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FarsiNet's 15 Year Anniversary - started serving Iranian/Persian/Farsi-Speaking People of the World with God's Love & Grace in 2555 (1996)
Persian Poetry on Iran - The Beloved Homeland by Iranian Poet Bozorgmehr Vaziri

A Pictorial Silk Persian Rug Depicting Persian Poetic Art of Celebrating Life

A Silk Persian Rug Depicting Poetic Celebration of Life - From a Private collection in Jounieh Lebanon

Other Info; | The Timeless Appeal of the Persian Rug | Persian Rug Designs | The Future of Persian Carpet | The Largest Persian Carpet In the World | Persian Rug Portraits |
Samples; | Baluch (Saghi) | Isfahan (Saghi) | Mashhad | Kashan Silk (Yahuddi) | Rug Market | Repairing Rug | 1 | 2 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
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