Eide Milade masih Tabrik - Merry Christmas
Persian Christian Soft Rock & Roll from Nejat Band - A new Generation of Iranian Beleivers Praising Christ with Their Music - Blessing of Love CD, Soft Rock & Roll for Farsi Speaking People of Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Turkey, Tajikistan, Europe, Asia & US

Peyvand Address

PEYVAND is a non-profit organization
Registered with the State of Minnesota
P.O. Box 6155, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55406
All PEYVAND presentations are free and open to the public

Iranian Association of Minnesota (PEYVAND) is a non-profit, non-political and non-religious organization that was established in 1991 by a group of Iranians, who reside and/or work in Minneapolis and Saint Paul area.

The primary objective of this organization is to provide an environment where Iranian people can get together on a regular basis, have the opportunity to form friendship and professional network and expand their knowledge base through lectures, seminars and workshops, which are open to public at large.
Peyvand Goal
The organization is non-discriminatory, and open to peoples of all races, sexes, languages, ethnic origins, and religions.

Other Iranian Organizations


Please send your comments, suggestions or questions to peyvand@farsinet.com - ( 46247 - 8/24/1997)
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