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Where is My Vote?? Millions of Iranians are questioning the accuracy of Iran 2009 Presidential Election

  • اخبار ايران - Iran News - FarsiNews @ FarsiNet - اخبار فارسی

    Week 2 of "Where is My Vote" Protests in Iran

    6/26/2009 - Friday - 6/26/2009 - Friday - Tehran - Iranian cleric urges executing some protesters
    A senior cleric on Friday urged Iran's protest leaders to be punished "without mercy" and said some should face execution — harsh calls that signal a nasty new turn in the regime's crackdown on demonstrators two weeks after its disputed election. Hard-liners have ordered long sentences and hangings before, and some fear those awaiting trial by a judiciary whose verdicts reflect the will of supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei could face the most severe punishments the Islamic system can dish out. "Anyone who takes up arms to fight with the people, they are worthy of execution," Ayatollah Ahmed Khatami, a ranking cleric, said in a nationally broadcast sermon at Tehran University.

    6/26/2009 - Friday - Tehran - Hundreds gather at the cenetral Cemetary in Tehran to remember Neda at her grave site

    6/26/2009 - Friday - Oxford, UK - Doctor tells how Neda Soltan was shot dead by Ahmadinejad's Basij
    Dr. Hejazi said of Miss Soltan’s death: “I can’t forget that scene. I live it every moment. I don’t know how I can cope with this. I don’t know if I can heal. I don’t sleep much now. I just fall asleep when I’m exhausted for a couple of hours.”
    6/29/2009 - Monday - Guardian News and Media - Iran 2009 Election - Faces of Dead and Detained
    * Lets put a face to each of those hundreds - possibly thousands - killed or arrested. Since the disputed election on June 12 2009, the iranian authorities have detained hundreds of opposition supporters, journalists and protesters. There have also been a number of deaths. The interactive table shows the name & picture (if available) of the dead and detained. Guardian News is asking help from Iranians and journalists who have information on the dead or detained or have picture of those already listed.
    ** Visit IranHumanRights.org for List of Killed and Detailed Since June 12, 2009.
    *** Visit IranianChurch.org for List of Killed and Imprisoned Iranian Christians since 1978.
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    Where is my Neda? Where is My Voice? Where is Neda Agha Soltan? Why did basiji Militia shot Neda in Chest on June 21, 2009? Iranian People Protest against electoral fraud - June 2009, Neda Voice of Millions of Iranians Protesting against the Regim and rigged Elections of President Ahmadinejad

  • More Videos from Iran - 2009 Presidential Election Protests Week2 - 6/20/09 - 6/26/09:

    6/25/2009 - Thursday - Tehran, Tabriz, Isfahan, Shiraz, mashhad, Ahvaz, Kerman, ... Police Everywhere!!
    Iranians across the country are reporting streets full of security forces to prevent protests against the disputed presidential election results. I joined the protests on Saturday in Shiraz. The police were being really violent, hitting people with batons and using tear gas. There are no clear figures, but I believe at last 10 people were killed in Shiraz that night. Hossein from Isfahan said, " haven't been out today yet, but yesterday there were policemen standing by every petrol station and bank." He is outraged by the regime’s attempt to suggest that Miss Soltan was shot from behind by a fellow protesters — she was shot from the front, he insists. Or even more outrageously, as some Iranian government newspapers suggested yesterday, that the BBC’s newly expelled Tehran correspondent, Jon Leyne, arranged for her to be killed so he could get good propaganda pictures. “Oh my God. That’s outrageous . . . nonsense,” he said. Above all, he is consumed with fury at the rulers of his own country, who profess to rule in the name of Islam but slaughter their own people and violate its most sacred values. “It’s outrageous. It’s unbelievable. No government has the right to use such force against its own people.”
    6/25/2009 - Thursday - Tehran - Mousavi blames organisers of 'rigged' Iranian poll for bloodshed during street protests
    Iran's embattled opposition leader, Mir Hossein Mousavi, today kept up the pressure on the government and blamed those behind the "rigged" presidential election for the bloodshed during two weeks of mass street protests. Mousavi's statement on his website came during a day of relative quiet, attributed in part to the fact that more than 1 million students were sitting their final exams. There was also confusion over whether calls for a day of mourning for the 17 known victims of the protests in Tehran had been cancelled or ignored. State media reported that eight members of the pro-government Basij militia had been killed.
    6/25/2009 - Thursday CNN - CNN - Amanpour Reports on invincibility of Iran's Supreme religious Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
    Despite his threats of "consequences" and the subsequent beatings and shooting deaths by government agents, the open protests on Iran's streets by hundreds of thousands of people have dented the shield of invincibility of Iran's Supreme religious Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, say sources in Iran.

    6/24/2009 - Wednesday - Tehran - Witnesses: Iran Police beating Protesters, firing tear gas
    Protesters and riot police clashed in the streets around Iran's parliament Wednesday as hundreds of people converged on a Tehran square in defiance of government orders to halt demonstrations demanding a new presidential election, witnesses said.
    6/24/2009 - Wednesday - Tehran - Iranian football stars 'retired' after match protest
    6/24/2009 - Wednesday - Tehran - Protester in Iran new Clashes
    Iranian riot police are reported to have clashed with demonstrators defying government decrees to stop street protests over disputed elections. Eyewitness reports say there have been clashes near the parliament building in the capital Tehran, in the streets around Baharestan Square. Footage of a protest in Tehran, believed to be on Wednesday
    6/24/2009 - Wednesday - Tehran - Isfahan - Shiraz - Tabriz, .. - many reports of continued crack down by government agents as well as Basiji in major cities. Many illegal break ins to people's houses have been documented; People getting beat up by uniformed police, People running away in fear from motor cycles.
    - Tehran - Reports of new clashes between protesters and Police in Tehran
    6/24/2009 - Wednesday - Tehran -
    UK is replacing USA as Iran's verbal target
    The comments by Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki on Iranian state television signal a concerted effort to blame the British for the chaotic postelection street demonstrations threatening the government, experts say.
    6/24/2009 - Wednesday - Is Iran's ruthless crackdown working?b
    From the moment Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the country's supreme leader, issued a stark warning declaring the protests to be illegal, the regime has moved quickly and forcefully to suppress the pro-reform movement. And, to judge by the diminishing numbers of protesters who are prepared to risk their lives demonstrating against the result of the recent presidential election, the tactics appear to be working.
    The death of Neda Agha Soltan, the 27-year-old "Angel of Freedom" who was killed by a government sniper as she joined an anti-government protest with her father, is a graphic illustration of just how ruthless the regime can be in suppressing the protests.
    6/23/2009 - Tuesday - Moscow - A Russian Official calls Iran's Elections fair and democratic.
    6/23/2009 - Tuesday - Tehran - Islamic Repulic of Iran charges family of 19-year old Kaveh Alipour shot in head on Saturday $3000 Bullet Fee - as reported by The Wall Street Journal.
    6/23/2009 - Tuesday - Tehran - Over 30% of Iran Population is under age 30 and their only experience is the current Islamic Republic of Iran.

    6/23/2009 - Tuesday Iran's Guardian Council has again ruled out annulling the disputed Presidential election.
    Opposition candidates have accused President Ahmadinejad of rigging the vote, but the council has insisted there have been "no major irregularities".
    bProtests continued in Tehran on Monday, while the country's leaders continue to blame foreign governments for the turmoil.

    6/23/2009 - Tuesday - Tehran: Unemployement=15%, Inflation=24%, Estimated Economic Growth in 2009=3.2%

    <6/22/2009 - Monday - Tehran - Neda Agha Soltan, the 27-year-old "Angel of Freedom" was burried in silence in Tehran.

    6/22/2009 - Monday - Bahrain - Bahrain has ordered the closure of a prominent newspaper after it printed an article critical of political leaders in its powerful Gulf neighbour Iran. No official reason was given for the closure of Akhbar al-Khaleej apart from that it had violated press laws. Akhbar al-Khaleej is a leading independent daily in Bahrain Poll winner Mahmoud Ahmadinejad won the election thanks to "millions of fraudulent votes", the article alleged. "After 30 years, the cover has been pulled away... and Islamic democracy has been shown in its most repugnant dictatorial forms," the article said.

    6/21/2009 - Sunday - Tehran - Tehran under fire , heavy clashes between militia and people
    6/21/2009 - Sunday - Isfahan - Man is shot & dies in his family's arms
    6/21/2009 - Sunday - Tehran - Iran TV reports 10 people died in protests
    6/21/2009 - Sunday - Tehran - Neda was shot in heart by pro-government Basiji militia. Neda was protesting with her father.

    6/21/2009 - Sunday - Neda (You Will Not Defeat The People)<

    6/21/2009 - Sunday - Tehran - Reports of Acid/Tear Gas fired at people protesting<

    6/20/2009 - Saturday - Tehran - Tear Gas fired at Iranians Marching<
    Many Iranians have been filming the protests against the disputed election result on their mobile phones. These three clips of amateur footage were sent to the BBC from Iran

    06/20/09 - Saturday - Tehran - Huge Rally defies the call from Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei
    Huge crowds in Tehran have defied warnings from Iran's Supreme Leader and the police to demonstrate in the capital on Saturday, in protest at the country's general election result. Amateur video shows the scale of the crowds, although the BBC cannot verify the authenticity of the footage.

    6/19/09 - Friday - Tehran - Iran's Supreme Leader: No Election Fraud. No more Protests!

    Tehran: June 18, 2009 - "Where is My Vote" Rally on Keshavarz Blvdbbbbbbbb

    Tehran: Iranian people pprotest against electoral fraud

    Where is My Vote March - Tehran's Vali Asr Ave., June 16, 2009:

    Sari: Rigged Elections - Taqalub:

    More News/Videos/Images on Iran's 2009 Election Protests/Arrests/Deaths/Torture/...
  • Month #2 "Where is My Vote" Protests in Iran - July 13 - August 13, 2009
  • Month #1
       - Week #4 "Where is My Vote" Protests in Iran - July 4 - July 10, 2009
       - Week #3 "Where is My Vote" Protests in Iran - June 27 - July 3, 2009
       - Week #2 "Where is My Vote" Protests in Iran - June 20 - June 26, 2009
       - Week #1 "Where is My Vote" Protests in Iran - June 13 - June 19, 2009

    Green Movement of Iranians Protesting the alleged Fraud in the 2009 Presidential Election - Where is Our Votes March bu Supporters of Mr. Mousavi - Millions of Iranians asking their Government - what happened to my vote?
    Where is My Neda? Where is Neda Agha Soltan? Why did Basij shot Neda in Chest? Green Movement of Iranians Protesting the alleged Fraud in the 2009 Presidential Election - Where is Our Votes March bu Supporters of Mr. Mousavi - Millions of Iranians asking their Government - what happened to my vote?

    6/29/2009 - Monday - Guardian News and Media - Iran 2009 Election - Faces of Dead and Detained
    * Lets put a face to each of those hundreds - possibly thousands - killed or arrested. Since the disputed election on June 12 2009, the iranian authorities have detained hundreds of opposition supporters, journalists and protesters. There have also been a number of deaths. The interactive table shows the name & picture (if available) of the dead and detained. Guardian News is asking help from Iranians and journalists who have information on the dead or detained or have picture of those already listed.
    ** Visit IranHumanRights.org for List of Killed and Detailed Since June 12, 2009.
    *** Visit IranianChurch.org for List of Killed and Imprisoned Iranian Christians since 1978.

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    A look at the leadership structure and powers in Iran

    Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei: The ultimate decision-maker on all major state and religious matters. He appoints all key positions in the ruling theocracy and controls judiciary and Revolutionary Guards. Supporters believe he is incapable of error and answerable only to God.

    Guardian Council: Vets all candidates for parliament, president and other elected posts. Power to veto any legislation. Comprised of six Islamic clerics and six legal scholars hand-picked by Khamenei.

    Expediency Council: A 32-member unelected group dominated by conservatives and led by former President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani. Mediates in disputes between Guardian Council and parliament. Advises supreme leader.

    Expert Assembly: A group of 87 Islamic clerics. Constitution says it oversees supreme leader, but actual role is unclear.

    President: Highest elected leader. Leads most aspects of government, but important decisions need backing of supreme leader. President serves for a four-year term. Two terms maximum.

    Prime Minister: The 1989 constitutional changes during Presidnecy of Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, removed the post of Prime Minister.

    Parliament: Structured as Western-style legislative branch, but all key measures by 290-seat chamber must have the backing of supreme leader. Main powers in setting budget and other fiscal matters. Law makers have four-year terms.

    Iran's Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

    Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
    Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei: Appointed for life, overrides all other authorities. It is extremely rare that people publicly criticise ayatollah Khamenei, who is regarded by his supporters as being incapable of error, and only answerable to God.
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