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Christianity in Anccient Persia, History of Religion in ancient Iran, Free Persian Book by  Bozorgmehr Vaziri
.از محبت پدر آسمانی مطمئن باشید،   ><>
God's Story Video in Persian for Farsi Speaking People of Iran, Afghanistan and Tajikistan - Story of Bible from Creation to Eternity Video Farsi Persian
NoRooz 2584 Countdown ...
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Farsi Christian Worship Music, Persian Gospel Music by Sarah, Felix Amirian, Steve Frediani, Nasser Bobmoradi, Qader Eshpari, Mike Fard
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Where The Spirit of the LORD Rules, There is Freedom, There is Joy, there is Peace, not despite the problems but in the midst of the problems
FarsiNet's 15 Year Anniversary - started serving Iranian/Persian/Farsi-Speaking People of the World with God's Love & Grace in 2555 (1996)
Iranian Women's World Day of Prayer July 11, 2020, Pray for the Farsi Speaking Women of Iran, Afghanistan & Tajikistan, Called by the Esther Ministries, Agape Ministries & FarsiNet
Saffron Sardar from Mashhad Iran, Best Saffron in the World, Saffron the most expensive herb in the world, Best quality saffron from Khorasan Iran
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حق یا ناحق؟
Abortion: Right or Wrong - Book by Dr. Shirvanian in Persian

World Vision
Human Rights
Noruz Iranian New Year 2584 is coming, first day of Spring, when and how to start planting Sanzi for Sofreh Haft Seen?

Christian Counseling Books and Articles translated to Persian (Farsi) by Shawn Safavi
Christian Counseling Books and Articles in Persian (Farsi)

(Jay Adams) مولف: جى آدامز
مترجم: شاهرخ صفوى

What is Christian Counseling?   مشاوره مسیحی چیست ؟
The Motivation for Change   انگيزه لازم براى تغيير
Effecting Biblical Change   ايجاد تغييرات موثر مطابق با كلام خدا
Elements of Dehabituation and Rehabituation   عناصر ترک عادت و كسب عادت
Sibling Rivalry In The House of God   رقابت در خانه خدا
Thirst For Wholeness   اشتياق براي كامل شدن
Christ and Your Problems   مسيح و مشكلات شما
How To Overcome Evil   چگونه بر شرارت غلبه كنيم
Solving Marriage Problems   حل مسائل زناشويى
Christian Living in the Home   زندگى در خانواده مسيحي

Persian Christian Worship Music CD#1 from Iranian Church of Dallas Texas, Farsi Christian Music CD from Iranian Church of Dallas
Persian Christian Worship Music CD#1 from Iranian Church of Dallas Texas, Farsi Christian Music CD from Iranian Church of Dallas
The Best Iranian Documentary of This Decade, Winner of 10 Awards, A Must See for All Iranians and Farsi Speaking People of Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, Tajikistan, Iraq and Middle East, Rent from NetFlix This Iranian Documentary, A Cry From Iran Will Be Available from NetFlix Soon, Add it to your Que, Please Add the 10 Award Winnier Documentary A Cry From Iran To Your NetFlix Que
Persian Christian Worship Music CD#1 from Iranian Church of Dallas Texas, Farsi Christian Music CD from Iranian Church of Dallas

Persian Poetry on Heavenly Treasures,  Christian Poetry by Dr. Bozorgmehr Vaziri from Houston Texas, Poetry on Jesus saing about where to store your treasures, Farsi Christian Poetry
Do Not Store Up Treasures that can be Stolen - بزرگمهر وزيری
Persian Poetry based on Matthew 6:19-24

میاندوز گنجی که دزدان برند

و یا بید و زنگش زیان آورند
میاندوز گنجی که دزدان برند

به نزد خدای بلندآسمان
بیاندوز گنجی بر این آستان

نه دزدی بر آن گنج راه آیدش
نه از بید و زنگش زیان آیدش

که این گنج تو حاصل رنج توست
هر آنجا که دل بسته ای گنج توست

که رنج تن و جمله خود باطل است
میاندوز گنجی که بی حاصل است

ز نورش همه پیکرت روشن است
که چون چشم تو ، خود چراغ تن است

همه پیکرت تار و تیره شود
اگر چشم تاریک و خیره شود

یقین دان که ظلمت به تو چیره شد
اگر روشنائی تو تیره شد

دو سَرور نشاید که خدمت نمود
: چو عیسا چنین گفت ، آنگه فزود

یکی نفرت از وی در او لانه است
یکی را محبّت در او خانه است

به آن دیگری جز حقارت نبُرد
یکی را گرامی و والا شِمُرد

که باشد خداترس و یزدان پرست
محال است بر مَرد دنیا پرست

بزرگمهر وزیری
از انجیل متی ، فصل ۶ آیه های ۱۹ تا ۲۴
(Print/View PDF version of this poem)

Treasures in Heaven - Matthews 6:19-24

Jesus said:
Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.

But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light.

But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!

No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.

Starting September 16, 2022 -
از ۲۵ شهریور ۲۵۸۱ (۱۴۰۱)
Praying in Jesus Name for 8he Protection and FREEDOM of the Iranian People and Iran
برای محافظت، امنیت و آزادی همهٔ ایرانیان و ایران در نام عیسی مسیح در دعا هستیم
Pray for peace in Jerusalem, Pray for peace and protection of Israel and Palestine, Pray for Cease fire and end of war between Israel and Hamas, Pray for protection of Children in Gaza and Israel.
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A privilege to be a withness to unprecedented growth of the Church of Iran
Persian Movie DVD, farsi Movie DVD, Iranian Movie DVD, Story of an Iranian refugee, New DVD Released by Joseph Film Production - NTSC DVD of Tune of Nostalgia now available from Joseph Fimls
Christian Counseling Persian Books and Articles - Moshavereh Masihi Books
in Persian (Farsi) Translated by Shawn Safavi
Persian Christian Musicfrom Toronto Canada, Farsi Music from canada, Iranians Worship Music
Persian Poetry on Trusting God with your life, Farsi Poetry based on what Jesus said in matthew 6:25-24, Persian Poetry on Not To Worry About Your Life, Iranian Christian Poetry
How Do Christians Fast?
روزه در مسيحيت به چه صورتیه؟
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