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FarsiNet Server Statistics for August 2005

Visits (Page Views)
31 Day August 2005 Summary
Unique Accesses - 31 Day August 2005 Summary
Each Unique Visitor (Unique IP#) is counted ONLY ONCE during this period
August 01, 2005 29538
August 02, 2005 20369
August 03, 2005 22658
August 04, 2005 21206
August 05, 2005 19748
August 06, 2005 21376
August 07, 2005 21531
August 08, 2005 22751
August 09, 2005 21528
August 10, 2005 24511
August 11, 2005 22231
August 12, 2005 21448
August 13, 2005 18638
August 14, 2005 18502
August 15, 2005 21518
August 16, 2005 23319
August 17, 2005 25165
August 18, 2005 19646
August 19, 2005 18999
August 20, 2005 18739
August 21, 2005 21450
August 22, 2005 24621
August 23, 2005 22575
August 24, 2005 25368
August 25, 2005 26406
August 26, 2005 27024
August 27, 2005 20074
August 28, 2005 19205
August 29, 2005 21995
August 01, 2005 19106
August 02, 2005 15265
August 03, 2005 16778
August 04, 2005 15425
August 05, 2005 14571
August 06, 2005 16068
August 07, 2005 16357
August 08, 2005 17147
August 09, 2005 15903
August 10, 2005 18420
August 11, 2005 16586
August 12, 2005 16272
August 13, 2005 14058
August 14, 2005 13802
August 15, 2005 16033
August 16, 2005 17527
August 17, 2005 19741
August 18, 2005 13385
August 19, 2005 13522
August 20, 2005 13594
August 21, 2005 14755
August 22, 2005 17864
August 23, 2005 16711
August 24, 2005 17984
August 25, 2005 18963
August 26, 2005 20968
August 27, 2005 14731
August 28, 2005 14166
August 29, 2005 15835

Unique User Sessions - 31 Day August 2005 Summary Total Bandwidth* (Megabytes) 31 Day August 2005 Summary
August 01, 2005 4316
August 02, 2005 4330
August 03, 2005 4421
August 04, 2005 4311
August 05, 2005 4078
August 06, 2005 3714
August 07, 2005 3879
August 08, 2005 4560
August 09, 2005 4475
August 10, 2005 4427
August 11, 2005 4361
August 12, 2005 4181
August 13, 2005 3810
August 14, 2005 3893
August 15, 2005 4546
August 16, 2005 4603
August 17, 2005 4381
August 18, 2005 4178
August 19, 2005 4101
August 20, 2005 3855
August 21, 2005 4182
August 22, 2005 5125
August 23, 2005 5218
August 24, 2005 5140
August 25, 2005 4788
August 26, 2005 4420
August 27, 2005 3944
August 28, 2005 4201
August 29, 2005 5062
August 01, 2005 1055.75
August 02, 2005 843.75
August 03, 2005 969.51
August 04, 2005 954.12
August 05, 2005 874.69
August 06, 2005 825.16
August 07, 2005 862.89
August 08, 2005 942.09
August 09, 2005 929.66
August 10, 2005 1045.62
August 11, 2005 928.34
August 12, 2005 879.68
August 13, 2005 769.93
August 14, 2005 785.22
August 15, 2005 923.40
August 16, 2005 996.44
August 17, 2005 1011.16
August 18, 2005 884.80
August 19, 2005 850.68
August 20, 2005 761.74
August 21, 2005 934.67
August 22, 2005 1161.02
August 23, 2005 1008.29
August 24, 2005 1054.21
August 25, 2005 1076.61
August 26, 2005 1015.67
August 27, 2005 896.01
August 28, 2005 827.49
August 29, 2005 1059.06

Domains / Countries06/03 - 01/05 Unique Visitors
Each Unique Visitor (Unique IP#) is counted ONLY ONCE during this period

Continents06/03 - 01/05 Unique Visitors
Each Unique Visitor (Unique IP#) is counted ONLY ONCE during this period

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Man is The Choicemaker. He is by nature and nature's God a creature of Choice - and of Criteria Thus, he is oriented to a Freedom whose roots are in the natural order of the universe.
Abortion: Right or Wrong
Book by Dr. Shirvanian in Persian
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