The Search for Messiah, A Persian Book on the Concept of Jewish Messiah, The signs of its coming, the events leading to the first coming and the second coming of the Messiah
Iran Banknotes, Shah of Iran 1962 Shah 1000 Rial Banknote, Iran Currency Collection

Esther Ministries
A Christian organization that exists for the purpose of glory to God

We Serve Persian Women of Iran and Afghanistan and their families
Esther Ministries - A Christian organization in Southern California Monthly meetings are held for Persian Women in Southern CA
Assistance to individual women and families with needs
Monthly meetings are held for Persians in Southern California
Cross cultural awareness and training for churches and groups who want to relate to Persians
Christian video, audio, and books for loan in Farsi and English

Hope Of Women

(Published quarterly in Persian (Farsi) and English) To receive the magazine or for additional information write to Esther Ministries

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