Perfect Unconditional Love - Source of ALL Love in the Universe Love & Valentine eCards Happy Valentines كارتهاى عشق و عاشقى و ولنتاين Perfect Unconditional Love - Source of ALL Love in the Universe
Man is The Choicemaker. He is by nature and nature's God a creature of Choice - and of Criteria Thus, he is oriented to a Freedom whose roots are in the natural order of the universe.

The Tune of Nostalgia DVD is Released

Winner of San Francisco Film Festival
A Persian (Farsi) movie with English Subtitle
Click for New DVD Released by Joseph Film Production - NTSC DVD of Tune of Nostalgia now available from Joseph Fimls

"The Tune of Nostalgia" directed and produced by Joseph Hovsepian
a 105 minute feature film in Persian, with English sub-titles. The movie is based on
a true story of a Refugee, leaving his country, looking for a Refuge     ...     P.O. Box 3601, Burbank, CA 91504
Call Joseph Films Production to Order Tune of Nostalgia DVD by Credit Card (818) 845-4091     ...     Joseph Film & Animation E-Mail

Mention "FarsiNet" when ordering to reciev special discount or Free shipping.

Every year thousands of refugees leave their country in hope of fulfilling their
dreams abroad.
This film is the story of their shared experiences, their idealisms,
their realities and
their cross confrontation with western culture.

Click below for Ordering Information
The Tune of Nostalgia - a movie directed and produced by Joseph Hovsepian


Film Trailers / Previews:

Following trailers are in windows Media Player format.
If you have a Low speed connection, fist download the file and then play it from your computer.  (to Download: Right Click and select "Save as" )

Copyright © 2003-2025 Joseph Hovsepian & FarsiNet Inc. (092203 97116 )

Perfect Unconditional Love - Source of ALL Love in the Universe Love & Valentine eCards Happy Valentines كارتهاى عشق و عاشقى و ولنتاين Perfect Unconditional Love - Source of ALL Love in the Universe

Prayer Alert:  Please lift up Iran and Iranians in your prayers
Please pray for the Iranian Leaders - for Wisdom and an encopunter with Jesus
Please pray for the safety of those arrested and for families of those killed

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