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Original Art works From Jamal's Studio
Vilage bakery by Mo Jamal
Village Bakery
Origional oil painting on canvase 80x100cm
Origional reproduction by the Artist
16x20 $420 + $60 frame
18x24 $500 + $70 frame
20x30 $600 + $80 frame
24x36 $1000 + $100 frame
30x40 $1800 + $200 frame
Mo Jamal began his paintings and art teaching career in Tehran in the 1960s. He has taught and exhibited in Iran, Europe, and America.

Iranian artists throughout the twentieth century have routinely found inspiration from home and abroad. Eclecticism, a feature of ancient Persian art-for example the architecture and bas-relief sculpture at Persepolis, The Achaemenid shrine dating from 2,500 years ago, as well as the culture and the people-, has remained a core quality of Iranian painting. This is verified in the variety of subjects, painting styles, and colors in paitings by Mo Jamal.

Far from home, wonted Iranian eclecticism has acquired two new dimensions. First, Iranian artists may depict subjects indigenous to their new lands with Iranian touches. Second, those artists may continue to depict their homeland and its culture, but now from memory, perhaps with nostalgia, perhaps romantically.

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Gorbeh, Persian Cat
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