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Norooz, NoRuz, NowRuz

Persian New Year - (Haftsinn Table)

NowRuz Iranian New year - Persian New Year 2579 (1399, 1441, 2020)
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NoRooz 2584 Countdown ...
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Nowruz 2582 (1402, 2023) began on: با شاد باش نوروز - تحويل سال نو
تحويل سال نو ۲۵۸۲ - ساعت ۰ و ۵۴ دقيقه و ۲۸ ثانيه صبح سه شنبه اول فروردين ۱۴۰۲ در ايران
Tehran:Tuesday:      00:54:28 AM      March 21, 2023
BerlinMonday 10:24:28 PM March 20, 2023
Chicago:Monday 04:24:28 PM March 20, 2023
Dubai:Tuesday 01:24:28 AM March 21, 2023
LondonMonday 09:24:28 PM March 20, 2023
Los AngelesMonday 02:24:28 PM March 20, 2023
New YorkMonday 05:24:28 PM March 20, 2023
SydneyTuesday 08:24:28 AM March 21, 2023

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A ceremonial table called Sofreh-e Haft Sin (cloth of seven dishes), name of each dish beginning with the Persian letter Sinn.
Persian New Year NowRuz HaftSin Table

A few days prior to the New Year, a special cover is spread on to the Persian carpet or on a table in every Persian household. This ceremonial table is called cloth of seven dishes, (each one beginning with the Persian letter cinn). The number seven has been sacred in Iran since the ancient times, and the seven dishes stand for the seven angelic heralds of life-rebirth, health, happiness, prosperity, joy, patience, and beauty.

The symbolic dishes consist of:
  1. Sabzeh or sprouts, usually wheat or lentil representing rebirth.
  2. Samanu is a pudding in which common wheat sprouts are transformed and given new life as a sweet, creamy pudding and represents the ultimate sophistication of Persian cooking.
  3. Seeb means apple and represents health and beauty.
  4. Senjed the sweet, dry fruit of the Lotus tree, represents love. It has been said that when lotus tree is in full bloom, its fragrance and its fruit make people fall in love and become oblivious to all else.
  5. Seer which is garlic in Persian, represents medicine.
  6. Somaq sumac berries, represent the color of sunrise; with the appearance of the sun Good conquers Evil.
  7. Serkeh or vinegar, represents age and patience.

To reconfirm all hopes and wishes expressed by the traditional foods, other elements and symbols are also on the sofreh):

  • a few coins placed on the sofreh represent prosperity and wealth;
  • a basket of painted eggs represents fertility;
  • a Seville orange floating in a bowl of water represents the earth floating in space;
  • a goldfish in a bowl represents life and the end of astral year-picas;
  • a flask of rose water known for its magical cleansing power, is also included on the tablecloth;
  • Nearby is a brazier for burning wild rue ,a sacred herb whose smoldering fumes ward off evil spirits;
  • A pot of flowering hyacinth or narcissus is also set on the sofreh;
  • A mirror which represents the images and reflections of Creation as we celebrate anew the ancient Persian traditions and beliefs that creation took place on the first day of spring.
  • On either side of the mirror are two candlesticks holding a flickering candle for each child in the family. The candles represent enlightenment and happiness;

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NoRuz Greetings: NoRuz Mobarak (Happy NoRuz, Happy New Year), Eid-eh Shoma Mobarak (Happy New Year to you), NoRuz PiRuz (Wishing you a Prosperous New Year), Sad Saal be in Saal-ha (Wishing you 100 more Happy New Years)
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