Haji Firuz a symbol of Persian new Year NowRuz which is the first day of Spring, NowRuz Piruz Iranians celebrate Persian new Year NowRuz on the first day of Spring, NowRuz Farkhondeh First day of Spring is Persian new Year NowRuz, NowRuz Khojasteh baad Haji Firuzeh, Saalee Yek Ruzeh Haji Firuz is a sign of Persian new Year coming on the first day of Spring Haji Firuz dances for NowRuz Haji Firuz celebrates first day of Spring NowRuz is celebrated by Iranians, Afghans, Tajiks, Turks and many other people group around Iran Haji Firuz announce sthe coming of Spring, NowRuz - Persian New year Dance to the music of NowRuz with Haji Firuz
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