50% Discount for farsiNet Visitors, Persian Music by Marlin - Farsi Christian Worship Music CD by Marlin from Church of California
FarsiNet's 15 Year Anniversary - started serving Iranian/Persian/Farsi-Speaking People of the World with God's Love & Grace in 2555 (1996)

Masters of Classical Persian Music

Mohammad Reza Shajarian - "The Iranian Paravotti"
Kayhan Kalhor - "Composer, fiddler, and collaborator with Yo Yo Ma on the Silk Road Project
Hossein Alizadeh - "Master of Persian Lutes (Tar)"
Homayoun Shajarian - "Tombak, Percussion, Vocals"
Shajarian Concert at Duke University, North Carolina USA Masters of Persian Music, March 2, 2001

A Memorable Night with Rumi and Persian Mystical Music

A true superstar lineup of Iranian musicians has just come together for a first-ever North American tour.

Persian Art Center in North Carolina and Duke University Institute of the Arts cordially invite you to attend a spectacular concert to witness the collaboration of true "Masters of Persian Music". This concert will offer audiences a rare opportunity to see four of Iran's most celebrated and incomparable musicians together: The legendary Mohammad Reza Shajarian (Iranian Pavarotti) on vocals, Hossein Alizadeh on tar (lute), kayhan Kalhor on kamancheh (spike fiddle), and Homayoun Shajarian on tombak (percussion) and vocals.

Please mark your calendar for MARCH 2, 2001 to come to Reynolds Theatre (Duke University, West Campus). Doors open at 7:30 p.m.

Tickets: $20, $25 general, $35 for preferred seating, $12 students.
All seats are numbered. Tickets are available at:
Durham Duke University Box Office 684-4444
Chapel Hill Café Parvaneh 929-2779
Raleigh Iranian Cultural Society 954-9545

"We come spinning out of nothingness, scattering stars like dust" Rumi

Boston, New York, San Francisco and Duke University in Durham North Carolina

| 2005 Tour | 2002 Tour | 2002 NC Concert Farsi - Persian Content | 2001 NC Concert Farsi - Persian Content | 2001 Tour | Persian Music | Masters of Persian Music | Ustad Lotfi [ ]
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