God's Story Video in Persian for Farsi Speaking People of Iran, Afghanistan and Tajikistan - Story of Bible from Creation to Eternity Video Farsi Persian
NowRooz Traditions, Persian New Year Traditions, NowRuz New Year Spread called Half Seen

Merry Christmas

Best Wishes for All Iranians all over the World,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2007

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2025 to You and Your family:
May this Christmas be a special Blessing for you and your family. May God reveal Himself to you in a mighty way in the coming year. May you and your loved ones all have the opportunity to develop and strengthen your own personal relationships with God, to enjoy the daily fellowship and guidance of the Holy Spirit and to experience the perfect and unconditional Love of the Prince of Peace and Savior of the World, Jesus Christ.

May the Lord protect and bless you and your family in 2025 and to continue to increase your territory in His kingdom in 2025 and beyond. May His wisdom light your path and His Love & Grace energize your body, heart and mind.

Our Prayers and best wishes for you and your loved ones for a blessed and merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2025 blessed with God's Love, Grace and daily prsence, as well as Good Health, Peace, Love, Joy, and Plenty of Opportunities to serve in His Kingdom. - Remember, Jesus IS THE REASON for the Season. - FarsiNet Team

Birth of Jesus foretold by Prophet Isaiah 700 years before Jesus Birth of Jesus is announced by the Angel to Mary Birth of Jesus foretold by Prophet Micah over 7000 years before Jesus A Child is born to the Virgin and they will call Him Immanuel
 - God With us
They will call Him Immanuel - which means,"God With us."
Church of nativity in Bethlehem, Palestine, Birthplace of Jesus Prayer of Blessing for a Merry Christmas and happy new Year by farsiNet Team Persian Poetry about the Miraculous Birth of Jesus the World Saviour
Fullness of the Time - Zamane Moayyan - Christmas message from Church of Dallas
What Child is This? - In Cheh Kudakist? - Christmas message from Church of San Diego
Prophecies About Jesus - Pishguieha Darbare Eisa Masih - Christmas message from Church of Dallas

Persian Poetry - Jesus Has come, The Prince of Peace has come, The Savior of the World has come 
- Christian Farsi Poetry for Iranians (Click here to read the entire poem)
(Click above to view the entire Persian Poetry about the Coming of your Mesiah)
Merry Christmas Wishes from FarsiNet Team

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2012 - Best Wishes and God's Blessings, Pace, Joy, Love & Grace for you and your loved ones - Prayer and Best Wishes from FarsiNet Team,
Happy New Year 2025 for all Iranians, Persians and Farsi Speaking People

Masih Emshab Tavallod Yaft Persian Poetry by Bozorgmehr Vaziri, Christ is Born Tonight Farsi Christian Poetry by Vaziri at FarsiNet

"I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.","Luke 2:10

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Please send your comments and prayer requests to info@farsinet.com - Copyright 2001 - 2025 (122001 69979 )
Iranian Rock & ROll, Farsi Christian Rock & Roll To Praise God, Iranian Gospel Music by Gilbert Hovsepian and Iranian Church of Los Angeles Worship Team in Farsi, Iranian Christian Rock, Persian Rock & ROll Music Best wishes and God's Blesing for your New Persian New year NoRooz, NowRuz
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