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Shohar-Khaleh - Foreign Husbands of Iranian Women
Shohar-Khaleh: Foreign Husbands of Iranian Women

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We are the foreign (non-native Iranian) husbands of Iranian women and the fathers of American/European Iranian children. We have organized to give each other a place for support, friendship, learning and the sharing of experiences, wisdom and knowledge. Our experiences are all unique, but the blending of the best of both cultures is our goal in the attempt to raise our children and maintain our families in a healthy, informed and harmonious family environment.

Let us share those thoughts and experiences which have enabled or prevented us from being a whole and healthy Iranian-American/European family. Let us share the wisdom we have gained from our experinces and our relationships. Maybe, we can learn from each others victories and defeats. Write us at
From: Azita Smukat

Dear Sirs,
I am the president of an iranian association in TOULOUSE and I would like to have co-operation with you regarding the daily life with iranian woman its behavoir , feelings,..... I would like to have it as an article to be published in iranian Newspaper publishing by us.

Thanks in advance for your assistance - AZITA KHORRAM-SMUKAT, FRANCE

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