The Written Defense of the Rev. Mehdi Dibaj Delivered to the Sari Court of Justice - Sari, Iran December 3, 1993

A born Muslim who decided to follow and serve Jesus and paid the price with his life

Defence of rev. Mehdi Dibaj: | Farsi Page1 | Farsi Page2 | Farsi Page3 | English Translation | | In his own voice Persian Language RealAudio |
| Testimony and life of Rev. Dibaj in his own voice: (Entire Testimony) or (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)

Page6 - Rev Dibaj page5 - Rev. Dibaj

Defence of rev. Mehdi Dibaj: | Farsi Page1 | Farsi Page2 | Farsi Page3 | English Translation | | In his own voice Persian Language RealAudio |
| Testimony and life of Rev. Dibaj in his own voice: (Entire Testimony) or (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)

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Prayer Alert:  Please lift up Iran and Iranians in your prayers
Please pray for the Iranian Leaders - for Wisdom and an encopunter with Jesus
Please pray for the safety of those arrested and for families of those killed

Mashhad - Iran Holy City - Imam Reza, Nader Shah, Ferdowsi
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