Prayer Alert:  Please lift up Iran and Iranians in your prayers
Please pray for the Iranian Leaders - for Wisdom and an encopunter with Jesus
Please pray for the safety of those arrested and for families of those killed

Shahnameh, Epic of the Persian Kings by Ferdowsi the Grreat Persian (Iranian) Poet of 9th Centuary from Toos Khorasan near present Mashhad in Northeast Iran

Farsi (Persian) New Testament & Psalms
Contemporary Translation - Tafsiri

Injil Tafsiri and Psalms Table of Contents in Persian Farsi

Available from Church of Love in Denmark
Ostergade 57-59
DK-5000 Odense C
Tel: +45 - 40532523
Fax: +45 - 65938934
Church of Love Denmark

Price: (Paperback)
1 - 9 copies     6.00 Euro each + Postage
10 - 19 copies     5.40 Euro each + Postage (10% Discount)
20 - 49 copies     4.80 Euro each + Postage (20% Discount)
50 - 99 copies     4.20 Euro each + Postage (30% Discount)
100+ copies     3.60 Euro each + Postage (40% Discount)
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Iranian Christian Conference in Dallas Texas USA in October 25-28, 2007, Conference Theme: The Character of a Christian, Conference teachersPastor Sohrab of San Diego, Pastor Afshin of California and pastor Ali of Vancuver

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