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Iranian Cultural Community of Austin (ICCA)

Austin, Texas USA

Salam Bar Doostan
ICCA Charter and Objectives
Iranian Cultural Community of Austin (ICCA) is a non-profit, non-political and non-religious organization that was established in 1991 by a group of Iranians, who reside and/or work in Austin, Texas USA.

The primary objective of this organization is to provide an environment where Iranian people can get together on a regular basis, have the opportunity to form friendship and professional network and expand their knowledge of Persian culture, history, art, music and poetry through lectures, seminars and workshops, which are open to public at large.

Upcoming and Regular Events

A poetry night with honored guest/speaker Dr. Esmail Khoi

Iranian Cultural Community of Austin (ICCA) invites you to Poetry night. Join us for a poetry night with honored guest/speaker Dr. Esmail Khoi. Dr. Khoi will be speaking on "Persian Poetry on the turn of the Century".
Time: Saturday January 29, 2000 @ 7:00 PM
Place: St. Andrew's Church (see directions below)
Speaker: Dr. Esmail Khoi
Admission: Free
Directions: From Hwy I35, go west on Wells Branch Parkway.
Turn right at first light (Wells Port)
Take the first driveway on your right to the church parking lot
For more info. please call: 251-3129

Registration for Persian (Farsi) Classes - Fall 1998

The Iranian Cultural Community of Austin will begin registration for those interested in learning Farsi/Persian on Wednesday Sept. 9, 1998 at 6:00 PM. Registration will be located at St. Andrew's Church, located at the intersection Wells Branch Parkway and Wells Port.

Farsi classes will be held once a week on Wednesdays, from 6:30 - 8:00 PM at St. Andrew's Church.

For more information please call: 251-3129 or 339-4060 and ask about Farsi Classes by ICCA.

Poetry, Songs, and Music, Spring 1998
Performed by:
Sohrab Andisheh and Noushindokht

Mr. Andisheh is an internationally acclaimed virtuoso of guitar and songs. Mr. Andisheh and Noushindokht creatively perform songs with Rumi's and Omar Khayyam's poems while playing guitar.

Mr. Andisheh and Noushindokht have performed several concerts in Canada and the United States. Recently, they had a successful concert in Dallas which received a great deal of attention.
When: Friday, May 8, 1998 at 7:30pm
Where: St. Andrew Church located on Wells Branch and Wells Port corner.
Ticket: $10 (students $5), Tickets are available at:
Phoenicia Bakery (447-4444),
Chelo kabobi at Northcross Mall (459-4595), and
Oasis Mediterranean Cafe (251-5777).

Children under ten years of age are not allowed.

Information: 251-3129

Center for Middle Eastern Studies, and Iranian Cultural Community of Austin presents:
Persian Classical Music
performed by
Reza Derakhshani
Marjan Vahdat
Time: 8:00pm, April 4, 1998
Place: Burdine Auditorium (BUR 106) at UT

Mr. Derakhshani is an internationally acclaimed virtuoso of the tar, the sehtar, and the ney and a vocalist. He has performed widely in Europe, Canada, and the U.S. at major universities and concert halls. In addition, he has performed live on numerous radio and television networks and stations, including the BBC, ABC, WNPR, WKCR, KUT, and WPKN. He has recorded for films and has collaborated with well-known musicians, including Branford Marsalis and Richard Horowitz, and dance companies, including the Cynthia May Dance Company in New York and the Gift Festival in Russia. Most recently, he recorded vocals and instrumentals on a Deepak Chopra project with the voices of Madonna, Demi Moore, Goldie Hawm, and others. He is also an internationally recognized painter whos work has appeared in exhibitions in Europe and the United States.

For this performance, Mr. Derakhshani will be accompanied by vocalist and daf player, Ms. Marjan Vahdat.

Persian New Year Celebration

Unforgetaable Evening
Sing & Dance with Live Music by "Persian"
Friday, March 20, 1998 at 8:30 P.M.
Red Lion Hotel

Tickets available at: Phoenicia Bakery & Deli (512) 447-4444,
Taco Ariba & Chelo Kabob (512) 459-4595, Oasis Pizza (512) 251-5777

Adult $20, ($25 at the door), Children under 5 free, under 15 half price.

Speaker: Dr. Farhang Rejaii

Topic: Social and political Literature, our cultural perspective
Time: Saturday 7th February 1998, 7:30 p.m.
Location: St. Andrew's church, corner of Wells Branch Parkway and Wells port

Dr. Farhang Rejaii is a professor of political science in Charlton University, Canada. He has numerous publications in topics related to cultural, political and social events in Iran. He is the author the following books in English:

1. Iranian perspectives on the Iran-Iraq war 2. Islamic Values and Worldwide: Khomeini on Man, The State and International politics
Iranian Cultural Community of Austin (ICCA) has organized another Poetry Night for Saturday night, September 21, 1997. It is held at St. Andrew Church on the corner of Well Port and Wells Branch Parkway (Just West of Hwy I35 on Wells Branch Pkwy) at 7:00 PM. There is no admission charge.

This program is in two parts. First Dr. Reza Alavi from Dallas will speak about the "Principle scenario in the Persian literature". In the second part Mr. Mohsen Jamal will quote a few of his poems along with "violin" and "tar" play and singing.

Please show your support by your presence.

For more information please send email to

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