First Day of Spring, Persian New Year 2563 (1383), NoRuz, NoRooz, NowRuz
Persian New Year is First Day of Spring and Celebrated by Iranians, Afghans, Tajiks, Kurds, Send Free farsi Greetings, Learn History of NowRuz, Read NoRuz Poetry, Learn about NowRuz Traditions, How Old is NowRuz? What is Persian Imperial calendar
NowRuz Iranian New year - Persian New Year 2579 (1399, 1441, 2020)
What year is it? 2582? 1402? 1444? - How old is NowRuz?
NoRooz 2584 Countdown ...
Days: Hours: Mins: Secs:
Nowruz 2582 (1402, 2023) began on: با شاد باش نوروز - تحويل سال نو
تحويل سال نو ۲۵۸۲ - ساعت ۰ و ۵۴ دقيقه و ۲۸ ثانيه صبح سه شنبه اول فروردين ۱۴۰۲ در ايران
Tehran:Tuesday:      00:54:28 AM      March 21, 2023
BerlinMonday 10:24:28 PM March 20, 2023
Chicago:Monday 04:24:28 PM March 20, 2023
Dubai:Tuesday 01:24:28 AM March 21, 2023
LondonMonday 09:24:28 PM March 20, 2023
Los AngelesMonday 02:24:28 PM March 20, 2023
New YorkMonday 05:24:28 PM March 20, 2023
SydneyTuesday 08:24:28 AM March 21, 2023

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Troubadours, referred to as Haji Firuz, disguise themselves with makeup and wear brightly colored outfits of satin. These Haji Firuz, singing and dancing, parade as a carnival through the streets with tambourines, kettle drums, and trumpets to spread good cheer and the news of the coming new year.

Haji Firooz is the black faced character who is the traditional herald of the Nowrooz season and begins to wander the streets and alleyways in his red costume weeks before the end of the year. The sound of his songs and the sight of his dance is often analogous to hearing Christmas music in a shopping mall, telling all that Nowrooz is in the air. Although the blackness of his skin has been the source of some racial controversy in Iranian intellectual circles, Haji's intentions and spirit have always been well received and loved by the people.

Haji Firuz

Haji FiRuz History:
Hadji Firouz was a man in red clothes who went from street to street singing and be ating a tambourine on New Year's eve (which is also the eve of spring). He was usually accompanied by one or two other persons. It is said that he and his companions were sym bols of an old custom in Azarbaijan, called "Chisdon Chikhdim," according to which Haji Firouz sang from the streets to inform people that spring had come and that winter has gone. In return, people gave him gifts or money for the good news that he brought.

Go To ... [ History of NowRuz | Chahar Shambeh Suri 1 | Chahar Shambeh Suri 2 | Chahar Shambeh Suri 3 | HaftSinn 1 | HaftSinn 2 | HaftSinn 3 | HaftSinn 4 | HaftSinn 5 | Haji Firuz 1 | Haji Firuz 2 | Haji Firuz 3 | Sizdeh Bedar 1 | Sizdeh Bedar 2 | Poetry | Send NoRuz Greeting | Previous year Sal Tahvils ... | US Gov. NowRuz message ... | eCard 2563 | eCard 2564 | eCard 2565 | eCard 2566 | eCard 2567 | eCard 2568 | eCard 2569 | eCard 2570 ... | Sadeh | Yalda | NoRuz or NowRuz? | How old is NowRuz? | Go Back To Main NowRuz WebPage ]
NoRuz Greetings: NoRuz Mobarak (Happy NoRuz, Happy New Year), Eid-eh Shoma Mobarak (Happy New Year to you), NoRuz PiRuz (Wishing you a Prosperous New Year), Sad Saal be in Saal-ha (Wishing you 100 more Happy New Years)

Eid-eh Shoma Mobarak ! (happy New Year)

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