Persians For Jesus Christ fellowship of Houston texas USA Soraya's Child Care & Learning Center, Austin Texas USA

Iranian Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas USA
The Iranian Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas U.S.A.

Radio Nedaye Omid - Persian Christian Webradio Voice of Hope
به راديو ندای اميد که مژدۀ نجات ‌بخش عيسی مسيح را ا علان می‌کند، خوش آمديد

  List of Radio Nedaye Omid Programs - برنامه‌های راديو ندای اميد
    Knowing Christ - Shenakhte Masih - شناخت مسيح
  1. Who Do People Say He Is? - Mardom U Ra Ke Midanand? - مردم او را كه ميدانند؟
  2. Is Jesus The Promised Messiah? - Aya Isa Masihe Mooud Ast? - آيا عيسى، مسيح موعود است؟
  3. Did Jesus Become Man Yet Without Sin? - Aya Isa Ensan Shod Vali Bedune Ghonah? - آيا عيسى انسان شد ولى بدون گناه؟ NEW Persian Christian Radio Program  from Iranian Church of Dallas, Radio Nedaye Omid, Farsi Webradio Voice of Hope for Iranians
    Knowing God - Shenakhte Khoda #4 - شناخت خدا ۴
  1. God's Wrath - Qazabe Khoda - غضب خدا
  2. Supremacy of God - Azemate Khoda - عظمت خدا
  3. God's Power - Qodrate Khoda - قدرت خدا
  4. The Only True God - Tanha Khodaye Vaqeie - تنها خداى واقعى
    Knowing God - Shenakhte Khoda #3 - شناخت خدا ۳
  1. God's Patience - Sabre Khoda - صبر خدا
  2. God's Grace - Fayze Khoda - فيض خدا
  3. God's Mercy - Rahmate Khoda - رحمت خدا
  4. God's Love - Mohabbate Khoda - محبت خدا
    Knowing God - Shenakhte Khoda #2 - شناخت خدا ۲
  1. The Unchanging God - Khodaye Taqirnapazir خداى تقير ناپذير
  2. God's Holiness - Qodusiyate Khoda - قدوسيت خدا
  3. God's Faithfulness - Vafadarie Khoda - وفادارى خدا
  4. God's Goodness - Nikooiye Khoda - نيكويى خدا
    Knowing God - Shenakhte Khoda #1 - شناخت خدا ۱
  1. God's Way - Rahe Khoda - راهه خدا
  2. Knowing God - Shenakhte Khoda - شناخت خدا
  3. God's Knowledge - Daaneshe Khoda - دانش خدا
  4. God's Authority - Ekhtiyar Khoda - اختيار خدا
    Christmas Series - عيد كريسمس
  1. Prophecies About Christ - Pishguieha Darbare Masih - پيشگويى در باره مسيح
  2. Fullness of the Time - Zamane Moayyan - زمان معين
    Easter Series - عيد رستاخيز
  1. Resurrection of Christ - Rastakhyze Masih - رستاخيز مسيح
  2. Dying For A Lie? - Mordan Be Khatere Yek Dorouq? - مردن به خاطر يك دروغ؟
Radio Nedaye Omid & Church of Dallas Guest Speakers
    Pastor Tat - Dallas Conference 2005 - Christ and His Church
  1. Faith that Pleases God - Imani ke Khoda ra Khoshnud Misazad
  2. Love That Reveals God - Mohabati Ke Khoda Ra Ashekar Mikonad
  3. Hope That Proves God - Omidi Ke Khoda Ra Sabet Mikonad
    Pastor Sohrab - Dallas Conference 2005 - Christ and His Church
  1. Faithfulness - Vafadari
  2. Healthy Church - Kelisaye Saalem
   Listen to indivisual programs (listed above) or Farsi Christian Teaching Web-Radio
   Send your questions and suggestions: E-Mail - Iranian Church of Dallas
   Listen to more Persian (Farsi) Christian Teachings

31st Regional Iranian Christian Conference in Dallas Texas USA in October 17-20, 2019, Conference Theme: The Joy of the Christian Life, Conference teachers several Iranian Pastors from US Instrumental Persian Christian Hymns CD #2 by Iranian Church of Dallas, Instrumental Iranian Gospel Music, Instrumental Farsi Christian Worship Music by Iranian Baptist Church of Dallas Persian Christian Hymns CD #2 by Iranian Church of Dallas, Iranian Gospel Music, Farsi Christian Worship Music by Iranian Baptist Church of Dallas Persian Christian Hymns CD #1 by Iranian Church of Dallas, farsi Christian Worship Music by Iranian Baptist Church of Dallas
Persian Christian Hymns CD by Iranian Church of Dallas, farsi Christian Worship Music by Iranian Baptist Church of Dallas Did you miss 2009 Conference, Order Iranian Christian Hymns CD set from the Iranian Church of Dallas, Farsi Christian teachings by Iranian Pastors from San Diego California, Irvine California, Denver Colorado and South Carolina Nedaye Omid Persian Christian Webradio from Iranian Church of Dallas Biblical Wisdom for a Happy marriage in Persian Farsi
Spiritual Reflections - تأملاتى در روحانيت

Persian Christian Literature, Farsi Christian Music, Persian Poetry and Art, and Iranian Christian Resources hosted by FarsiNet, Free Iranian Christian Resources, Free farsi Music, Free Persian Literature, Free Farsi Injil Other Persian, Iranian, Farsi Christian Resources at FarsiNet
Do You Know For Sure in Farsi Are You Sure You are Going To Heaven? - . . . آیا اطمینان کامل دارید
* Bible and Persian Proverbs - کتاب مقدّس و مثل های پارسی
Persian Farsi Christian Book Biography of Dr. Saeed Khan Kordestani - شرح زندگی دکتر سعیر خان
Free Christian Literature in Farsi Persian Christ and Christianity - Who Was Jesus? - مسیح و مسیحیت
Persian Christian Book Christian Denominations and Heresies - شناخت فرقه های مسیحیت و بدعتها
* Christianity in Iran - تاریخ مسیحیت در ایران
Free Persian Christian Book Defense of Rev. Mehdi Dibaj - Iran, Dec 3, 1993 - دفاعیه کشیش مهدی دیباج
Dicerning the Will of God in Persian Farsi Discerning the Will of God - تشخیص اراده خدا
Persian Christian Publishing Faith & Hope Library & Publishing - کتابخانه و انتشارات ايمان و اميد
Persian Bible Farsi (Persian) Contemporary Bible - کتاب مقدس به زبان فارسی
* Farsi Christian Hymns and Poetry سرودهاى مسيحى فارسى
* Farsi Christian Music - موسيقى فارسى - ايرانى
Farsi Christian Music from Iranian Church of Dallas Farsi Christian Music from Church of Dallas - سرودهای مسیحی - کلیسای ایرانیان دالاس
Persian Christian Sermons By Iranian Pastors Farsi Christian Sermons and Teachings - موعظه فارسى
Persian Christian Good Morning Friends Daily Message From Bible Good Morning Friends - صبح بخیر دوستان - از كليساى ايرانيان    Farsi Spiritual Reflection from Iranian Church of Dallas
Farsi Christian Web radio Heart Reflections Heart's Reflection WebRadio from Church of San Diego - رادیو آئینة دل
* Iran and Iranians In Bible - ایران و ایرانیان در کتاب مقدس
List of Upcoming Iranian Christian Conferences Iranian Christian Conferences - کنفرانس کلیساهای ایرانی
Free Farsi Christian Resource Jesus In Islam - عیسی مسیح در اسلام
Living in the Power of Forgiveness in Persian Farsi Living in the Power of Forgiveness - بخشش در پادشاهی خدا
* Love Is Patient ... 1st Cor 13:4-8 - کسی که محبت دارد
Jesus Loves Iranians Love Letters of Apostle John - نامه های عاشقانة رسول محبت
Nicean Creed in Persian Nicean Creed - اعتقاد نامة نیقیه
Farsi Christian Wedding Hymn Persian Christian Wedding Hymn - ازدواج مسیحی
Farsi Christian Hymnals, Persian Christian Worship Videos, Iranian Christian Poetry Persian Christian Hymns, Poetry and Worship Videos - سرودهاى مسيحى فارسى
Iranian Christian Marriage Seminar in Dallas Texas Persian Christian Book on Successful Marriage - مرواریدهای حکمت برای مردها و زنها
Free Christian Literature in Farsi Persian Persian Society of Christian Studies - کانون اندیشه مسیحی
Free Persian Christian Resources Prophet Daniel in the Den of Lions - دانیال در چاه شیران
Psalms of David in Persian Farsi Free Psalms of David - مزامیر - زبور داود
Farsi Christian Radio Program Radio Neda - راديو ندا
Persian Christian Book Searching for Significance - Biblical Selfworth - در جستجوی اهمیت و بزرگی
Free Persian Christian Online Magazine Farsi eZine Shaban Magazine by Talim Ministries for Iranian Pastors - مجله شبان    Read New Issues of Shaban Magazine online
Free Persian Christian Resources Spiritual Reflection - Church of Dallas - تأملاتى در روحانيت - از كليساى ايرانيان دالاس
Free Farsi Christian Resource Steps To Peace With God - Four Spiritual Laws - صلح و آرامش با خدا
Free Persian Christian online Magazine Farsi eZine Tabdil - Godly Transformation Persian Magazine - مجله تبدیل
* TALIM Ministries - موسسه تعليم
* Testimony of an Opium Addict meeting Jesus - نجات یک معتاد
Free Persian Christian Book Sample Reading The Search for Messiah - در جستجوی ماشیح - مسیح
* Truth About Occult and Witchcraft - حقیقت: فالگیری، جادوگری، احضار روح
Persian Christian Online Web Radio from Iranian Church of Dallas Voice of Hope WebRadio from Church of Dallas - راديو ندای اميد
* Worldwide Directory of Iranian Churches - لیست کلیساهای ایرانی در سراسر دنیا
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Please send your comments, suggestions, pray requests to Pastor Iraj. (090105 147507 )
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God's Peace & Blessing be with you

His name will be Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Prince of Peace,... Jesus
Eid NowRuz Mobarak, First Day of Spring, Persian New Year 2563 (1383), NoRuz, NoRooz, NowRuz
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