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Iranian New year - Persian New Year 2579 (1399, 2020)
NowRuz, NoRuz, NoRooz - (Iranian Persian New Year)
(First Day of Spring, A New Season, A New Year)

NowRuz Iranian New year - Persian New Year 2578 (1398, 1440, 2020)
What year is it? 2582? 13401 1444? - How old is NowRuz?
NoRooz 2584 Countdown ...
Days: Hours: Mins: Secs:
Nowruz 2582 (1402, 2023) began on: با شاد باش نوروز - تحويل سال نو
تحويل سال نو ۲۵۸۲ - ساعت ۰ و ۵۴ دقيقه و ۲۸ ثانيه صبح سه شنبه اول فروردين ۱۴۰۲ در ايران
Tehran:Tuesday:      00:54:28 AM      March 21, 2023
BerlinMonday 10:24:28 PM March 20, 2023
Chicago:Monday 04:24:28 PM March 20, 2023
Dubai:Tuesday 01:24:28 AM March 21, 2023
LondonMonday 09:24:28 PM March 20, 2023
Los AngelesMonday 02:24:28 PM March 20, 2023
New YorkMonday 05:24:28 PM March 20, 2023
SydneyTuesday 08:24:28 AM March 21, 2023

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NowRuz Iranian New year - Persian New Year 2570 (1390, 2011), NoRooz Shaad, NoRuz PiRuz

نرم نرمک می رسد اینک بهار، خوش به حال روزگار

Dear FarsiNet Friend,

NowRuz Greetings - NowRuzetan PiRuz va Khojasteh.
نوروزتان پيروز و خجسته باد

Nowruz 2570 (1390, 2011), Persian New Year, celebrated by over 300 million people of Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kurdistan, Turkey, ... all around the world has arrived.

As the nature is renewed, we pray for a spiritual renewal with our creator that would bring inner peace and long lasting joy of life and living.

We wish you and your family a happy Persian new year blessed with good health, peace of mind, plenty of love to give and receive, joyful heart and all the worldly success that your heart desires according to God's will for your life.

May you be blessed with the knowledge of God's Grace and the joy of a deeper experience of His LOVE for you and the desire for a closer personal relation with your creator.

FarsiNet Team
با بهترین آرزوها و شاد باش ها

What year is it? 2570? 1390? - How old is NowRuz?

Send FREE Farsi NowRuz Greeting Cards, FREE Persian NoRuz Greetings

نوروزتان پیروز و هر روزتان نوروز باد


Go To ... [ History of NowRuz | Chahar Shambeh Suri 1 | Chahar Shambeh Suri 2 | Chahar Shambeh Suri 3 | HaftSinn 1 | HaftSinn 2 | HaftSinn 3 | HaftSinn 4 | HaftSinn 5 | Haji Firuz 1 | Haji Firuz 2 | Haji Firuz 3 | Sizdeh Bedar 1 | Sizdeh Bedar 2 | Poetry | Send NoRuz Greeting | Previous year Sal Tahvils ... | US Gov. NowRuz message ... | eCard 2563 | eCard 2564 | eCard 2565 | eCard 2566 | eCard 2567 | eCard 2568 | eCard 2569 | eCard 2570 ... | Sadeh | Yalda | NoRuz or NowRuz? | How old is NowRuz? | Go Back To Main NowRuz WebPage ]
NoRuz Greetings: NoRuz Mobarak (Happy NoRuz, Happy New Year), Eid-eh Shoma Mobarak (Happy New Year to you), NoRuz PiRuz (Wishing you a Prosperous New Year), Sad Saal be in Saal-ha (Wishing you 100 more Happy New Years)
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Persian Christian Soft Rock & Roll from Nejat Band - A new Generation of Iranian Beleivers Praising Christ with Their Music - Blessing of Love CD, Soft Rock & Roll for Farsi Speaking People of Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Turkey, Tajikistan, Europe, Asia & US
Best wishes and God's Blesing for your New Persian New year NoRooz, NowRuz
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