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 Yad-e Doost, remembering Friends, A collection of Persian Poetry, short stories & Art by A. Ghabel
   On January 7th 1976, while I was busy saying goodbye to family and friends at the airport, a friend of my uncle stepped forward, gave me a hug and gave me a book. The book called, "Yad-e Doost, by Hooshang Mostofi, includes short stories and poetry from his radio program.

Yad-e Doost has been one of my favorite books since then and at times a story or a poem has inspired me to put down my own feelings and emotions on paper in the form of a drawing or a poetry.

This collection presented here is a combination of my favorites from the book "Yad-e Doost" as well as my own drawings and writing inspired by this book.

Rima A'abee Ghabel

Index of my selections from this book

I would like to thank FarsiNet for their Special Offer to host this WebPage.

All Bent Up - A drawing by A. Ghabel

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