Dariush & Marya 2012 Persian Gospel CD for Iranians and farsi Speaking people, Heart of Worship Farsi Christian Praise CD by Dariush & Marya, Ghlabeh Parastesh Farsi Gospel Music CD from Dariush and Marya 2012 from San Jose
Soraya's Child Care & Learning Center, Austin Texas USA

The account of historical events of The Birth of Jesus Christ accordin g to the Gospels of Matthew and Luke.
Christmas2020 Farsi Video

Birth of Jesus foretold by Prophet Isaiah 700 years before Jesus Birth of Jesus is announced by the Angel to Mary Birth of Jesus foretold by Prophet Micah over 7000 years before Jesus A Child is born to the Virgin and they will call Him Immanuel
 - God With us
They will call Him Immanuel - which means,"God With us."
Church of nativity in Bethlehem, Palestine, Birthplace of Jesus Prayer of Blessing for a Merry Christmas and happy new Year by farsiNet Team Persian Poetry about the Miraculous Birth of Jesus the World Saviour
Fullness of the Time - Zamane Moayyan - Christmas message from Church of Dallas
What Child is This? - In Cheh Kudakist? - Christmas message from Church of San Diego
Prophecies About Jesus - Pishguieha Darbare Eisa Masih - Christmas message from Church of Dallas

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Christmas Celebration - Music from "His Iranian Children #1 - Tehran" Album
Bacheh Haayeh Iroonish #1 - Tehran ..... آلبوم بچه ها ی ایرونیش ۱ - تهران

Wisemen were seeking Jesus 2000 years ago and wise men & women are still seeking Him 2000 years ago, he came down to reach all those wise at heart

An Arabic Christmas Carol (Byzantine Hymn of the Nativity)

Prayers and Best Wishes from farsiNet Team for a Merry Christmas and happy New Year 2025 for all Iranians, Persians and Farsi Speaking People

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NoRooz Persian New Year the Ever lasting Tradition and Celebration Poetry by Bozorg-Mehr vaziri from Houston, NoRuz is an Everlasting Ancient Persian Tradition, Persian Poetry on Significance & Longivity of NoRuz Persian New Year by Vaziri
Persian New Year is First Day of Spring and Celebrated by Iranians, Afghans, Tajiks, Kurds, Send Free farsi Greetings, Learn History of NowRuz, Read NoRuz Poetry, Learn about NowRuz Traditions, How Old is NowRuz? What is Persian Imperial calendar
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