Creating Interactive Global Persian eCommunities
- Share God's Grace, Love & His Plan of Salvation through Jesus Christ with the Iranians Worldwide.
- Provide Persian (Farsi) Christian resources (Injil, Books, Tracts, Worship Music, Sermons, Jesus film DVS, ...) to any Iranian or Farsi speaking person who asks for it.
- Share Iran and it's People, History, Heritage, Culture, Art, Literature and News with the World.
- Serve all visitors with a
unique and uplifting Web experience each and every time they visit FarsiNet or one of its affiliate domains.
- To be a major worldwide source of information and services to encourage and equip the Iranian and Persian speaking visitors
to come to know Jesus and to develop to be passionately loving, obedient,
reproducing followers of Jesus who are committed to Christ, His Church, and His Cause (The Kingdom of God)
- To restore, share and promote the Persian (Iranian) heritage, culture, literature, history, resources and services.
- To promote and share the Iranian christian history, literature, music, resources and services.
FarsiNet team consists of a dozen or so volunteers who are committed to the FarsiNet Mission.
FarsiNet team includes men and women, Iranian and non-Iranian, Christian and non-Christian.
FarsiNet Team's activities and projects are governed and funded by FarsiNet Board of Advisors (BOA) in accordance with FarsiNet Mission.
Team Member Requirements
- Pray, dicuss it with your spouse and pastor (if applicable) and obtain their approval and blessing
- Spend at least one hour each week on FarsiNet projects or projects shared with FarsiNet
- Support projects assigned to you. This includes purchase of any software, hardware, Internet access, etc..
- Commit to consistently pray for FarsiNet, the FarsiNet Team and the FarsiNet Board of Advisors. If you are led, support FarsiNet financially with the approval of your spouse & Pastor (if applicable).
- Understand that your full name and affiliation will not be listed/mentioned in FarsiNet. FarsiNet is not about us; its all about Jesus, Iranians and Iran.
(2019 Team: Amir A., Amir H., Dan C., Erin H., Ghasem J., Hamid Y., Hedyeh A., Ian P., Iraj H., Mehrdad E., Reza S., Sadegh S., Saeed H.)
24 Years of FarsiNet
Noruz 2554 (1995) to 2578 (2019)
A great blessing to be an ambassador of God's Love & Grace for Iranians
An awesome privilege to be a part of and a withness to unprecedented growth of the Church of Iran |
- FarsiNet BOA is comprised of up to 12 men and women, Iranian and non-Iranian Christians. Minimum of 3 active advisors are required for each calendar year.
- FarsiNet BOA includes pastors, engineers, house wives, scholars, artists, and an accountant.
(2019 BOA: Amir A., Amir H., Erin H., Forouz K., Ian P., Ibrahim G., Iraj H., Mary Anne W., Mehrdad E., Reza S., Saeed H., Tat S.)
- BOA reviews and recommends procedural guidelines in response to requests forwarded by FarsiNet Team and sets the overall direction for FarsiNet with prayer and seeking His Will for FarsiNet.
- FarsiNet is a nonprofit organization (501 (c)(3)) supported mainly by the financial and logistic support of its BOA and team members.
- FarsiNet BOD is comprised of President, Chief Technical Officer (CTO), Treasurer, and Secretary.
- FarsiNet BOD sets the technical strategy as well as guidelines, procedures and budget.
- BOD also serves as the legal entity representing FarsiNet
- Operations of BOD are governed by FarsiNet By-Laws.
FarsiNet Organization:
Board of Advisors |
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FarsiNet Team |
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Board of Directors |
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V | | | V | | | V
Spiritual Strategy, Policies & Ministries |
| Website Content |
Servers, Domains, Security |
PR, Promotions |
Ministries' Services |
| Technical Strategy, Operation Guidelines, Logistic Procedures, Budget & Legal |
FarsiNet Prayer Statement:
Oh heaveanly Father we ask thee, that you would bless FarsiNet indeed, and enlarge FarsiNet's territory, that your hand would be with us, and that you would keep us from evil, that we may not cause pain but be ambassadors of your Grace, Love, Peace and Joy among Iranians worldwide.
(According to the Prayer of Jabez - I Chronicles 4:10)
FarsiNet Policy Statement:
FarsiNet does not affiliate with or list websites and organizations that;
Are not related to Persia/Iran nor provide contents of interest to Persians/Iranians
Post illegally obtained/generated/compiled copy right material
Re-post FarsiNet content without written permission or appropriate credit
Promote sexually explicit materials
Promote violence and hatred
Promote illegal activities
Promote discrimination
based on race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or expression,
sexual orientation, national origin, disability, age, or other factors
unrelated to FarsiNet's Mission.
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FarsiNet Team & Board of Advisors |
FarsiNet Mission |
FarsiNet Annual Report |
How to Contact FarsiNet |
Internet Use In Iran |
Iranian Americans |
FarsiNet Guidelines and Pilicies:
| Church Listing Requirements
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| Scripture Proper Use
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| Website Partnership Program
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