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Persian Rugs, Persian Carpets & Oriental Rugs

Persian carpets and rugs have always been and still are an intrinsic part of Iranian culture and its people's daily lives. Indeed, carpets and rugs are in many cases the most valued possessions, and they are an integral part of an Iranian home. Thus, it is not surprising that current production levels throughout Iran equal those reached prior to the Islamic Revolution of 1979. In fact, rugs are now even produced in areas where weaving was heretofore not practiced.

To look at a Persian carpet is to gaze into a world of artistic magnificence nurtured for more then 2,500 years. The Iranians were among the first carpet weaver of the ancient civilizations and, through centuries of creativity and ingenuity building upon the talents of the past, achieved a unique degree of excellence.

A Sitting Room decorated by a Mashhad Hunting Scene Design Carpet Qashqai Women making Persian Rug
A Living Room Decorated by a Mashhad Hunting Scene Design carpet

To Trace the history of the Persian carpet is to follow a path of cultural growth of one of the greatest civilizations the world has ever known. From being simply articles of need, as pure and simple floor entrance covering to protect the nomadic tribesmen from the cold and damp, the increasing beauty of the carpets found them new owners - kings and nobleman, those who looked for signs of wealth or adornment for fine buildings.

Many people in Iran have invested their whole wealth in Persian carpets - often referred to as an Iranian's stocks and shares - and there are underground storage areas in Tehran's bazaar that are full of fine specimens, kept as investments by shrewd businessmen. And for many centuries, of course, the Persian carpet has received international acknowledgment for its artistic splendor. In palaces, famous building, rich homes and museums throughout the world a Persian carpet is amongst the most treasured possessions. Thus, today Iran produces more carpets than all the other carpet making centers of the world put together.

A Contemporary Persian Carpet Museum - Master Carpet Weaver Resam Arabzadeh

Other Info; | The Timeless Appeal of the Persian Rug | Persian Rug Designs | The Future of Persian Carpet | The Largest Persian Carpet In the World | Persian Rug Portraits |
Samples; | Baluch (Saghi) | Isfahan (Saghi) | Mashhad | Kashan Silk (Yahuddi) | Rug Market | Repairing Rug | 1 | 2 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
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