Dariush & Marya Persian Gospel CD God Is Good for Iranians and Farsi Speaking people, God Is Good Farsi Christian Praise CD by Dariush & Marya, Khoda Neekoost Farsi Gospel Music CD from Dariush and Marya from San Jose California USA
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Shahr-e Ma - Our City - by Brasheet Music Ministry
Persian (Farsi) Christian Praise & Worship Music

During the summer of 1996, a group of Assyrian Born Again Christians started a Christian Band. This has become one of its kind among Assyrians. These men decided to start a Music Ministry, and since this was the first time, to the best of their knowledge, that this was done among Assyrians, they picked the first word in the Bible to become the name of their band and Ministry, "BRASHEET". Brasheet in Assyrian or Modern Syriac means, "In the Beginning" .

Christian music has reached a significantly high level in Western culture. However, among the Assyrian believers this may not be the case. Our Churches and Christian families have always felt the need for a consistent, improved and exciting flow of new worship and praise songs. In the past, some Churches or individuals have made new songs or albums. Unfortunately, due to many challenges their efforts were temporary and inconsistent. Brasheet's agenda and goal is to consistently provide the Assyrian speaking and Persian speaking Believers with a selection of Christian music that is new and exciting.

Go To ... [ Front Cover | Back Cover | Who is Brasheet? | ... | Worthy Of Praise CD | ... | Go To Brasheet Music Ministry Main Page ]

Listen to selected songs from this album in Real Audio

  • 1. Avaze Tazarruh - Cry Of My Heart   (4:54)
  • 2. Vaghte Hesaad - Time of   (6:27)
  • 3. God's Promise - Vadehye Khoda   (3:42)
  • 4. Zendeghi Noe - New Life   (6:19)
  • 5. Dar Ghayde Osyaan - Bondage Of Sin   (3:33)
  • 6. Bahare Aasemani - Heavenly Spring   (3:34)
  • 7. Shahre Maa - Our City   (7:58)
  • 8. Beeyaid Khasteghan - Come to me you who are tired   (5:37)
  • 9. Molaghati Noe - New Encounter   (4:59)
  • 10. Bee Toe Tanhaam - Alone, without You   (7:24)
  • 11. Ruhol Ghodos - Holy Spirit   (4:16)
  • 12. Raahe Iman - Path Of Faith   (3:36)
  • 13. Avaaze Yahoveh - God's Voice   (4:56)
  • 14. Mighty God   (4:27)

Ordering Information:

You can place your order online at www.brasheetmusic.com/store.html
or send your order to ordering@brasheetmusic.com
Questions on how to book the band contact sargond@brasheetmusic.com

Also available from Iranian Christians International - Catalog# 8880073
Iranian Christian International Phone Number to Order Iranian Christian Music (719) 596-0010

Do Not Copy Persian Christian Music CDs - Do Not Sin More Persian Music ==> Alice: (A Friend), Anna: (Heavenly Songs), Aramais: (Spring), Barani: (God is Good) (Surrender 2 U), Brasheet: (Our City), (Worthy Of Praise), Church of Dallas: (Persian Hymns 1), (Persian Hymns 2) Dariush & Marya: (God Is Good), (Above All), (Heart of Worship) New Persian Farsi Gospel Music from dariush & Marya, Free Persian Music Samples, New Free Farsi Music, Eivan: (My Love Jesus), Farsi Hymns, Forouz: (In Your Presence) (In Your Praise) (New Love), Hovsepian, Joseph: (Christian Music), Hovsepian Gilbert: (Jesus Is Alive), (Hallelujah 1), (Hallelujah 2), (Hallelujah 3), (Hallelujah 4 - هللويا ۴) (Setayesh - ستایش , Jamal: (Lost Persian Cat), Georgette: (Mahboob) New Persian Farsi Gospel Music from Georgette, Free Persian Music Samples, New Free Farsi Music, Luba Adams: (Light in the Darkness), Neda Jalali - Navaz: (East of West), Marlin: (Dolorosa) , Nejat: (Persian Hymns) (Heavenly Passion) (A Friend), Nejat Band: Blesing of Love, نعمت عشق - گروه نجات Peyman: (Morning of Hope), Robert: (Transformation), Sarah: (Beyond Time), (Message of Love), , Sarkisian: (Didar), Seva: (Passion), (A Friend), Shohreh: (The Ever Present God), (Word of God), Taak band: (In Father's Arm - در آغوش پدر) , Verooyer: (Erfan 1), Vida: (Divine Melody) (Eternal God), Ziba Ehteshami: (Love of God) 1001Nights: (Salaam) , (Orchestra) . . . Farsi Christian radio, Persian Christian Music, Iranian Christian Worship Music Farsi Web Radio ...

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