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Our Mission:              Test everything. Hold on to good. Avoid every kind of evil.   <><

  • Expect Great Things From God. Attempt Great Things For God.
  • Share God's Grace, Love & His Plan of Salvation through Jesus Christ with the Iranians Worldwide.
  • Provide Persian (Farsi) Christian resources (Injil, Books, Tracts, Worship Music, Sermons,...) to any Iranian or Farsi Speaking who asks for it.
  • Share Iran's People, History, Heritage, Culture, Art, and Literature with the World.
  • Serve all visitors with a unique and uplifting Web experience each and every time they visit FarsiNet or one of its affiliate Web Sites.

Our Prayer:

  • Almighty God, to you all hearts are open, all desires known, and from you no secrets are hidden: cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit and give us the wisdom and the guidance so we may perfectly love you and worthily magnify your holy Name; through Christ our Lord - by serving you and your people. Lord, lead us so FarsiNet ministry maybe a service of Love and Caring according to Your Will.

    Oh heaveanly Father we ask thee, that you would bless FarsiNet indeed, and enlarge FarsiNet's territory, that your hand would be with us, and that you would keep us from evil, that we may not cause pain but be ambassadors of your Grace, Love, Peace and Joy among Iranians worldwide.

More Iranians Surf the Web each year:
In 1999, only 500,000 Iranians had access to the Internet. By late 2003, the number of Iranians with access to Internet was estimated to be over 2 million, by 2006 over 15 million and by 2010 it is estimated to be over 25 million.
Iranian-Americans reported among most highly educated in U.S.
Public Opinion Survey of Iranian Americans - December 2008, Conducted by Zogby International
Nearly all Iranian Americans are either citizens (81%) or permanent residents (15%) of the United States. While two-fifths of Iranian Americans identify themselves as Muslims, almost an equal percentage appear not to practice any particular religion, and the balance are roughly equally divided among Christians, Jews, Bahais and Zoroastrians. Almost one in three Iranian American households have annual incomes of more than $100K (compared to one in five for the overall U.S. population). Server Stats Summary by Year   (Full Detailed Stats)
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It took FarsiNet Web Server;

  • 7 months to serve its 10th 10,000,000 page views. (100,000,000)
  • 8 months to serve its 9th 10,000,000 page views. (90,000,000)
  • 8.5 months to serve its 8th 10,000,000 page views. (80,000,000)
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  • 10.0 months to serve its 4th 10,000,000 page views. (40,000,000)
  • 13.0 months to serve its 3rd 10,000,000 page views. (30,000,000)
  • 23.0 months to serve its 2nd 10,000,000 page views. (20,000,000)
  • 74.0 months to serve its 1st 10,000,000 page views. (10,000,000)
  • . . .
  • 3 months to serve its 10th 1000,000 Visits.
  • . . .
  • 6 months to serve its 5th 1000,000 Visits.
  • 6 months to serve its 4th 1000,000 Visits.
  • 6 months to serve its 3rd 1000,000 Visits.
  • 10.0 months to serve its 2nd 1000,000 Visits.
  • 26.0 months to serve its 1st 1000,000 Visits.

Each Month FarsiNet and its affiliate Web Sites serve visitors from over 100 countries from around the globe.

For detailed server statistics, please visit;

Our Prayer - Our Vision - Our Goal:

  • To join God in sharing His Love and His Plan of Salvation through Jesus Christ to ALL Iranians, Persians, and Farsi Speaking people.
  • To utilize the Internet technology to build a comprehensive and unique Global Iranian Christian eCommunity;
  • By 2015, every one of the Millions of Iranians living outside of Iran who surf the Net - to visit at least one of the FarsiNet WebSites every month.
  • By 2020, every Iranian, Persian, Farsi speaking Networked entity to have many good reasons to visit at least one of the FarsiNet WebSites every month.
  • By 2025, FarsiNet to be The premier Internet destination for all Iranian Christians & one of the top three for all Iranians.
  • To reach our goal - we need your prayers, comments and suggestions.

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    20 Years of FarsiNet
    Noruz 2555 (1996) to Noruz 2575 (2016)
    A privilege to be an ambassador of God's Love & Grace for Iranians
    Christ is Born Tonight Christmas Persian Poetry by Vaziri at FarsiNet, Masih Tavallod Yaft Farsi Poetry by Bozorgmehr Vaziri on the Birth of Jesus, Iranian Christian Poetry
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