Iranian Praise & Worship Music by Sarah at FarsiNet, Farsi Gospel Music by Sarah, Glibert Hovsepian, Rev. Jalil Sepehr, Felix Amirian, Qader Eshpari, Farsi Christian Music by Sarah of the Iranian Church of California
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Iranian-American Friendship Action (IAFA)


To promote understanding, mutual communication and friendship between Americans and Iranians. To bring these two great cultures closer together. To share and experience the best of the two cultures. To understand and cherish each other more.


Each one of us has developed a network of American relatives, friends, co-workers, neighbours, ...


After all, US is our new home, and most of us, if not all, plan to live here for a long time.

[ Main Page | First Party, Feb 98 ]

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God  IS  Love ... خداوند محبّت است
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