31st Iranian Christians Conference of Central Southern USA, Dallas Texas October 17-20, 2019

Iranian Church of Austin, Texas (At Westover)
کلیسای ایرانیان آستین تگزاس
8332 Mesa Dr.
Austin, Texas 78759

Iranian Church Austin at Westover Texas Telephone Number: (512) 345-6386 ...   Iranian Church Austin at Westover Texas email:   IranianChurch.Austin@gmail.com , Pastor.Matthew@westover.org

Iranian Church of Austin Statement of Faith
   اعتقاد نامه کلیسای ایرانیان آستین تگزاس
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Iranian Church of Austin (at Westover) TexasIranian Church of Austin (At Westover) Services:

Please send your comments, suggestions, prayer requests to IranianChurch.Austin@gmail.com
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Iranian Christians 28th Regional Conference in Dallas Texas USA October 27 - October 30, 2016 - All Iranian Christians and Farsi Speaking People Seeking Truth and A personal relationship with God and Following Jesus are Welcome, Theme of conference: Being a disciple of Jesus Christ - What does it mean?
How Do Christians Fast? What is Christian Fasting?
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