme leader. President serves for a four-year term. Two terms maximum.

    Prime Minister: The 1989 constitutional changes during Presidnecy of Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, removed the post of Prime Minister.

    Parliament: Structured as Western-style legislative branch, but all key measures by 290-seat chamber must have the backing of supreme leader. Main powers in setting budget and other fiscal matters. Law makers have four-year terms.

    Iran's Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

    Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
    Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei: Appointed for life, overrides all other authorities. It is extremely rare that people publicly criticise ayatollah Khamenei, who is regarded by his supporters as being incapable of error, and only answerable to God.
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