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Iranian Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas USA
The Iranian Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas U.S.A.  Iranian Baptist Church of Dallas Texas USA is fully compliant with the Biblically-based FarsiNet
Persian/Iranian/Farsi Church listing requirements

Iranian Christians 13th Regional Conference, Dallas Texas
November 8 -11, 2001

2001 Fall Conference Info => | Page 1 | Page 2 |    Church of Dallas WebSite
Dear Friends,
You are cordially invited to attend the Fall Conference of the Iranian Christians of Dallas, Texas. You will be able to fellowship with believers from various parts of the country and receive life-changing teachings.

Date: Thursday, Nov. 8 (4PM) - Sunday, Nov. 11, 2001 (2PM)

Place: Mt. Lebanon Baptist Encampment in Cedar Hill (South of Dalls), Texas

Theme: Commitment to Christ

Main Speaker: Arman Roshdi and other surprise speakers
(Sessions in Farsi with English translation)

Registration Fees:
Adult (double occupancy) $140.00/person
Child (in parent's room) $90.00
Family (3 per room) $300.00/room
Family (4 per room) $340.00/room
Commuter fee $30.00/day

Conference fee will include motel-type room with private bathroom, 9 meals, and conference expenses. The limited number of motel-type rooms will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis with deposit.

What to bring: Bible, notebook, pen, musical instrument, casual wear, and jacket. (No pets allowed)

Directions: Take US Highway 67 south from downtown Dallas to Cedar Hill. Look for sign to Mt. Lebanon Road and Baptist Encampment. Exit, and follow signs to the camp.

If you need a ride from DFW airport, please contact us to make arrangements before conference: (214) 348-9098 , Mt. Lebanon Phone: (972) 291-7156

13th Regional Iranian Christians Conference in Dallas Texas on November 8, 2001 You are cordialyy invited to Fall 2001 Iranian Christian Conference in Dallas Texas

Iranian Baptist Church of Dallas
Conference Brochures: | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | ... Other Conferences - کنفرانس کلیساها
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Please send your comments, suggestions, pray requests to Pastor Iraj. (110701 12774 )

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