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Persian (Farsi) Christian Hymns & Poetry: Christian Wedding

Iranian Wedding, Persian Christian Wedding Hymn, Farsi Christian Wedding Hymn
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Persian Christian Wedding Hymn, Iranian Christian Wedding Song, Farsi Wedding Song, Iranian Wedding Music
O God, Triune, Transcendent! Love's spring, for ever flowing!
Upon thy love dependent, Love be from us outgoing.
By thee is love implanted; By Thee each boon is granted;
Where praise of Thee is chanted, Is Heaven, joy bestowing.

For Love's delight and pleasure, O Lord, we magnify Thee;
For gladness without measure, O Christ, we glorify Thee.
Our future pathway brighten; of harms and hurts that frighten -
Of danger, us enlighten - Of wrong that may defy Thee.

These two, O Lord, do Thou view; They both their troth have plighted -
Are joined in one, as thou too, Art with Thy Church united.
Through all life's toil and trailing, When young - when frail and failing -
Thy gracious aid availing, Their love be well required.

In Times of tribulation, When ways and means are slender;
In pain and in privation, Renew our hearts' surrender.
In hours of jubilation, Success and relaxation,
For Thy aid and salvation, Our gratitude we tender.

These two, O Lord, enable, Their welfare coalescing,
In Thee be strong and stable, Each other's heart possessing.
Their bond with Thee unites them; To faithfulness incites them;
Until death's call invites them, Grant them for ever blessing.

Persian Christian Wedding Hymn Tune - Music Sheet

Christian Wedding

(A Literal Translation by Dr. Samei)

O source of love, the one pure Trinity,
Out of your mercy, increase your love in all of us.
The foundation of love is in you, all blessings come from you,
Heaven is where you are spoken of.

You have given us an unlimited ability to understand each other
As we enjoy love; we thank you from the heart, O Messiah!
We know that along this path, there will be obstacles everywhere.
Make us aware of those pitfalls.

Now out of your mercy, and in your love,
These two have become one, as you with the Church.
In their life, in youth and old age,
As you alone are able, increase their love!

In hard times, in pain and misfortune
In poverty and want, bring hearts close together.
In good fortune, in happiness,
For your grace and kindness, accept our thankfulness.

These two, now Lord, brought together in you.
Grant that they may remain in you, for life in you is beautiful.
They have made a covenant with you, a covenant purchased with life.
Let nothing but death break it! Grant this Lord, in your grace.

A traditional Iranian Persian Wedding Spread in a modern setup

Christian Wedding

(Another Translation by Shirin)

Oh thee the fountain of love, the pure, the trinity and only one,
Bless us oh Lord through your mercy, grant us your love.
Through you it is love that's generated with all the blessing,
It is heaven where ever there is a word of you,

Blessed Messaiah, with all our heart we thank thee,
For granting us the infinite knowledge of joy of love.
Though, we all are aware of the rough road of life,
Protect us from evil with your wisdom,

Now, with your blessings, with your love
These two shall become one as you and your covenant have.
Throughout their lives, in youth and aging times
Bless their love which ever way you please,

Through the hard times, in pain or misery
In rich or poor, bring their hearts close to each other o'mighty God.
At the time of joy, and pleasur,
With your grace o lord, accept our gratitude.

And now this man and woman are joined together through you o lord
Grant them to remain with you, as life is graceful with you.
They have come before you with their vows, vows secured with their lives.
Grant them triumph till death do them apart.

Click below for information about Persian Wedding Traditions and Customs
Persian Christian Sofreh Aghd, Iranian Wedding Table Setup, Iranian Christian Wedding Traditions

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