Haji Firuz a symbol of Persian new Year NowRuz which is the first day of Spring, NowRuz Piruz Iranians celebrate Persian new Year NowRuz on the first day of Spring, NowRuz Farkhondeh First day of Spring is Persian new Year NowRuz, NowRuz Khojasteh baad Haji Firuzeh, Saalee Yek Ruzeh Haji Firuz is a sign of Persian new Year coming on the first day of Spring Haji Firuz dances for NowRuz Haji Firuz celebrates first day of Spring NowRuz is celebrated by Iranians, Afghans, Tajiks, Turks and many other people group around Iran Haji Firuz announce sthe coming of Spring, NowRuz - Persian New year Dance to the music of NowRuz with Haji Firuz
Iranian celebrate First day of Spring as a 2600 Years Old Tradition of Joy and Peace with nature, Learn about Nowruz, Send Free Norooz Greetings, Read about NoRooz History at FarsiNet  Learn about Iranian New year NowRuz, How Old is Persian New year NoRuz? Send Free NoRooz farsi Greetings at FarsiNet

Tabdil - Transformation - Persia Gospel Ministries - Robert
آلبوم تبدیل از رابرت سال ۱۹۹۹ میلادی با همکاری گروه پرستشی پارس
Persia Gospel Ministries - Jesus Transforms - Iranian Persian Farsi Christian Gospel Music - Inside Cover Worship and praise God with your songs and joyful music - We have to become like Jesus Christ

[ Front Cover | Back Cover | Inside Cover ]

Listen to songs from "Tabdil" CD by Robert (mp3)
آلبوم تبدیل از رابرت سال ۱۹۹۹ میلادی با همکاری گروه پرستشی پارس

  1. Tabdil (Transformation) 04:53 - تبدیل
  2. Sheneed Faryadam (He Heard My Cry) 04:17 - شنید فریادم
  3. Oudo, Tablo, Barbat (Sing to the Lord) 03:17 - عود طبل و بربت
  4. Beshno Kelisa (Listen, Church) 03:51 - بشنو کلیسا
  5. Dast Bezanim, Shadi Konim (Clap your hands, Be joyful) 03:54 - دست بزنیم شادی کنیم
  6. Baayad Shabihe Esa Shavam (We Should Become Like Jesus) 04:37 - باید شبیه عیسی شوم

Do Not Copy Persian Christian Music CDs - Do Not Sin More Persian Music ==> Alice: (A Friend), Anna: (Heavenly Songs), Aramais: (Spring), Barani: (God is Good) (Surrender 2 U), Brasheet: (Our City), (Worthy Of Praise), Church of Dallas: (Persian Hymns 1), (Persian Hymns 2) Dariush & Marya: (God Is Good), (Above All), (Heart of Worship) New Persian Farsi Gospel Music from dariush & Marya, Free Persian Music Samples, New Free Farsi Music, Eivan: (My Love Jesus), Farsi Hymns, Forouz: (In Your Presence) (In Your Praise) (New Love), Hovsepian, Joseph: (Christian Music), Hovsepian Gilbert: (Jesus Is Alive), (Hallelujah 1), (Hallelujah 2), (Hallelujah 3), (Hallelujah 4 - هللويا ۴) (Setayesh - ستایش , Jamal: (Lost Persian Cat), Georgette: (Mahboob) New Persian Farsi Gospel Music from Georgette, Free Persian Music Samples, New Free Farsi Music, Luba Adams: (Light in the Darkness), Neda Jalali - Navaz: (East of West), Marlin: (Dolorosa) , Nejat: (Persian Hymns) (Heavenly Passion) (A Friend), Nejat Band: Blesing of Love, نعمت عشق - گروه نجات Peyman: (Morning of Hope), Robert: (Transformation), Sarah: (Beyond Time), (Message of Love), , Sarkisian: (Didar), Seva: (Passion), (A Friend), Shohreh: (The Ever Present God), (Word of God), Taak band: (In Father's Arm - در آغوش پدر) , Verooyer: (Erfan 1), Vida: (Divine Melody) (Eternal God), Ziba Ehteshami: (Love of God) 1001Nights: (Salaam) , (Orchestra) . . . Farsi Christian radio, Persian Christian Music, Iranian Christian Worship Music Farsi Web Radio ...

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First Day of Spring, Persian New Year 2563 (1383), NoRuz, NoRooz, NowRuz
First Day of Spring, Persian New Year 2563 (1383), NoRuz, NoRooz, NowRuz
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