ضرب المثل هاى مشهور ايرانى
Famous Persian Iranian Proverbs
- Pages 260-261
| Famous Persian Iranian Proverbs - Pages 260-261
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[ Cover
| Publisher
| 9
| 10
| 11
| 18
| 52-53
| 54-55
| 56-57
| 69
| 70
| 71
| 84-85
| 86-87
| 88-89
| 174
| 197
| 198
| 232
| 260-261
| 262-263
| 287
| 288
| 289
| 300-301
| 302-303
| 304-305
| 421
| 422
| 423
| 434-435
| 436-437
| 438-439
| 503 ]
- کتاب مقدّس
و مثل های پارسی
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