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Persian New Year is First Day of Spring and Celebrated by Iranians, Afghans, Tajiks, Kurds, Send Free farsi Greetings, Learn History of NowRuz, Read NoRuz Poetry, Learn about NowRuz Traditions, How Old is NowRuz? What is Persian Imperial calendar

Esfandiar Mosharraf

Contemporary Persian Poet - Shahrekord, Iran

Esfandiar Mosharraf - Persian Contemporary Poet

Esfandiar Mosharraf was born in Shahrekord, Iran, the capital of Chahar Mahal and Bakhtiari province in January 1934. His father Mas’ud Mosharraf -olmolk- Dehkordi was an open-minded man who struggled again st injustice in Chahar Mahal and Bakhtiari.

Mosharraf received formal primary and secondary education in Shahrekord, Isfahan, and Tehran. Later, he studied Law at Tehran University where he graduated from in 1955. His main official occupation, however, wa s in the Social Security Organization where he worked as the director general of the employment office, and as the provincial manager of the Social Security in Azarbaijan province. He was also the administrative an d financial manager of the Rehabilitation Society. His last position was the secretary of the High Council of the Social Security Organization. He retired in 1975. Thereafter, he started working as a lawyer.

Mosharraf started poetry in his early youth. He is capable of writing in all Persian poetical forms. How ever, he finds the form of the Ghazal best suited for his poetic expression. His pen name in poetry is take n from hi s last name, "Mosharraf". In 1978, Mosharraf published a series of his social and political poems in his book, On the Way To Freedom. Since then he has continued to publish his poems actively in prominent Persian journals and newspapers. He aslo contributed regularly in several contemporary anthologies of Pers ian poetry. He is an active member of several well known poetical circles formed in Tehran during the last decade.

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You can order this book from Ma Publishing, Azadi Street, Enghelab Square, #139, Suite 24, Tehran, Iran.
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