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Kerman Lavar Antique Persian Rug - 1850s - 70"x54"
Portrait of Four Sufi Masters (Darvish Boogh Ali Shah)

(Click on any of the closeups below to see a large full picture of this Kerman Lavar Antique) Kerman laver Antique Persian Rug Closeup, Portrait of Four Sufi masters in Prayer garmet, Sufi darvish Portraits

Kerman laver Antique Persian Rug Closeup, Portrait of Four Sufi masters in Prayer garmet, Sufi darvish Portraits

Kerman laver Antique Persian Rug Closeup, Portrait of Four Sufi masters in Prayer garmet, Sufi darvish Portraits

Kerman laver Antique Persian Rug Closeup, Portrait of Four Sufi masters in Prayer garmet, Sufi darvish Portraits

KERMAN LAVAR Carpet Properties:

Carpets from KERMAN have been appreciated by western collectors for many years. KERMAN LAVAR (RAVAR) rugs and carpets have many flowers in their curved patterns. Their all-over pattern is very unique and beautiful. KERMAN LAVAR (RAVAR) also produces extremely nice rugs with human portraits and depictions of historical events.

Quality: KERMAN LAVAR (RAVAR) carpets and rugs are of very high quality, as is KERMAN.

Size & Shapes: KERMAN LAVAR (RAVAR) carpets come in different sizes, but the majority of them are mid-size (4 x 6 to 8 x 10 feet). You can also find large rugs up to 10 x 18 feet.

Color: KERMAN LAVAR (RAVAR) carpets and rugs have a variety of colors such as pink, light red, yellow, and olive green. They are among the few Persian rugs to have so many variations in color.

Texture: Wool; thin, very well textured pile

Foundation:Warp is cotton; pile is wool.

Knots: Rugs and carpets from KERMAN LAVAR (RAVAR) have very tight foundations and Persian knots. The quality of the carpet depends upon the number of knots, which varies, but averages from around 120 KPSI (Knots Per Square Inch) (30 RAJ) up to 842 KPSI (80 RAJ).

Price: KERMAN LAVAR (RAVAR) carpets are beautiful and there is a high demand for them all around the world, so they are more expensive than similar carpets from surrounding areas. Expect to pay $25 - $50 Per Square Foot (PSF) for a high quality new carpet from KERMAN LAVAR (RAVAR). Antique Lavar and special unique designs such as the Museum quality shown above could go for $100s to $1000 PSF.

Other Info; | The Timeless Appeal of the Persian Rug | Persian Rug Designs | The Future of Persian Carpet | The Largest Persian Carpet In the World | Persian Rug Portraits |
Samples; | Baluch (Saghi) | Isfahan (Saghi) | Mashhad | Kashan Silk (Yahuddi) | Rug Market | Repairing Rug | 1 | 2 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
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