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Farsi Christian Literature - Free Farsi Book PDF


Neda Najibi

My purpose in this world is to learn and develop a radiant spirit through closing my eyes to the deficiencies of other souls and to try to show pure and goodly deeds by helping my neighbor. I truly believe that I have not lived until I have lived to help you.

I was born in Tehran, Iran on December 31, 1966. My family of 6 moved to Chicago, Illinois in 1969. My father is an amazing man who speaks 13 languages. My mother as delicate as a rose, who lives in order for us (her children) to be happy and satisfied. I have two older sisters and 2 older brothers, one of which passed away at the age of 6 months.

I have been writing poetry since 1979, age 13 and began reciting my poetry in high school and later at gatherings and weekly on a local television program in Los Angeles. I have been published in approximately 6 publications and 1 newspaper and have self-published 3 books.

I moved to Hawaii in 1995 after graduating from California State University Northridge with a Bachelors of Arts degree in Journalism.

[ Neda Najibi | The Ground I Walk On (Poetry Book) | Poetry Book Press Release, June 1999 | Poetry Recital | Poetry -> BECAUSE OF ME | FIRE, FIRE, HERE I AM | HAPPY BIRTHDAY - NOW PUT ME TO REST! | I AM SAFE | IT'S A PITY YOU FORGOT HER ]

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Farsi Christian Literature - Free Farsi Book PDF
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